Top 10 LEXX Episodes

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DalekTek790 And how could you like Love Grows? It’s a stupid and scientifically impossible plot and the worst episode of the second season.

Ok, Dalek, I’ll bite. While Love Grows is hardly my favorite, I do like it. The plot is not what I would call “original,” but nor is it stupid. It’s classic role-reversal. Unsubtle, yes, but very funny. I think the leads and the guest cast do great jobs in this episode, and the fact that it’s a lot less brutal than some of the other sex farce episodes (say, Luvliner or 791) adds a lot to its appeal. As for scientific plausability… I don’t expect that from Lexx, otherwise I would have some serious problems with, oh, seeing stars light years away disappearing as it happens in Patches in the Sky or Kai just plugging a woman’s heart back into her body in 791. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]