Re:Was Star Trek 1 That Bad?

Forums General Sci Fi General Sci Fi Stuff Was Star Trek 1 That Bad? Re:Was Star Trek 1 That Bad?


[quote]The Wrath of Khan brought back the ST ethos, examination of humanity, the wonders of discovery, and revisited mistakes of the past. [/quote]You for got to close with “… and blow the sh1t out of them.”

ST:TMP was a beautifully made film which veered more towards TNG stye story telling. Pickard would elect to have a conference and discuss diferences to find a solution whereas the original Kirk would release a broadside of photon torpedoes then talk about his angst later.

My verdict
TMP – excellent film, good story well told. Lots of things to think about.
TWoK – excellent ‘shoot em up’, oh if those effects had been available during the series.
The Rest – steadilly downhill from there. The whales were fun, light entertainment. Uhura dancing seductivly on a sand dune – oh please!