Posted 1st January 1970
by theFrey
Walpurgis Night – 4.07 – Vid Caps are up
› Forums › Cult Sci Fi Series › Lexx › Walpurgis Night – 4.07 – Vid Caps are up › Walpurgis Night – 4.07 – Vid Caps are up
26th August 2001 at 8:07 am
Was it just me, or was Kai too into being vamped for a Dead Dude.
He did not exactly look ……disinterested. In fact a few times he seemed to look quite pleased. I have one I am going to put up on the kaption page, where he looks like he is positively digging it. IMHO anyhow. [img][/img]
Creator of the Kai Klone Doll and the Kai Kaption Screensavers [url=][/url]