Re:Sci-Fi TV/Films that are so bad they’re good

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Wow, opened up a can of worms with Zardoz huh?
I think The Man Who Fell To Earth is pretty cool, for rather baser reason. It’s got loadsa 70’s hippy chicks getting nekkid. Plus it rates as one of the few films ever to make me wince – when David Bowie gets his nipple cut off.
However, a film that all my friends resolutely maintained was crap but which (many years ago at the tender age of thirteen) I thought was ineffably cool was [i]Robot Jox[/i]. Giant fighting robots – wow. Course, this was before things like the Power Rangers had come to the uk, so it was like wow, here are theses huge Transformer type ‘bots, but they’re real and stuff! Course on the down (up?) side there was a scene where a woman GenJox suddenly sprouted a massive moustache mid-way through a roundhouse kick but hey….

I haven’t seen it for many years, so I may have a somewhat rose-tinted remembrance.