Added: A whole bunch of stuff!

Forums Animated Cult Sci Fi Tripping the Rift Added: A whole bunch of stuff!

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  • #39701

    I’ve gone through my hard drive and have uploaded 11 images to the [url=/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showgall&gid=77]TTR downloads section[/url]. Some of the new files include the original Chode:
    up through the newer stuff like this:

    Additionally I’ve set up a new category for high quality video files of [url=/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showgall&gid=101&p=]TTR commericals[/url]. Up now are two vids; the first video commercial (high qulaity) and the [url=/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showpic&pid=2690&orderby=titleA]newest commercial[/url].[/img]


    I’ve now added the [url=]extended version[/url] of the second ad. Its twice as long, with more Six seduction action!


    I added a new category to the downloads section. It contains about 88 hi-res images from the [url=]Pilot episode[/url].

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