Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › New Michael McManus Fan board open to all › Re:New Michael McManus Fan board open to all
[quote=”mmlover”]I am have been a fan of lexx for a long time and my post was not rude. I have highly recommended sadgeezer’s board to other lexx fans over the years and this board has been advertised by fans at other lexx sites. Just because I am new to this board means I am rude to say I love lexx and am letting other lexx fans know about other boards? I see boards avertised here before for lexx usa or lexxathon and things going on there.
I guess not everyone is welcome then. :([/quote]
If you have been recommending this board for years, and you like forums as evidenced by you having your own forum, then why is this the first time you posted? Why was it the first time you posted at Surely there were plenty of opportunities here and at to drool over MM. Personally I dribble for Zev, but that’s by-the-by. 🙂
In fact, it seems very strange that you could be “new to this board” and yet have been promoting this site. Were you recommending something for years that you weren’t familiar with? Or do you mean that you’re a new “member”, but have lurked for a long time?
The problem is that this was your first post, which makes it clear that your express intent in coming here was ONLY to promote your site. IF you had shown any real dedication/enthusiam to/for this site before advertising your own site then we would have been much more forgiving.
To make matters worse, you are advertising a LEXX related forum in a LEXX forum; can be seen as disrespectful, and it’s not like you’ve advertised this forum at your forum. Why would you? You’d just lose members.
There’s a huge SadLinks section here, did you really need to promote it in the forum? You might have always just linked to it in your sig and posted about LEXX here. Would still be kinda rude, as it would still look like you came here to promote your forum, but I’m sure you would’ve gotten away with it unscathed (as long as it’s not pornographic material or illegal activities you’re promoting).
As for Sad mods promoting their sites, or sadgeezers, at other sites. Well, you may be particualrly thinking of, and Sad’s site and have a symbiotic relationship.
This is considered by many to be the official unofficial lexx board. I’ve seen Sad’s site mentioned in the LEXX credits alongside, especially since this site most probably has the best LEXX Guide there is. This site is Beans approved; yes there’s a real relationship there.
On the other hand: Your forum is pretty darned good, and so can understand that you’d want to share it with other Lexxians (especially the Kai droolers). Now who’s gonna start a Feppo and Smoor drooling forum?
Anyway, let’s put this behind us. Welcome to the board, I do hope you stick around and post. 😀 I’m sure you’ll find lots to entertain and interest you here… and believe me, droolers are welcome (the board is covered in triple-ply celophane to make it spittle friendly ;)).