Babylon 5 versus Deep Space 9
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- This topic has 19 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 6 months ago by
21st February 2002 at 12:25 pm #37636
Keymaster[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
[url=]B5 versus DS9[/url] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
21st February 2002 at 2:39 pm #58388Anonymous
GuestBoth are good shows but DS9 has no Marces but has doc jullin.
both are equly funny but………
I can’t make up my mind!!!
[img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]21st February 2002 at 9:30 pm #58389Anonymous
GuestHehe, That’s a pretty good site 🙂
Personally though, The two shows don’t really compare. Babylon 5 is pure scifi with a gripping story and good characterisation (and een some sexy spaceships) where as DS9 is a soap opera set in space.
One is cult, the other is crap.
{I always get in trouble when bad mouthing Star Trek NG, DS9 and Voyager} – Bring it on! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
22nd February 2002 at 12:05 pm #58390Anonymous
Babylon 5 is better. I like DS9, but I’m tired of all that Starfleet stuff. B5 is funnier and has a more gripping theme to it’s episodes – well, a few weren’t all that good – and so it’s better. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]23rd February 2002 at 2:10 pm #58391Anonymous
Guest[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] i totally agree!!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] B5 is a absolutely awesome show!!!! i am in the process of taping every ep of B5. i most certainly am not doing this with DS9. even though it is the one i like the most of all the Star Trek series, Voyager is second, and as far as Enterprise is concerned…the jury is still out on that one.
btw, Smartass and Darkangel, from reading your post i am wondering it you guys clicked on the link and read the site? it is pretty funny! if not, here it is again.
[img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [url=]B5 versus DS9[/url] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]24th February 2002 at 6:46 am #58392Anonymous
GuestWell, I did read it and I have to agree, it’s pretty funny. You said you were in the process of taping every episode of B5, well, I’m in the process of taping every episode of Series 1. It’s the only series they show here on Austar.
But, a disagreement. Voyager sucks completely. The original Star Trek isn’t that bad, and TNG is better, but my fav Star Trek is DS9 (agreement). One good thing about Austar is that every Staurday night, I can watch DS9 and after it is B5!
I’m not taping DS9 either, though, unless an episode with lots of Julian comes on. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
B5 kicks butt!14th March 2002 at 5:35 am #58393Anonymous
GuestWell I got to agree with Saddy, DS9 sucked big time, it would seem that those that like B5 liked DS9…coincidence?
I’m a big trekkie fan, and as far as I can remember about 8 out of 10 trek fans hated DS9, there was so much debating going on when it finished airing in forums, and the general feeling among most was that they were glad to see the back of it.
You could see they were getting desperate with it, they brought in Worf, feeling that a TNG character might spark life into it (it didn’t) and then attempted to create an enemy to equal Trek’s biggest nemesis…The Borg, and while the Dominion were quite good, they did not convey the same fear as the Borg originally posed.
The biggest clue to DS9’s failure was that none of the cast reprised their roles in any movies (There is talk of Janeway and maybe 7 of 9 appearing in Star Trek X (next movie), and they did not appear in any Voyager eps, unlike Reg Barclay and Deanna Troi from TNG.
Don’t get me wrong, the stories were well written, but there was too much politics and it was not easy to get into a story unless you watched from the beginning as the story arcs would stretch out for a long time, and the staple diet for average Sci-fi nut is eye-candy and a good smattering of action, DS9 for the best part lacked those necessities, choosing to concentrate on inter personal relationships and politics, and it was far too heavy in it’s use of them.
This why Voyager went back to the TNG basics, but the first few seasons were not good on Voyager, so they had to bring the Borg and make them a threat again, throw in a tasty Borg drone and another nemesis tougher than the Borg and the ratings picked up.
DS9 would have solved a lot of problems if it wasn’t stuck in one place, it didn’t take long before most Trek fans were yearning to be returned to a Starship…hence Voyager, and although it was not an overwhelming success, it did do better business than DS9, and that’s a fact for all to see.
