Prince equals HDS?

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I was the person who brought Vlad the Impaler and Hitler into the equation, and I did not mention that Prince would have had to of had physical contact with them or HDS.
What I did say was that Prince was evidently looking for someone who could share his joy of pain and suffering (he thought that Xev would suffice when asking her to become his queen…she refused), so when he arrived on Earth he may have found someone and gave them the gift of reincarnation.
So that person could become Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Hitler and HDS, but then after Prince had found his envoy on earth, he never had physical contact with that person again. As Prince knew that this person would continue to do as Prince would without his help, maybe Prince was in fear of no longer existing and needed someone who would take his place in this eventuality.
As for Water, it would be possible to say that the planet itself was good, and did not require a physical presence to manifest itself. I think Prince knew that mankind was inherently good, and it was his job to promote evil in mankind. He could not change the goodness on water and needed somebody to destroy it, so that good and evil would become one on earth, i.e sharing the souls of man. Where on Fire and Water were two completely separate entities, Prince just could not stand the fact that he could not infect Water with pain and suffering as the people of Water were just reborn again on Water…and he could not torment them, thus he hated them.
As we know the people of Fire were not reborn, they suffered for eternity, there was one that could be reborn…Duke, he may have been Princes first attempt at having a partner to share his passion for pain, but he turned on Prince.
The other people that were alive on Fire, could have been allowed to live and be reborn so that Prince could see if they could be his partner, the others being needed for him to fufill his plans.
*Possible link for HDS, Prince and the insect wars:
I think that HDS may have been the result of genetic manipulation on the part of Princes creation, as he looked to become more powerful than just a man, this could tie in nicely with a terrible future for mankind.
HDS like Hitler obviously had a penchant for experimentation, it could mean that the insect wars were the results of experiments by the first HDS where he started turning men into insects, like himself.
