Babylon 5 in production?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Babylon 5 & Crusade Babylon 5 in production?

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    A hint at the end of a JMS post suggests B5 is back in production

    [quote]Oh, and for the first time in five years, there is an office somewhere in England with the words Babylon 5 on the door….[/quote]

    Good news. Now we need to get some of our English Saddys to head down and camp outside! 😛


    What’s it got to do with the Brits?

    Was Babylon 5 ever produced (or any part of it) produced in England?


    Well, the office is located in England.

    Beyond that I assume he meant it was the first time in 5 years any office has had the words “Babylon 5” on it, this one just happens to be located in England.

    Maybe future productions will come from there? Dunno.

    Here’s the whole post if interested. The tidbit about B5 doesn’t come until the end (like all his spoilers hehe).

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