Re:Good News, and Very, Very Bad News
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Now comes news from the mira-f yahoo group that, in response to a quesion about TMoS, Mira Furlan, at Visicon in Missouri during the weekend of Feb 19-20, 2005, revealed that there would be no movie for the time being:
[quote]Question and answer session at VisionCon – I think someone asked the question – she said “It’s dead” and something to the effect that jms would probably try to resurrect it at some point. She didn’t elaborate much more than that, at least not in public. And it’s basically what she repeated to various people who asked the question of her at the autograph table – I was sitting next to her the entire time she was autographing.[/quote]
This kinda conforms to the vibes we all have been getting from JMS’s latest posts – that Wb features was not happy with the way things were shaping up.
Maybe the good news is that WB television will take advantage of this. That surely is the only good side to the movie cancellation I can see.