Added – LEXX Season One episode reviews in Russian

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Added – LEXX Season One episode reviews in Russian

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  • #39597

    The reviews from [url=]’Light Spot in the Dark Zone[/url]’, a Russian LEXX website, have been added to the Reviews Section (under L 😉 )

    I have of course recieved permission to do this from the webmaster of the site (who also happens to be my wife 😀 )

    One of the main features of the reviews is that there is a humongous number of scans from the episodes.


    Checked out the site; Hey Saddy, couldn’t you Shanghai theWife and force her to finish your Lexx reviews for season 4? 8)

    The artwork they host is pretty dang incredible especially this:

    No wonder the CGI was so good!

    And I learned my first Russian word:

    CE3OH = Series or Season? 😀

    Thanks for the link, some really cool LEXX stuff there!


    Cool, guys,
    I’ll have to check that out later; since, my parents & I are still having trouble being & staying online, it might bew awhile before I can check those kinds of things out. But as of later on, I might be able to. I Russian Lexx site, cool. 8)

    Lexxians Unite,
    Jhevz 😉


    Just revisited this thread and realized:

    Wow! I think we reach a bigger multi-national audience than most fan sites out there.

    And don’t forget folks, there’s nice lil’ buttons at the top left of the page if you want to read it in Spanish, Russian, or German.


    Cnacibo, Kompag! 😉

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