Re:Science Fiction Book Club’s top 10

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By the way, here’s the [url=]Sci-Fi Lovers[/url] top 200 sci-fi books list.

(The last time I posted a link to their top 100 sci-fi shows it led to much furrowing of brows, gnashing of teeth, kicking of heels, banging of fists, and beating of chests 😉 — the list was/is hardly canon; best not to take such polls terribly seriously…)

Their top twenty (author first):

1 Herbert, Frank: Dune
2 Card, Orson Scott: Ender’s Game [S1]
3 Asimov, Isaac: Foundation [S1-3]
4 Gibson, William: Neuromancer
5 Le Guin, Ursula K: The Left Hand of Darkness
6 Heinlein, Robert: Stranger in a Strange Land
8 Niven, Larry: Ringworld
9 Heinlein, Robert: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
10 Pohl, Frederik: Gateway
11 Orwell, George: Nineteen Eighty-Four
12 Haldeman, Joe: The Forever War
13 Miller, Walter: A Canticle for Leibowitz
14 Le Guin, Ursula K: The Dispossessed
15 Clarke, Arthur C: Childhood’s End
16 Brin, David: Startide Rising [S2]
17 Bester, Alfred: The Demolished Man
18 Wolfe, Gene: The Shadow of the Torturer [S1]
19 Adams, Douglas: The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy [S1]
20 Brunner, John: Stand on Zanzibar