Squishy14th March 2002 at 12:03 pm #58394Anonymous
Guestquote[quote] hence Voyager, and although it was not an overwhelming success, [/quote]
Squishy, Voyager sucks completely. Everyone I’ve met who’s into Star Trek agrees with me. As for the Borg, I’m sure it would bring some interest into the show, but, Borg or not, it still sucks.14th March 2002 at 8:48 pm #58395Anonymous
GuestB5 better than DS9? you have to be kidding! i noticed several mentions of special effects and ship design all being in favour of B5, i strongly disagree. B5’s idea of starship combat is lets packa few hunreds ships together and let them fight for a few minutes. Wheres the strategy? where do any of the captain get a chance to show any ingenuity other than who could pack together the most ships? I have had this debate many time with other people and no matter their opinions i continue to believe DS9 is the product of choice. Granted the whitestars are an impessive vesse but it would be nice to see a war constitute more than a skirmish in space.
15th March 2002 at 1:04 am #58396Anonymous
Originally posted by Smartass 2002:
Squishy, Voyager sucks completely. Everyone I’ve met who’s into Star Trek agrees with me. As for the Borg, I’m sure it would bring some interest into the show, but, Borg or not, it still sucks.
Funny that, I remember going to a convention at the Royal Albert Hall (London’s Premiere stage/opera house…it’s where all the biggest events appear)to welcome the arrival of the first TNG movie generations, at the time DS9 was in it’s final days and Voyager was only months away.
The convention had brought in all the stars from TNG for two days, and there was the usual trekkers dressed up, but not one dressed as a DS9 character.
After two you learn what they thought of Trek at the time, DS9 was treated with derision and contempt by the majority, citing that is was not of a Trek feel.
Voyager was also introduced, and the whole place was given a rare glimpse of Voyager, the place went wild with excitement.
Now it is not really mentioned at all, aside from the size of Jeri Ryan’s boobs!!!, yet DS9 still get’s treated the same way, all the trekkers I met I have kept in contact with and they still can’t stand DS9.
Voyager won’t be fondly remembered, but it still doesn’t get the same abuse as DS9 receives, and it seems that most people have lost their interest in Trek, as Voyager is afterthought and Enterprise is not giving them much to change their minds.
The one thing Voyager did have over DS9 was that it had it’s moments, i.e introduction of 7 of 9 and Species 8472, and those moments were aplenty compared to DS9, which is more likened to a soap in space.
I liked Voyager towards the end, but it stank for at least the first three seasons, so I can’t argue too much on your point of it sucking, but saying it sucked when compared to DS9 is a mis-informed statement (I know you didn’t say that, only in case of you thinking that), as do some investigation and you will find that the majority of true trekkers would heartily disagree.
Squishy8th April 2002 at 4:54 pm #58397Anonymous
GuestI hate to be picky, but everyone I know hates Voyager completely, but then, we’re all Australian, except for Alpha, and everyone at that Con would have been English.
10th April 2002 at 6:53 pm #58398Anonymous
It’s widely regarded by most ST fans (that I’ve chatted to anyway) that DS9 was the better ST series. And yet I personally prefere Voyager by a long long way!
As for the ships in B5, they were far better, there was considerably more creativity in their design and as for the tactics of warefare (or lack thereof) what the hell was season 3 and the first six episodes of season 4 about, oh yes, and the last six episodes of season 4 and … oh yes, the last 11 episodes of season 5 etc. Onc eof my biggest critisisn#ms of B5 was that there weren’t enough battles, too much politics and tactics, not enough sexy spaceships.
4th May 2002 at 10:24 pm #58399Anonymous
Guesti liked ds9’s politicks it made feel inteligent cos i understood it, becides i dont go for shows just cos i think actors are atractive thats kinda shallow
5th May 2002 at 4:30 pm #58400Anonymous
GuestFirstly an unrelated point: dark_angel3838, i noticed your sig is wrong. i don’t remember excatly but it was “household god” and “the egyptian god of frustration”.
Secondly, DS9 has the dominian war but B5 has the shadow war. Is there any competition?
NO, B5 is the greatest!!!
26th November 2002 at 10:50 am #58401fluffy bunny
ParticipantHave to admit to liking both to be honest [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]
I preferred B5 in the 1st 3 seasons- political dealings, shadow war, earth conspiracy, religious undertones drawn from buddism and vedic philosophies etc but the last 2 were just plain pants apart from a few select episodes.
