4.12 Kansas (spoiler)

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Farscape 4.12 Kansas (spoiler)

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  • #37808

    This was a very, very cool episode! It reminded me of the fourth season of a certain sci-fi show that used to come on after [i]Farscape[/i] on friday nights last year.

    Okay, the crew of Moya go back in time to 1980’s. The Challenger disaster happened on 28 January 1986. This episode takes place on Halloween night shortly before the disaster. So that means that it must be 31 October 1985. It also means that they will have to wait over a year until 26 November 1986 before they can buy a ticket and see [i]Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home[/i]. But the good news is that it was probably the perfect time to go see [i]Back to the Future[/i] at a discount movie theater. And if they are lucky, they might be able to catch a re-run of the [i]Star Trek[/i] episode, “Assignment Earth.”
    [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Go Teri Garr! Funny synopsis Flamegrape =)

    I liked/hated this ep. It had so much potential. But suddenly they all can speak English after watching a few Seaseme Streets (God I dont know how to spell Seaseme). My other prob is what you had listed above. I remembered the Challenger vividly even tho I was 9, it was on my sisters b-day it happened. But like you pointed out the show takes place in October 86? At least thats what the synopsis claimed for TV Guide.

    Not to mention you just dont play with Time in Sci-Fi shows. Lexx was always good with that until Vlad. You dont play with Time.

    Assuming this timeline now has to become the mainstream timeline, John has met all the crew of Moya, meaning his reactions to them wont be played out the same way they were the first time around. Changing EVERYTHING.

    No to mention the domino effect. But I guess thats what the 2nd parter will be about.

    And yes I felt sometimes like this was Prime Ridge meets Farscape =(


    Aeryn can speak English but she has been practicing for awhile. Chiana sort of surprised me, but we only see her speak a little to little Johnny, and thus may not know that much. Remember she’s the one who taught D’Argo. And Rygel never spoke English that I could note. Granny seems to have been able to speak it, but she’s also laughed at a Star Trek joke Crichton made before, so I’m not sure what to think.

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