About the universes-The Game spoiler

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx About the universes-The Game spoiler

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    This information comes from Den Valdron of Lexxplorations:
    According to the script for Game, an upcoming LEXX episode (I managed to
    look through it for Gametown) it appears that there are ‘partial universes’
    in addition to the big two. It appears that Earth is the center of the Dark
    Zone, so these partial universes, realms which did not fully coalesce, are




    What’s the url DT?



    Originally posted by DalekTek790:


    valdron of ‘lexx vs farscape’? wait till you see this guys!if it is even half as good as the cuts we saw, it is easily as ambitious and complex as any other scifi movie or book we have loved…all the characters of lexx in a giant chessgame ( a la alice in wonderland), being ‘moved’ by kai and prince in ‘another dimension’ ,for the stakes introduced in ‘bad carrot’…i am most fascinated by this episode; i really think this one could earn lexx ‘serious’ consideration in the realms of scifi rather than just cult status…i just hope noone screws it up…love fx [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    Sounds like the Beans are playing with the ‘Multiverse’ theory, and certain inflationary models of the universe.

    Particle physics and cosmology and Lexx. Yeeehaa!



    Originally posted by Hypatia:

    Sounds like the Beans are playing with the ‘Multiverse’ theory, and certain inflationary models of the universe.

    Particle physics and cosmology and Lexx. Yeeehaa!

    Actually, it looks to me they’re just making things in [i]Lexx[/i] more like [i]Doctor Who[/i]. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    Dennis G. Valdron is the author of the Darrow files at Lexxplorations. Great sources of speculation on things Lexxian (rather akin to what I do here [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] ).


    This sounds like it’s going to be an incredible episode. I can’t wait to see it.

    And Valdron is an absolute fount of Lexxian tidbits and trivia and speculation. His stuff always makes for interesting reading.



    Originally posted by Doffy:
    …Valdron is an absolute fount of Lexxian tidbits and trivia and speculation. His stuff always makes for interesting reading.

    [b]Paul Donovan said that Valdron knew more about Lexx than anyone he could think of. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img][/b]



    Originally posted by Doffy:
    This sounds like it’s going to be an incredible episode. I can’t wait to see it.

    And Valdron is an absolute fount of Lexxian tidbits and trivia and speculation. His stuff always makes for interesting reading.

    Ditto on seeing that episode.

    Yes I do love hearing his thoughts on Lexx. I liked/agree with his theory that Brizon was on of the Ericans rescued off “that over ehated rock” by the ostral-b, along with Mantrid. Those two then designed the lexx, whose plans were interecepted by the Divine Order… and the rest is lexx history.


    Well I saw that title on an episode list and I immediately thought it had something to do with Mantrid (remember the game from series 2), of course I might just be WFR’ing myself- heh I always thought Mantrid was a cool badguy (lol and then came series 3…and I discovered a REALLY cool bad guy hehe)

    I hope Space starts sending out the love again soon though…looks like series 4 reruns well into January > [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by Headgehog:
    Yes I do love hearing his thoughts on Lexx. I liked/agree with his theory that Brizon was on of the Ericans rescued off “that over ehated rock” by the ostral-b, along with Mantrid. Those two then designed the lexx, whose plans were interecepted by the Divine Order… and the rest is lexx history.

    I don’t agree with the Brizon thing. I know Brizon claims responsibility for the Lexx, but I don’t trust him. I mean, he clearly had an overblown sense of his own performance, and was bragging about everything. He didn’t seem to think anybody had capabilities anywhere near his level, not even Mantrid (whose abilities he obviously underestimated). Brizon was probably one of like a dozen bio-viziers (they say he was the head bio-vizier, which implies several active at a given time) with a significant role in the Lexx project. He just felt that he was the most important, and that he just short of singlehandedly brought the Lexx into being.

    And there were hundreds, if not thousands of people who could have been responsible for leaking the amino acid codes and later the key. I mean, there was probably a team of bio-viziers, a number of bio-scholars, then menial laborers, technicians, physicists (all the science there isn’t bio) and robots. The Lexx was no little project, that was like the Divine Order’s Death Star. Tons of people must have had the motivation to betray the Cluster, and at least one had the ability (and knowing the Divine Order probably about 2,000 people were executed over the ordeal).


    Eek! I didn’t realize I was going to be quoted on this Board. The Salter Street folks seemed a bit touchy about spoilers. Personally, I’ve tried to avoid knowing much about episodes that I haven’t seen yet, so as to allow me ‘fresh’ enjoyment when they finally appear. Kind of a doomed quest.

