Another ‘What was that Show?’ question

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    This was just posted to the FAQ:

    [quote]I remember a show or film when I was a kid, only thing i recall was one guy had a weapon shaped like a “Y”. he sort of held the bottom bit and pointed the prongs at the target and “BOOM”. any ideas? my mates all think I dreamt it but I think not. Oh, and the prongs glowed pink….very sci-fi![/quote]

    Any ideas?


    sorry, can’t help 🙁

    I actually have my own ‘What is that show’.

    I used to watch it when i was a kid. my brother’s and i loved it. It was a cartoon, and i seem to remember someting about a lost space ship, or a city or something. Whatever it was, they were searching for it and would come accross some weird adventures and creatures in their search. The memories are all very vague but I seem to remember we would rush home from school so as not to miss it.


    [quote=”Jennicide”]sorry, can’t help 🙁

    I actually have my own ‘What is that show’.

    I used to watch it when i was a kid. my brother’s and i loved it. It was a cartoon, and i seem to remember someting about a lost space ship, or a city or something. Whatever it was, they were searching for it and would come accross some weird adventures and creatures in their search. The memories are all very vague but I seem to remember we would rush home from school so as not to miss it.[/quote]

    Sounds a little like [url=]Spartakus[/url]


    The Mysterious Cities of Gold!!!!

    thankyou thankyou thankyou!!

    it wasnt spartakus, but they mentioned on that site the above title! coz spartakus is apparently loosely based on TMCoG. and just the name brought back memories. yayayayay.
    sorry, im a little too excited about this. I did a quick search and found a site on it

    go, listen to the theme music. it gave me goosebumps. yay!

    i shall be forever in your debt stormsweeper!

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