spoilers, thoughts, x-post

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Originally posted by Squishi:

I wouldn’t say that Water was Heaven, but I don’t think you could call it Purgatory either.
Purgatory seems like a place where you would still suffer, like a place between Heaven and Hell, one where you would spend your time in eternity in a boring waiting room.
Water was too exciting to be considered boring, I think it would be more likened to Heaven, but then not everything was perfect.
It could be that Water was just good, but not Heaven, and that Fire was just Evil and was not Hell.
Squishy [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

It’s been a looong time since catechism, but I seem to remember that we were taught Purgatory was like Heaven with the exception that the souls could not “see the face of God”. Don’t ask, I stopped practicing the religion I was raised in as soon as I realized I would never be any good at it. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

But it could explain why Prince had no counterpart on Water.

Now, how many Brunnen-G can dance on the head of a pin? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]