    On the subject of Brizon, I agree that he’s definitely an unreliable witness. He makes four principal claims:

    1) That “Kai was mine too, you know, undead assassins like him were all under me.” Considering he takes over Kai easily, this seems reasonable. It seems unlikely that he was the Bioscholar originally in charge of reanimating Kai.

    2) That he could restore Kai to life. He later admits this is a lie.

    3) That “Mantrid’s machine is my design…” Mantrid himself admits this, and Mantrid is a supreme egotist. Nevertheless, Mantrid states, “I found the flaw in your primitive designs…” Essentially, Mantrid concedes the design of the machine to Brizon. At best, he merely improved a bit. Considering Mantrid’s personality and his relationship with Brizon, he wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.

    4) “The LEXX is my design…” Unverified one way or the other. We’ve got Brizon making two substantiated claims and one false claim. So, we can respectably be uncertain about this one. On balance, I’d call him more truthful than not.

    Kai calls Brizon the Supreme BioVizier. Its
    a title Brizon acknowledges, but also notes that he was retired.

    If he was the top dog, then on balance, I’m willing to assume he was instrumental in the LEXX project, Project Manager, top designer, yadda yadda.

    Brizon notes that Mantrid was his student, an assertion which Mantrid isn’t comfortable with, but which seems to stand up overall.

    Kai’s memories seem to have Brizon as a retired (deposed?) Bio-Vizier, whereabouts previously unknown. But he knew exactly where Mantrid was imprisoned.

    I found it significant that Brizon was running around loose when Mantrid was imprisoned. Somehow, from what we’ve seen of the Divine Order, I didn’t think they’d be big on retirement, or letting former assets run around loose.

    My inference from this is that if Brizon was alive and not imprisoned, its most likely that he left the Divine Order and escaped.

    If he did escape the Divine Order, its likely that he bargained with the Heretics, trading information for wealth or security.

    The LEXX project would have been the biggest bargaining chip that he had.

    Ergo, I suspect that Brizon may have been responsible for the security breach that gave stanley tweedle the amino acids he’s captured with.

    Alternately, or additionally, Brizon may have been involved with the Erikans who gave Thodin his key, eight years later, for the last ditch attack on the LEXX. He may have been one of the Erikans, unlikely, since they were described as ‘bio code specialists’ or he may have taken staff with him when he escaped, including the Erikans.

    Whatever happened, Mantrid got left behind and immediately or afterwards imprisoned. I think its reasonable that, being the Divine Orders most brilliant mind, he may have been needed for the LEXX project after Brizon’s escape.

    The most curious question about Mantrid is why he was allowed to live at all after his apparent usefulness had ended. The Divine Order seemed to be much bigger on dismemberment and execution than imprisonment. My best guess is that Mantrid was kept alive because Brizon was running around loose and a potential danger.

    Anyway, excuse my ramble…

    Ultimately, I’m all but certain the beans hadn’t thought this through to any great extent, and sort of made it up as they went along on many matters. But having said that, this is my take on the textual cues we have…


    And yeah, I’m the “Lexx vs Farscape” guy
    among other lexxtasies.



    Originally posted by :
    And yeah, I’m the “Lexx vs Farscape” guy
    among other lexxtasies.

    welcome [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] and thank you for posting!…i saw that you had registered, and i assumed you were lurking occasionally like many…we draw upon several sources here, feel free to come and clarify ,amplify, or just be silly with us [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    we do try to avoid ‘spoiling’ the unseen episodes; unfortunately the variety of airing schedules makes it hard not to spoil something for somebody, so we at least mark spoilers as such [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]…love your site , fx


    Actually, the site belongs to Flare (Joules Taylor) and is called LEXXplorations. She’s generously put me up there and collected a lot of my essays and timeline in the Darrow files. But the site is intelligent and well written with interesting discussion regardless. That’s why I started sending stuff there.

    As for the Sad Board, although I registered a few days ago, my regular computer seems to have trouble accessing it. This is the first day I’ve been able to read the posts.

    Anyway, thanks for the welcome.


    Erikans? Does anybody but me find this name significant? Or am I just looking for clues to the end of Lexx where none exist?



    Originally posted by dgrequeen:
    Erikans? Does anybody but me find this name significant? Or am I just looking for clues to the end of Lexx where none exist?

