Re:Was Star Trek 1 That Bad?

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Charlie X was on Space channel this week.
It has an idea close to “It’s a good life ” by Jerome Bixby … that was later a Twilight Zone Episode in the original series.

ST- TMP filled a long void from 1967 to 1979. It sure took a long time for the industry to react to scifi fans. Why was that? It still took another 8 to 10 years for ST-TNG.

What’s up with all that? Be scifi fans not human? If you prick us do we not whirr and beep?
Does anybody understand this? What was the process?
Is scifi now part of the mainstream? Or do we still shuffle our feet in the house of TV?
ST-TMP very good, has a very cosmic theme. Man’s search for the creator. We were all glad to see them come back and .. remember Kirk’s last line..

Marcy Lafferty (Chief DiFalco): Heading sir?
William Shatner (Kirk): Out there… thataway.

“Spock and V-Ger’s relationship — great. The Decker/Ilia relationship really got to me.” I agree, also the willingness to be merged into a new life form was a classy idea.
None of : “kill the BEM” standard.

Some information from Alpha Memory:
The plot and script emerged from the failed pilot for Star Trek: Phase II, “In Thy Image”.The film was adapted as a novel and as a three-part comic.

Saucer Separation
Throughout most of the filming of The Motion Picture, a final ending story had yet to be developed. Designer Andrew Probert provided the producers with his own script suggestions for a visually dramatic conclusion, and storyboarded the key event. For the record, the possibility of the original Enterprise’s undergoing a saucer separation was first mentioned in the original series episode The Apple. But it was not until the pilot episode of The Next Generation that the maneuver was finally depicted.

The Walk to V’Ger
Twenty-two years after The Motion Picture appeared in theatre, the film was re-released as it was originally intended to be seen. The Director’s Edition added a new sound mix and new scenes to Robert Wise’s classic film, but one of the most notable changes from the original version is the stunning addition of new visual effects, specifically in how the mysterious craft V’Ger, is revealed. Since the walk to V’ger scene was the climax of the movie, it was important to convey a sense of the extraordinary and fantastic by using the new visual effects to complement the original film rather than overwhelm it.

It’s interesting:
There seems to have been 9 episodes prepared for Star Trak II with Willim Shatner, but I think only the first was aired (as the movion picture). apparently Star Wars had something to do with killing the series.

Where are the other 8 episodes?
In a vault somewhere? Pity!