Re:Sci-Fi Anonymous.
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What makes me passionate about sci-fi?
Answer: The folks that are passionate about sci-fi. Never have I met a group of people more fun to be with than you guys and gals (and yes…..sci-fi is one of the few places guys actually connect with women…..and still keep their manhood 😯 ).
Actually, I suspect that (like me 😀 ) many of you are on the edge of what most would call “normal behavior”; but this is all quite tame here in sci-fi land. I can actually poke fun at people and only get a poke back. On the gun boards (I am a reformed “gun nut”), if I poked fun at someone, this would be the response: “I know where you live…..and I will kill you.” That does not happen here…..thank God! Perhaps some of you take it a bit far; but I am quite open to your reasons to “live the sci-fi lifestyle.”
There is nothing wrong with trying to escape the ‘Horrors” of the real world, by immersing yourself in sci-fi. I was most enthusiastic about sci-fi during my university years when I was under much pressure to keep my marks up, etc.. However, when I stumbled upon obscure web sites where people talk about the “horror” of some LEXX fiction I wrote, I have to wonder whether these folk may be confusing fantasy with reality. I constantly see this slip from reality into fantasy in the fan web sites, where an out of character manipulation of one of the fictional charactors – results in a passionate response from other members; almost as if that particular interpretation may disrupt the reality of that fictional character in the more obsessive minds. In a nut shell – talking about a sci-fi character “out of character” is forbidden, like these fictional characters actually exist…..
I won’t even get into the people that live their lives in sci-fi land (like that woman who goes to work in a Star Trek uniform 😯 😯 ). I work with a Trekkie who owns a communicator and phaser; what would he say if he was caught with these toys by neighbors, etc.. What would he say…..what would you say?
Maurice: P.S. I love you all…..