Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › New Michael McManus Fan board open to all › Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all
[quote=”mmlover”]I am have been a fan of lexx for a long time and my post was not rude. I have highly recommended sadgeezer’s board to other lexx fans over the years and this board has been advertised by fans at other lexx sites. Just because I am new to this board means I am rude to say I love lexx and am letting other lexx fans know about other boards? I see boards avertised here before for lexx usa or lexxathon and things going on there.
I guess not everyone is welcome then. :([/quote]
Yeah right!
[b]You know exactly why your post was rude![/b]
Fatguy is rude, he’s just opened his own forums and has been encouraging members of this site to visit for a few days now. He even does this using the moral backdoor by suggesting that his forum is [i]giving something back to the SadBOARD community[/i]. But he gets away with it because he’s a regular contributor to discussions. he has been for a while and he’s helped make the board what it is today [i](good or bad 😉 [/i])
It’s nice to have members post links to cool sites on this board and I wholly support it. [i][b]But the only reason that you came to this BBS was to post a link promoting your own site[/b][/i]. Maybe I should consider setting up a forum for – “Hey, visit my site!”
Your site is prolly very good and you probably want to promote it with the best of intentions, but leaving posts on someone elses site with the sole purpose of promoting your own is rude.
Maybe it just caught me on a bad day, but rudeness like that irritates me.