Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx New Michael McManus Fan board open to all Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all


[quote=”zevalicious”] Perhaps the person advertising the site does post here on a regular basis, but has a different nick for that board for a reason.[/quote]

Gosh I hope not, that would be pretty crappy. I am not fond of people having different nick on different boards. I am old and feeble and I find that very confusing. And I definitely think that a person should not have different nicks an individual board.

You should take a look at the archives of the Sci-fi and KEB boards sometimes, they’re riddled with posts from people alternate nicks, some of them you readily know. ;), not to mentionl this board as well.
Perhaps the folks posting here are doing it for reasons of fairness, not wanting opinions to be formed before the site was seen.
But if you’re not interested, then I guess it’s not worth discussing :)[/quote]

That makes a lot of since; the reason why I use my nick here, theFrey’s &, is Jhevz is more outspoken than I really am; also, this nick gives me inspiration to post more. I also use Keyeo on because I work at a store & can get irritated sometimes & have others with not-so-nice moods on occasion; also, there’s been a person who’s recently thrown up in the store as well as someone crapping in our store. I also use that nick on HDS’s board; on the Sci-Fi board, I use Stephalee & use my own name at Brian’s board.
Since you’ve made a good point, I thought I would clear some of the confusion on why I use different nicks on these boards.

Lexxian to Lexxian,
Jhevz 😉