Re:Movie rumors

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[quote=”stormsweeper”]Sorry. 🙂 I was just thinking “Kai: The Whiny Teen Years” wouldn’t be all that interesting. I suppose they could make a movie just of the events told about in “Brigadoom,” though.[/quote]

Oh! and who said Teen Angst wasn’t fun to watch. 😀 Watching MMM Twack playing dad to his own bratty self would be a scream and well worth the price of admission. 😆

Stan and Zev going back in time would be interesting…. except their arrival at that exact time that whiney brat Kai was alive would be a bit of a coincidence yes? Not that is might not work since Xev would finally get some, teen hormones being what they are…. and while they were there they could get the treatment to live forever… helpful if they want to spend the next millennia trying to right evil until whiney brat Kai emerges as grumpy assassin Kai.

Unfortunately this would violate the most sacrad tenet of Lexx, there shall be NO time travel!!!! So sayth the Beans…. long may they live supreme!!!