Re:Sci-Fi Anonymous.

Forums Other Forums The Pub Sci-Fi Anonymous. Re:Sci-Fi Anonymous.


[quote=”elmey”]Interesting topic FatGuy, I saw it earlier today but didn’t have time to post. Now I’m back and see you decided to derail your own thread for some reason 😕 Bored?

On to the next subject 🙄 …..


An interesting topic – yes – but one that may have to be “shelved”.

Yes I “derailed it”; after I received several indications that I was about to possibly “upset” many people’s reality….. I had to “ease” into this subject…..posting a thread telling everyone how much I loved them, telling them I loved them at the end of posts, etc.. The idea was to examine the obsessive nature of fandom and the positive and not-so-positive results of such an obsession. I intended to back-off at the earliest signs of possible damage and that has already occurred. Obsession is something I personally have to deal with…..and I feel for those who may find this a trap. I tried; but I am way out of my league here. Apologies to anyone I may have upset. I will now take a back seat in this thread; but if any of you wish to continue – that is up to you…..