    I think Erika is signifigant but not the way your thinking baout it. They refer to it as an overheated rock, which millions died for. Maybe Erika is an old flame of one of them who turned out to be a real bitch or something.



    quote[quote]Actually, it looks to me they’re just making things in Lexx more like Doctor Who.[/quote]

    I’ve never seen Dr.Who, but I do know that these are real hypothetical models of the cosmos.


    quote[quote]Ultimately, I’m all but certain the beans hadn’t thought this through to any great extent, and sort of made it up as they went along on many matters. But having said that, this is my take on the textual cues we have… [/quote]

    Little did they know nerds would sit around debating this to no end? I’m sure you’re right. I don’t think the Beans realized how seriously Lexx would be taken, or how big it would become, or how wonderfull.

    Welcome to our nutty little corner of the cosmos, Valdron!


    “Do you remember Erico? The only reason that millions, [b]millions[/b] sacrificed their lives for that overheated rock was because two Ericans were bio-code specialists from the Cluster. We fought that war, traitor, so that I could be here today. They died so I could have the key to the Lexx.” -Thodin

    I think we have to take an intermediate position with Brizon’s involvement in the Lexx’s creation and theft. The bottom line is we can’t be sure, there’s too little data supporting or refuting it. We won’t really know until they publish “The Insider’s Guide to Lexx” or “The Divine Order Sourcebook” or some other official guide to [i]Lexx[/i].

    Sorry about that, I suppose I should’ve asked for permission before quoting you here. It’s just that I got some hot spoiler info and had to tell somebody. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    [ 23-11-2001: Message edited by: DalekTek790 ]


    Hey Dalek790. I’ll agree that there’s too little data to draw a definitive conclusion. It may be that Brizon and the two apparent incidents of espionage or security breach of the LEXX (Stan’s codes 8 years before and Thodin’s key) were unconnected to Brizon. On the other hand, there’s no evidence to suggest they weren’t connected. On the whole, I think it is more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing to posit a connection.

    >We won’t really know until they >publish “The Insider’s Guide to Lexx” >or “The Divine Order Sourcebook” or some >other official guide to Lexx…

    Is that a request? I’ll get right on it [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    By the way, I try to avoid series four spoilers, but I’m really really good with ex-post facto spoilers or lost episodes.


    *cat wonders if dtek remembers me asking if he’d ever met valdron..*

    *cat ducks and waits for the implosion*


    ps, is ‘the game’ the chess episode?


    Yes, the Game is the series four episode that is built around a chess game between Prince and Kai.

    The game itself is actually a real 19th century chess game which is apparently famous in Russian circles.

    The game takes place between Prince and Kai in one of the partly formed ‘half universes’ where they go to get away from distractions.

    These scenes were actually shot in Iceland with McManus, Bennet and Paul Donovan himself directing. Apparently, it was fairly blustery and brutal out there.

    But, it was apparently a difficult episode for everyone. Kevin Sollows the storyboard artist said it was one of the most difficult he’d ever had to storyboard. How do you storyboard a chess game and make it look interesting.

    The Chess pieces were full sized, had the faces or identities of people from the series, and had to do weird things like open
    up and produce axes or move around on wheels. So, challenging for the design
    and props and carpentry people too.

    Despite this, the feeling seemed to be extremely positive. Everyone involved thought that this had the potential to be a brilliant episode…


    Well Cat, I’ve been to all three uncons in Halifax, so if you were at any of them, we probably met…


    Unfortunately, I’ve never been to an Uncon (too far to go, too expensive etc), but we sparred on the Lexx Bored a few times.

    I’ve been dreading the day you and our d’tek meet since you’re both capable of writing incredibly long, anal-retentive (what does that mean anyway?) posts.


    Well then Sir, you have the advantage of me. I don’t remember you at all. That wasn’t an insult, but you might take it as such if you have a mind too. And as for ‘long anal retentive posts’… well, guilty as charged. I like to be thorough and careful in my thinking. I doubt that will change.



    Originally posted by Cat:
    *cat wonders if dtek remembers me asking if he’d ever met valdron..*

    Uh, sorry I don’t remember that. I haven’t actually met any of the people I talk to online in person.

    I just discovered the Darrow Files a couple weeks ago and I was amazed with their depth and detail in cataloging the [i]Lexx[/i] universe. I was also struck with the similarity between Valdron’s speculation and my own. So I haven’t known Valdron very long.



    Originally posted by Cat:

    I’ve been dreading the day you and our d’tek meet since you’re both capable of writing incredibly long, anal-retentive (what does that mean anyway?) posts.

    hmmm, i think cat prefers hemingway to dreiser? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] not very gracious cat; if people want to take the time to explain themselves, and not insult or misspell, they should… just skip through anything that doesn’t interest you [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

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