Re:Was Star Trek 1 That Bad?
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Dressed like Liberace, looked like Liberace, and played the piano (well harpsichord) like him.
Trelane was mischievous like Delancey’s character. Children were very rare in the continuum, and Trelane was a naughty child with parents. Q had a child with his very long-time Q partner in Voyager. One might think they were the parents (space/time as we know it means little to the Q, so the timeframe doesn’t matter).
I heard there was a Star Trek book where it was confirmed that Trelane was a part of the Q Continuum, but I don’t think it’s canon. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Q idea came from his character (still there were several powerful races in Star Trek TOS — Apollo, the cat witch lady, that guy who gave the kids powers (a gorgon?), and one that gave a human boy called Charlie powers).
Personally, I don’t think so. Trelane’s powers came from a device behind his mirror… I don’t know that the Q require technology for their powers — seems innate to them. Also skeptical due to the lack of children in the continuum.
The original Star Trek’s had so many great episodes… It had its weaknesses, but I really think it’s about the best sci-fi series ever. Never grow tired of it — the stories were so imaginative.