Re:IMPORTANT – Please read and comment

Forums Announcements/New Stuff IMPORTANT – Please read and comment Re:IMPORTANT – Please read and comment


[quote=”fluffy bunny”]Just a comment- is there a way for registered users to have an options page (or the eqivalent) with the boxes on the sides- eg competition, main menu, calendar etc listed with a checkbox next to them.

Only those checked (plus any new ones that may be added as the site progresses) will load up. The rest won’t. I know u can click the little + next to each but it may be an idea to get rid of those u don’t need- eg calendar etc. It’s already been said different people want different things, but to gove each person more of a choice as to what loads up, you may get the best of both worlds- everyone choses what they want and don’t want to load up).

Anyway keep up the good work.[/quote]

It’s a great idea but I don’t know how to do it!

I’ll see if there could be a way in the future. In the meantime however, it may be possible to design themes that are minimalist. FOr instance, we could have a block with links to the calendar, polls, news archive, book/dvd choices etc. rather than have them as compulsory blocks.

This may help to get around Fatguys points about consideraton for low bandwidth users but also for others who are only interested in certain areas of the site. We could, for instance, have a LEXX theme, it would only (initially) show LEXX news or LEXX forum posts (with [b][i]links [/i][/b]to the others in case the user was interested in checking the other areas of the site).

I’ll have a think about it – cheers for the suggestion