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Reading through all your posts, I found myself to be a little out of my depth. I’d always thought I was well read…but it seems I have nothing on you guys.
But dispite my pitiful lack of experience in this matter, I shall indeed forge ahead – elf-like, in my knowledge of certain destruction.
Right-oh, on with it then:
The lord of the rings movies: wonderful. visually brilliant, not to mention true enough to the original book, yet original in its own way. I love how you’re able to immerse yourself into it, as you are in the books, without the tedious discriptiveness of tolkien’s writing. However, i cant actually say i liked either better than the other. the movies to me were simply an extention of the books. I wonder if that has anything to do with the fact that i read the books after i saw the movies? Probably.
Harry Potter: I have no idea how you could enjoy the movies more than the books. As much as i love the movies in their own right, they don’t come anywhere near the brilliance of the books themselves. And as for the waffling – you’ve got to remember that the series is seven books long. Some things won’t be resolved until the last book. Issues that were brought up in the first book are certainly going to thread themselves throughout the rest to get to their resolution in the last, hence the apparent waffling. You’ve also got to remember the intended audience are quite young. J.K. Rowling (im a terrible speller if you hadn’t noticed – although ignore it if you hadn’t) is I think unique in her ability to really put the reader into the mind of an 11 year old boy. Then in each progressive book, Harry gets older, as does the writing style.
Um… I think i’ve ranted enough about this.
besides, it’s not a thread to debate the pros and cons of harry potter. lol
As for everything else.. I can’t say I’ve read a lot of sci-fi books that have been turned into movies. In actuality, i cant say ive read a lot of sci-fi books at all.