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Originally posted by Grim:
Sorry ADM but I think buffy and angel are cult too. It’s just that they have made the cross-over into the mainstream because they are such good show.
Now the same can be said for LOTR but I think it would have a limited live span as the last one is out this. I do understand your point as I would love to talk Tolkien as well.

[ 07-01-2003: Message edited by: Grim ]

I don’t think the request was just for LOTR, but for fantasy/Sci-fi films in general, so talking points would be longer than just the life of LOTR.
And yes, like I said Buffy and Angel has it’s cult audience, but that is offset by a large mainstream audience, and when you look at it like that then the word ‘cult’ is not as applicable as say Lexx, where the fans weren#t just casual viewers.
But it’s for the gaffer too decide what goes on, but there is a strong srgument for it, as you can compare Buffy an Angel with LOTR in them both having a cult following as well as a casual one.
I think Joss Whedon may have expected just a cult following for Buffy given that the movie of the same name didn’t perform so well, however, after Buffy’s success it must’ve been obvious that Angel would have more than a cult following.