Vlad the elder=Time Prophet

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Vlad the elder=Time Prophet Vlad the elder=Time Prophet



Originally posted by DalekTek790:
..And speaking of sadistic personalities, hello, Squish.

Ahhh, a DT reply that resorts to name-calling and arrogant “I know more about the show than you do, you casual viewer” attitude. Par for the course, really.

quote[quote]My thesis here is: His Divine Shadow was a reasonable and logical antagonist until his essence entered an uncleansed human host.[/quote]

You’re changing stance mid-stream again, DT. Your thesis was that HDS was good and honorable. Reasonable and logical are not the same thing. And I’d still take issue with “reasonable.” Of course, lying and genocide are *always* reasonable, honorable and good.

quote[quote]You seem to agree with that, but say you disagree with what I’m saying. What do you disagree with? I don’t understand. [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img][/quote]

Well, since you’ve changed stance mid-stream, it’s hard to pin down exactly what anyone is disagreeing with.

quote[quote]when I start following a sci-fi series, like [i]Star Trek[/i], [i]Doctor Who[/i], or [i]Lexx[/i] I get *really* into it. I notice the subtle nuances of [i]Lexx[/i] that more casual viewers overlook.[/quote]

I could make a statement about obsessive types reading their own personal meaning into innocuous entertainments, but it’s too obvious. Let’s just say that I’m glad that he’s not listening to the White Album and living out on Spahn Ranch in Death Valley.

quote[quote][QB]And will you stop saying I’m arrogant?!? [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] You have no basis for that statement. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] QB][/quote]

Don’t make me pull out the list of evidence again, DT. And you’re one to speak of statements without basis…