DS9 really found it’s feet in its later seasons- eg chosty dominion war subplots, sisko got devious, the move away from the humanocentric orientated message that makes trek so predictable, the fact there was no reset switch at the end of each episode, better bajoran subplots, better characterisation and Worf!. Alright it had an annoying tendency to build up expectation for a battle, only to have it resolved off screen.
[ 26-11-2002: Message edited by: fluffy bunny ]
14th December 2002 at 3:08 am #58402Mr Midnight
ParticipantI can remember hearing somewhere that the B5 idea was originally sent to star trek but they where not interested in a show based on a space station. If this is true it was a good thing for B5 as it freed it from the star trek feel good universe and allowed for a more involved plot that slowly built up through the first few seasons “there’s a hole in your mind” and all that.
The shows are similar but it B5 every time19th June 2003 at 10:32 am #66737Anonymous
Guest[quote] Firstly an unrelated point: dark_angel3838, i noticed your sig is wrong. i don’t remember excatly but it was “household god” and “the egyptian god of frustration”. [/quote]
Don’t worry, she doe sthat all the time… don’t even try to tell her that tobasco should be in a certain quote and not tomato! 🙂
31st July 2003 at 2:53 pm #67509Anonymous
Inactive[quote=”SadGeezer”]Hehe, That’s a pretty good site 🙂
Personally though, The two shows don’t really compare. Babylon 5 is pure scifi with a gripping story and good characterisation (and een some sexy spaceships) where as DS9 is a soap opera set in space.
One is cult, the other is crap.
{I always get in trouble when bad mouthing Star Trek NG, DS9 and Voyager} – Bring it on! 😀 [/quote]
Oh, well said! I do concur. 😀 😀 😀
At the time when they came out they were compared a lot, but, yep, there really is no comparison. Babylon 5 is a great show, Deep Sleep 9 just makes me drowsy.
16th August 2003 at 10:58 pm #67726grumbler
ParticipantIts kinda ironic that the DS9 defenders mostly defend their show by pointing out the seasons when they started to copy B5’s ideas (like the story arc, the ship available to the commander, the secretive but castly powerful enemy, etc). And I happen to agree with them!
DS9 got pretty good towards the end. I think that it didn’t have a final episode NEARLY as compelling as B5 did, but overall it ended on a stronger note than B5 did, IMO.
Of course, we all know that B5’s final season was gutted by the cancellation during the 4th season and the last-minute reprieve.
Imagine what JMS could have done with the DS9 budget though! (drool)
20th August 2003 at 8:38 pm #67779ShadowedVenus
ParticipantNo comparison. Babylon 5 was a REAL show. It was dark, it was intelligent, and it had fantastic character upon fantastic character – Londo and G’Kar, esp the latter, for whom no praise is too great, Delenn, a realisitically feminine character who didn’t have to be aggressive all the time to be deeply cool and successful, but who could be really tough and strong when necessary, Marcus, who was cool, sexy, funny and really, really sweet, Lyta, Vir, Ivanova, Garibaldi, Bester, Byron, and especially Lennier.DS9 tried hard, and is the only one of the vast Star Trek franchise which remains even vaguely watchable for anyone who doesn’t enjoy an anodyne saga of what is obviously a metaphor for the USA imposing its values on the ignorant rest of the universe (as Enterprise OH SO CLEARLY is!), but it still suffers from the classic ST faults of pedestriansim and being unable to let it’s central characters get too nasty. A good example is the episode where Major Kira thinks she is actually a Cardassian. Of course it is revealed by the end of the episode that she actually has just been surgically altered. On Babylon 5, she would have really been one. One of B5’s greatest stregnths is that just about every one of the central characters has done something that just about everyone in the audience will disagree with, but always made their reasons for doing so understandable. DS9 played with this, but the only character it ever had as good as B5 was Garak, who was never really a central character, and even he got a bit nice by the end. It also played with Gul Dukat nicely for a few seasons, but eventaully give up a nice moral conumdrum for a pantomime villain who made a literal deal with the devil. The only down point i can ever really make about b% is its occasional pro-militarism, and the corniness of the dialgoue in scenes with the military. I mean, all of GROPOS!
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