Re:Sci-Fi TV/Films that are so bad they’re good

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I thought about “Zardoz,” but out of kindness to Sean I left that scab alone. Besides, “Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo” is shame enough. There’s no need parade old ghosts out. At least “Zardoz” had they excuse of being made in the early 70s AND the fact that everyone involved must have been doing some serious drugs. Still, I love the scene where Sean shotputs that woman (well, a floppy mannequin at least).

Also, “Zardoz” has a cult-like cadre of devoted fans–folks who appreciate the film for its “vision” and “message.” Cuckoo! Cuckoo! The last thing I want to do is upset a bunch of nutters who… doh!

Ahem, I LOVE “Zardoz.” It was even better than “Cats.” I want to see it again and again. (Now kindly put away your guns).