..and Billie Piper is to be the Assistant!!

Forums British Sci Fi Series Dr Who ..and Billie Piper is to be the Assistant!!

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    ..or is it Billie Evans? she is still married to the Ginger Whinger? heard the news yesterday about Billie being chosen to be the good Doctor’s assistant. there were vague comments about her using the part as an opportunity to re-launch her pop career…is that a collective (UK) cringe i hear??? 😆 for those of you who aren’t familiar with this particular wailing popstrel’s work, try searching out – Billie Piper- “because we want to” – and you’ll hear what i mean! wonder if she got the part because her hubby has got pots of cash…. 🙄

    fluffy bunny

    Please tell me you’re pulling my leg 🙄 . True there are rumours flying around, but I’ve not heard anything definitive on the matter.

    So much for me thinking the Beeb were employing serious acting talent given the budget they’re pouring into the project.


    well. i heard the info on the local radio station a couple of days ago. (106 Century FM. It’s an East Midlands station, and they’ve got their own website. don’t know if the story will be on there at all, i haven’t had a chance to look). i don’t know where they got the Billie thing from, but i’ve heard showbiz stories like this on there before, and they’re normally pretty accurate. sorry, fluffy bunny….. 🙁


    I think she could be good…there’s none as judgemental as Who fans, I tell ye!!! lol….

    No mod on the Who forum???????????

    A: Ive got broadband
    B: Im unemployed!
    C: Dr Who is my bag!

    C’mon…you KNOW it makes sense…That Lexx bunch’ll vouch for me… 😆

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