Added: The Devil and a Guy Named Webster Review

Forums Animated Cult Sci Fi Tripping the Rift Added: The Devil and a Guy Named Webster Review

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    I’ve added the review for [url=/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=586]The Devil and a Guy Named Webster

    I did not like this episode at all. And after I finish typing up all the requisite reviews for it I doubt I’ll ever watch it again.

    If you’ve overseas, I’d recommend that you just wait (even if it may be a few months or years) for this one to air (if you watch it at all), rather then go through the aggravation of trying to download it.

    I’m curious if anyone else felt the same way about this episode?

    [i]I don’t want to give anyone the wrong impression, I’m not giving up on the series, far from it. But this episode just sucked after the first 2 minutes[/i]


    Gosh, sorry to hear that Headge…. um, isn’t a bit early in this shows life to start ripping off other stories for a quick ep?


    It’s definitely the weakest episode so far. Loved the jury selection though! I actually think the timing was good . If you’ve got a weak episode or two, best to pepper ’em out over the mid season.


    The [url=]transcript[/url] for the epsiode.

    After watching the episode again (for the transcipt), I think I may have been a bit too harsh on it. I still don’t think it was very good, but it wasn’t utter crap.


    wow!…i thought it was pretty good!… six looked great in that old west outfit!,but then again,she looks good in just about anything! :wink:… the jury i thought was funny as hell,especialy nixon and hitler ribbing one another! 😆


    [quote=”Headgehog”]The [url=]transcript[/url] for the epsiode.

    After watching the episode again (for the transcipt), I think I may have been a bit too harsh on it. I still don’t think it was very good, but it wasn’t utter crap.[/quote]

    Nah you weren’t overreacting…it was the most boring of the bunch. There are some better episodes coming. BTW this was the last episode animated at Cinegroupe. The rest were mostly done in malaysia. I think there’s another episode that really bites the big one… but I’ll let you guys judge.


    It also seems odd to have a second “courtroom” episode so soon.

    I didn’t care for this ep. Tiresome.

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