Added: Home Pt 2 Transcript.

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Battlestar Galactica (Reimagined) Added: Home Pt 2 Transcript.

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  • #40620

    Lots of great bits of dialouge in this episode. Lots of info that’s easy to miss. Creating this transcript help clarify a lot of things for me.

    Read it [url=/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=788]here[/url].

    Dialouge heavy episode, with lots of info. Who wants to take bets on how long before it’s pirated elsewhere?


    thanks headgehog,
    well as you said it’s a dialogue-heavy episode, i hope i will find a subtitle in three hours, o/w it will be a watch-read-watch episode for me. or maybe i will watch it to the end and will read the transcript afterwards.

    btw anyone knows after which episode they will have the mid-season break ❓


    Good luck trying to find subtitles this early. English/French/Czech/Bulgarian/Chinese/Spanish usually don’t appear until a few days afterwards. I can send you a properly synced English or French version when I get it in a few days to a week if you want.

    The mid season break will occur after 2.10 Pegasus. Next week is a holiday, so no BSG, but 3 more Fridays of new episodes after that.

    mandara k

    Go Headge! Go Headge!

    uh ha, all right!

    Did you get settled in finally?

    I can’t wait for reviews.

    Yeah sci fi BB mentioned your transcripts so you know others lift them, but you know in your heart of hearts that you be THE MAN! and frak the rest.

    mandara k

    An angel, in a red dress? Are you kidding me? OMG it’s Gabriel from Constantine!

    So they all kissed and made up, except for a few loose ends and they have a direction to go in, oh goody goody.

    I, for one am just glad they finally sewed up the first season and they will be moving on. i found it taxing.

    So, yeah, the Cylons are gonna wipe out all humans and replace them. Is anyone surprised at this?

    OOkay, ready to move on.

    mandara k

    Did they lift your transcripts at frou frou pretty BB? Is THAT the erring site that doesn’t do their own work? 😆 😆 😆

    I tell you it’s amazing who they have leading up fans in the BSG community, I mean that radio show, sitting for an hour wailing about how we shouldn’t let illegal immigrants in the country (I wonder what EJO would say about that) and we she recall troops from Germany to guard our borders (hello, we recall any troops, they go to Iraq for the big show, ya moron) and well, you whine about Capitalists should be left to rule the day, and have a society based on money and power and fame and popularity, then you have to expect those that live in poverty and no hope to gravitate towards that, it’s human nature to want to live a better life and have one for your children and yet to have loyalties to your mother country. America has been this for 200+ years, and you whine about it now.

    If i were sci-fi I’d never back this show and if were RDM I’d never put my ear to it. I’ve heard enough if it, that’s for damn sure. I mean let’s shoot others trying to make a better life while we fritter away ours. Those people that try to get into the States are no better than this hot shot, they live, and feel like the rest of us but they don’t live in a gilded cage. Sometimes that’s what all this feels to me, a gilded cage.

    Sorry, we were talking of the transcript, it just annoys me how blind some are. I want to believe they most people are good and decent, i truly do and most times i do, but I have no time for suck-ups.

    To lift someone’s work is low. To offer only prasie is lying or shows no thought processes are going on. Again, that’s low end of the human range. If you believe those that say that everything you do is marvelous, would you believe them? I wouldn’t. Where is the why or how is it marvelous?

    May be that’s why Gaeta concerns me, please stop making him such an ass-kisser and give him and Dualla an arc of their own.

    After being there i like to be Home at Saddy’s because Saddy’s not a place where praise is handed out if something really sucks.

    And there all kinda sci-fi here, not one show, you can discern good from bad.

    Sorry, OT, but man it’s frustrating, how do improve if you can get the right information?


    [quote=”mandara k”]Did they lift your transcripts at ************? Is THAT the erring site that doesn’t do their own work? 😆 😆 😆

    I tell you it’s amazing who they have leading up fans in the BSG community,

    Yes, that’s them. But I have very purposefully made sure not to mention them by name anywhere. I can not emphasise this enough; I DO NOT want a board war!

    I have made MY peace with the issue, and take solace in the belief that karma is a bitch. I don’t want a prolonged conflict, nor anything to prove how shameless, petty and immature many science fiction fans can be.

    mandara k

    [quote]I have made MY peace with the issue, and take solace in the belief that karma is a £&$*. I don’t want a prolonged conflict, nor anything to prove how shameless, petty and immature many science fiction fans can be.[/quote]

    Amen to that bro, let’s just get on with the biz of talking about the show and leave karma to deal fairly with the situation, what goes around comes around.


    lol, what an episode 😛
    i, for a second, thought that adama would rescue deckard cain 😆


    [quote=”bgfan”]lol, what an episode 😛
    i, for a second, thought that adama would rescue deckard cain :lol:[/quote]

    And i,for a second,thought Roslin would give Billy a hug!

    BTW:Thank you,HH 8)

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