Any news about the film?

Forums British Sci Fi Series Red Dwarf Any news about the film?

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    Has anyone heard anythimg about the Red Dwarf Film. I’ve heard that they’ve finished shooting it. Is that right?


    No, thy certainly haven’t finished shooting yet, nor does it look like they’ve started shooting it yet. I read that shooting is not set to commence until September — they’ll be filming in Australia. Doug Naylor only confirmed that it would be shot in Australia in April according to the official Red dwarf site and the BBC. Yep, it seems they are still in the pre-production stage.

    BTW, I can’t wait for the movie!



    BTW, I can’t wait for the movie![/quote]

    I’m surpised you haven’t shared your thoughts about the new Matrix yet. Haven’t seen it? Don’t think its worth commenting on?

    The thing I love about the film is the way it introduces age old questions and themes into the new age mainstream – as evident by all the talk trying to determine what’s real or not, etc across the Internet. For someone like me – and presumably you – the onus is also upon us trying to keep up with the computer program/mer variation of ‘reality’.


    Just haven’t seen the sequel yet. Actually, I was rather put off the Matrix by a philosophy prof who went on and on about it; I didn’t think it particularly profound because it relied so heavily on age-old questions and ideas that we’re so familiar with even if they did place them in a slightly different context, and it was predictable. Personally I felt that the style overwhelmed the substance, and it lacked subtlety. But I still enjoyed it and will rent the sequel — I just wouldn’t consider it to be a philosophical masterpiece of cinema (unlike Zardoz 😉 :P), but as an action flick it was good!

    BTW, if you haven’t seen it, you might quote enjoy Cronenberg’s VR flick [b]ExistenZ[/b] (I didn’t think it was very good though). But I do like films that question reality, like Cronenberg’s [b]Videodrome[/b] and lots of others.


    Why are they shooting it in Australia?


    I’m a smeg head, get me out of here!


    According to Doug Naylor, Red Dwarf was going to be shot in Shepperton in September, but there weren’t available studios. They looked around several European countries without success, but Richard Taylor (the guy who was head of special effects in LOTR) suggested Australia. And Australia has a big movie industry.
    Doug Naylor said, “We’ve been delighted by everything we’ve found out here. Australia’s the sci-fi capital of the world right now. Star Wars, The Matrix, Farscape… It’s the ideal place for Red Dwarf.” Not only is he interested in the studios there, but he’s been scouting out lots of locations for shooting. Much as I love Mad Max, let’s just hope that this movie doesn’t turn out to be [b]Red Dwarf: Road Warrior Clone![/b] 🙂


    the reason australia is the sci -fi capital of the world is – apart from the world standard of our technicians – that we’re dirt cheap! You get more gang bang for your buck. The exchange rate virtually makes us a thirld world nation – I’m surprised that Nike is yet to find its way downunder.


    Yep indeed, as the say, always look for the economic motive.

    Vancouver, and Canada generally, gets a lot of Hollywood productions shooting here due to the favourable exchange rate (coupled with government tax credits), but now with the rising loonie (Canada’s national dollar) and other concerns like SARS (Toronto is another hotbed) we’ve lost a lot of business.

    (And before we also had a problem with the US unions opposing making Hollywood films in Canada.)


    I thought new zeeland was cheapest… 😕
    (not in anyway mentioning the LOTR movies wich I have to say stunk badly)

    what will the movie be aboute?


    Ok, I noticed how that looked… dont give me an anwswer : Red Dwarf

    I just mean WHAT will happen? Lister take cat to fiji?
    or heve he allrerady done that
    (Iw just seen the first episode)


    [color=red]Red Dwarf The Motion Picture[/color]

    From a recent interview with Danny John-Jules (Cat):

    [quote=”Danny John-Jules”]Well… the latest is that it’s definitely going to start filming in the New Year,” said John-Jules. “I say ‘definitely’ but a few years of saying ‘definitely’ is not very reliable [laughs]. That’s the latest that I’ve heard from the horse’s mouth – i.e. Doug Naylor. I can only go by that really. Filming is due to start in Australia on the Gold Coast early in 2004.[/quote]

    The full interview can be found at [url=]Sci-Fi Online HERE.[/url] It’s a really interesting read (he also talks about the failed Red Dwarf USA amongst other things including his acting career, not surprisingly). 🙂

    Nasym: I don’t know the plot details, but if you’re looking for info, you may be able to glean, or deduce some potential plot scenarios at the official site Just click on Movie Deck. I do know Naylor was interested in some of the Australian scenery to use in his alien worlds. I thought it might have a Mad Max Road Warrior element to it — only instead of a V-8 Interceptor, it’ll have a Starbug. 😉 How much of it might actually take place in the movie (if it ever happens) on Earth, I don’t know.

    – Logan the Smeg Head


    quite a few films are shot in austrialia now and pretend it is the USA as austrilia isn’t he most glamourous of locals…

    rimmer rules!


    In the distant future where Homo Sapienoids, a fearsome combination of flesh and machine, and the next stage of human evolution, have taken over the solar system and almost wiped out the human race. The only survivors are the crews of long-haul space freighters that left Earth before the conflict began. The Sapienoids send forth fleets of Death Ships to hunt them down. One by one – the human ships fall, until only one remains. Its name – Red Dwarf


    Ok, lets start this over… of October 2004, does anyone have any (good) news about “Red Dwarf, the Movie”?

    I mean, is this thing ever going to get off the ground?!



    I mean, is this thing ever going to get off the ground?![/quote]

    I don’t think so, personally.

    Quite sad.



    I mean, is this thing ever going to get off the ground?![/quote]

    I don’t think so, personally.

    Quite sad.[/quote]
    [color=red] Well that sux 🙁

    …. I just recently became a smeghead and news of a movie sounded great ….*sigh* ….well, at least the season 8 DVD will be out soon..[/color]


    Well, I think it is now clear that no one is going to finance a red dwarf movie which, in all probability, will not do well at the box office 😥 …which brings me to the next question.

    What are the chances of BBC putting up the money for a season 9 Red Dwarf? I am sure most of us would want to see a continuation of the story…..perhaps along the lines of the now defunct Red Dwarf movie 😉


    It’s all down to funding at the moment.
    As for series 9, its very unlikely to happen, especially considering the quality of series 7 and 8! 😕


    Yep. Ditto the season 7 & 8 comment. Also, the cast are getting on a bit and they looked a little bit podgy in season 8 (‘sept Kochansky o’course). 🙂


    Yea, I really cant see craig playing anyone in their mid 20’s anymore 😕


    they should maybe do a red dwarf- 20 years later, a christmas special or something.

    just the origional crew, still on the dwarf, getting up to their usual adventures and still trying to get back to earth. the funny new twist will be that they are all now sour-middle aged farts. should be funny

    *ring ring* “hello? BBC? yeah ive got an idea for a tv show..”


    some very good news indeed!

    it is very probable that the film will NEVER happen! 8)

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