Re:I had fanfic for Galactica…but the forum died

Forums General Sci Fi Original Science Fiction I had fanfic for Galactica…but the forum died Re:I had fanfic for Galactica…but the forum died

mandara k

A musical voice chuckled behind the white field.

” Oh Lee, such ceremony, I’ve known you longer than anyone.”


“You don’t remember, I know. Just call me Maman then, that’s what this brood does.” The warm breeze began lifting the sheet higher and Lee could see now a length of thighs covered in folds of linen and then two chubby legs cradled in slender arms.

“Come, Let us talk.”

Lee ducked under the billowing mast neatly pegged to a thick line. He started when he saw the figure of a tall, statuesque woman holding a child with a deformed leg. Lee also noted scarring on the child’s features and the eyes of anger and hate. Shuddering, Lee shifted his gaze to the placid features of the woman. She was older, yet graceful, her greying hair pulled back softly, and her eyes, though sporting crow’s feet, were lively and very kind.

The child began fidgeting and reaching for Lee, but the lady re-adjusted the tot on her hip and softly but firmly tucked his little arms in hers. “Not Now,” she whispered, and brushed her lips against his peeling brow. With one more whimper as he watched Lee, the deformed boy settled against her chest and sighed.

“I must apologize for Marsy, he can be so impetuous at times, can’t you Marsy- love.” With that said she planted a kiss on a mass of dark curly hair.

“Ma’am, I mean Maman, I’m sorry I don’t know where are I am or who you are. Is this a dream?”

The lady smiled sweetly at him. “of course it is, dear, but you have visited us many times in the past especially when you were a child.
Now look at you, a fine youg man. Turn around and let me look at you.”

Lee sheepishly obliged and after make the revolution, noticed her smiled deepened.

“Your father must be very pleased.”