a minor niggle?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Stargate SG-1 a minor niggle?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 22 years ago by Anonymous.
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    i was talking to a friend at work the other day about the show, and he’s been a fan of SG1, but hasn’t watched the last season particularly. he was commenting on how he had seen bits of an episode in which earth had its own spacecraft and was flying to the stars. he was wondering if it was some kind of episode set well into the future, as from what he remembered from what he’d seen previously we were a long way from creating such a craft. it was the episode we’ve seen recently on Sky One, where the hyperdrive breaks down on the X-303 (Prometheus). i could only sort of expain where the ship came from, as to me, it only appeared several eps before….but where did it actually come from? it seems sometimes that things aren’t properly expained in the show, and things like the X-303 just appear, with no real background story to them. we can only guess as to how they managed all that reverse-engineering lark, and where exactly they managed to pinch the tech from….as well as how they managed to keep such a massive project secret, in both the financial and practical sense. there were also some comments Daniel Jackson made in the finale about the origins of the Ancients, that seemed almost throwaway in the way that they came across, but so important as we have been wanting to know about them for so long!! i realise that such things can be, and hopefully will be, dealt with in more detail in the future…but all too often i feel we’re left confused and dangling by the way the show is put together! if anybody out there actualluy understands what the hell i’m going on about, do you agree?


    I know what you mean. I am only guessing and probably making excuses for them but maybe the creators are so close to each episode that it all makes so much sense to them, why elaborate? They probably know that we who are interested take note of the details and require depth of continuity but there is a lot to cram into yet another cool season. 🙂

    A -DM

    The X-303 was not actually back engineered from from anything the SGC had in their possesion, it was created from what they had learnt from the four ships that SG-1 had captured, the two death gliders and the mistakes learnt from retro-fitting them, the captured mothership that went down with Apophis, and the Asgaard ship that crash landed in the ocean on Earth. Sam had already built a naquita reactor, so they just needed to make a larger version for the X-303.
    As for the ancients, well I guess that they still wanted them to be a mystery, but now they have this tablet that shows the way to an Ancients city, they may learn more about them, especially as this city may have the only weapon capable of stopping Lord Imhotep…sorry Lord Anubis (the costume Anubis wears is almost identical to the costume worn by imhotep in the two mummy films!).


    We are not worthy A-DM, cool 8)


    it was perhaps obvious that they could have only built the X-303 from what the SGC have learned from the likes of the various craft that they’ve had in their possesion. however perhaps a lot of my point is that we’ve pretty much been left to come to these conclusions on our own- we know that they’ve been not-too-successful with the likes of the death-gliders which points out that the SGC are working on craft capable of interstellar flight. but there’s one HELL of a difference between something like a death glider, and a ship like the Prometheus. it would be one big scientific and engineering achievement, and it seems like it has been just dumped on us- it seemingly appeared out of nowhere. i would have liked to have seen more in the show dealing with the fact that they were building it before it actually appeared. its appearence wouldn’t have been so difficult to swallow that way.

    A -DM

    Sam did actually explain the origins of the X-303 during the mission where the hyperdrive went belly-up, it was very brief and probably the only time it was mentioned, so it’s no surprise if you missed it.
    I think the secrecy thing and the surprise entrance of the Prometheus is in keeping with the show, for instance there are many things SG-1 are not aware of that go in the higher echelons of power.
    Take the NID, the SGC and SG-1 only become aware of their plots by stumbling across them or when Harry Maybourne can’t keep his trap shut!!!, in fact the only person whoever seems to know what is going on is that snake in the grass Senator Kinsey…oh and Q (John De Lancie).
    But having the X-303 seems fairly pointless, it would be useful if any SGC team got stranded, but it would get it’s a** kicked if it went up against a Hatak, and god damn…it is one ugly ship!!!


    it’s a funny old game….. one minute the X-303 is little more than a rickety old bucket, barely able to fly…(and you’re right-it looks like one, too!) next (within a couple of episodes) it’s ready to go where no man has gone before (!), complete with dedicated crew!!. perhaps once the thing was up and (barely) running, and having at least proved itself to some degree (the Asgard mission) at least once, the SGC may well have decided that it was time to put the ship into service. i think that may well prove to be an unwise decision- i can’t see it standing up to a full scale scrap, especially not with what weapons Anubis now has at his disposal…unless they find the city of the ancients, and further equip the ship from what they find there….that may be the point of sending it out as it is now, as far as the series is concerned.

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