Posted 1st January 1970
by Headgehog
The sad state of sci fi
› Forums › General Sci Fi › Sci Fi Angst › The sad state of sci fi › The sad state of sci fi
23rd November 2001 at 3:01 am
Originally posted by SadGeezer:
LEXX has gone all anal (or smelly) and even the new Enterprise has gotten a little boring.I’m desperately trying to console myself with Red Dwarf re-runs and Stargate until something good comes along.
I guess you were about as disappointed about hte premise of Bad Carrot as I am.
Enterpise started out looking great, but recently it seems like its just a continuation of Voyager.
I love SG-1. Is there any chance of adding a SG-1 section or thread? I can try to put something together if you’d like.