Re:How to be a Good Poster, Part 1

Forums Discussion Forum Help How to be a Good Poster, Part 1 Re:How to be a Good Poster, Part 1


It is a cool test forum; neat addition, and a good suggestion.

Some great advice on starting off on the road to good posting, Jhevz. Sorry if I move over into the territory of later “How to be a good poster” threads…

For new members and old members alike, something obvious to bear in mind is that to be a good poster one must post. 🙂 And in becoming a better poster (improve your posting ability), one may have to post more (practice makes perfect! Hehehe). I won’t get into the quantity versus quality debate since one can have BOTH! 😛 Now flooding/spamming is bad of course. Here are some simple and obvious criteria for being a good poster:

Respect the other members: Try to take a genuine interest in the other members, and what they have to say. Try to make them feel comfortable and at home. Be quicker to praise than to chastise; quicker to laugh than to show anger (you’ve heard all the cliches before. 😉 AND… Have fun!!!

You certainly don’t have to agree with them (discussion is very flat and boring when everyone agrees with each other), but at least carefully consider what they say (don’t just automatically dismiss it), try to keep an open mind; be considerate. Feel free to loosen up and enjoy the ride — can have fun and learn something at the same time!

Oh, and as this is a sci-fi site, it couldn’t hurt to discuss sci-fi too! 😀

Fortunately, the people here are almost always considerate, entertaining, and informative — great site, and a great community.

In the immortal words of Spinal Tap, “We’re in this together!”