Bebop’s Dragon Con Journal
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- This topic has 18 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 6 months ago by
3rd September 2003 at 4:28 pm #39434
WOW! I have never in my life seen so many people!! Terror! Panic!
The place is huge….it’s like wandering through a jungle. Managed to get lost three times and go in a circle twice. How do people do this?My God!! …..The costumes, from funny to weird; from breathtaking to f*@ked up. The beautiful, the tacky, and the goofy are all here. I saw stormtroopers, ghostbusters, knights, pirates (HDS….one of the best costumes I’ve seen…to the tee), ninjas, The Tick (complete with spoon),Harvey Birdman, a psychotically deranged clown (From whom I ran, YIKES!!), and normal looking people (MINORITY!). This is an interesting dilemma. I found myself laughing hysterically until I realized that I would most likely get myself an ass kicking. My first Lexx Event was strange, I met with people from the board and some not. Misty was a girl I dragged to the mixer by accident. She was dressed as Zev, so I ran up to her and said,
“Hey, you’re with Lexx, right? Great you know where we are going, cos’ I’m lost!”
Never have I seen a blanker stare, she blinked twice and said, ” I don’t know either!”
(Yep just my luck.)
Between the two of us, we found the mixer. The mixer was kind of short, but was visited by Brian, Jeff, and Patty. A bit shy, I watched mostly and listened. I did have a chance to meet Brian (HDS introduced me….which was very nice!). Brian looked fabulous! Absolutely stunning!
After that Goblin and I went to the “Buffy” Horror Picture Show, it was very cool. Then we had dinner in the hotel diner, where she tried to kill me by way of choking laughter. Very clever that Goblin!! After that I hit the hay to start another day…..
(To be continued….)
3rd September 2003 at 4:28 pm #67980BebopChic
Well the morning started off rough, 3 hours of sleep and a sickly stomach; but my spirits cannot be dampened!! Went to the cast booth by accident looking for the fan booth to begin my first shift. I was able to meet the cast, and Brian greeted me with a great big hug. Hugs are good!! Jeff showed off a carrot probe a fan had made and sent to him. Patty and Loiuse were stunning, and so nice. Louise’s voice is even more beautiful in person.
After finding the correct booth, I proceeded to put my feet to work. I learned VERY quickly where most things were and how to whisk through a crowd; Thank God for grace. I met countless people and was also allowed to read part of Valdron’s Lexx manuscript; the chapter on Michael and Kai. I am very happy and have begun to feel right at home.
I attended the first panel which was very interesting. Between the four of them, they had us in stiches with laughter. Brian also told a touching story about everyone being all choked up when they were shooting the last scene of the series. I became a little choked up myself when he told it. Louise is hilarious! She kept making perfect timing quips, mostly giving Jeff grief. It was great, you could see the group dynamic and how they really enjoyed being together.
After the panel I grabbed some lunch and a much needed nap (Thanks to Citizen K-oas, who worked my afternoon shift so I could recoop for the party) Thank you so much sweetie, big hug!!!
The Party……….
(To be continued…..
3rd September 2003 at 4:29 pm #67981BebopChic
Amazing!!! I soaked everything in, most definetely one of the best nights of my life! I spent most of my night talking with Jeff, Brian, and Lloyd. Brian and Jeff took turns running back and forth, to where those of us sitting there made the joke that they were like Bruce Wayne and Batman. (Hint: Jeff is Bruce Wayne and Brian is Batman!) Everytime Jeff ran to do something, saying he would be back…..Brian made his way back, sat down and started the conversation exactly where it was left off….then he would wander off for something telling us to sit tight he would be back……….and Jeff would be on his way back, sit down ,and start that conversation where it had been left off. (This went on for almost five hours!) There were about five of us that got to see this great phenonemon.
Brilliant! For once I find myself searching for words, I can’t find them. Such an intense experience is non comprehensible in language. I was intrigued, moved, and enjoyed some much needed joy. How to give a proper explanation……..
Amazing. Jeff spoke to me with logic, understanding, and sincerity. He imparted so much knowledge and wisdom upon me, that had I not been completely enthralled; I would have surely been overwhelmed!
And then there was Brian……….
Not one human being I have met in my entire life holds a candle to him. He is beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, clever, funny, sincere, sweet…… I could never do him justice in my most poetic of verbalizations. And he curses more than I do, and it is positively wonderful!!! I could talk to him for eternity and still not be sated! So amazing!I seem to have been accepted, and am thrilled to find such understanding. I feel at home, free to be myself, a very refreshing experience for the soul. I learned so much, and was in awe of the complexities concerning what is seen and what is.
Such is my joy……
(To be continued…)
3rd September 2003 at 4:30 pm #67982BebopChic
Well, it’s Sunday and my feet are starting to feel it! I must have walked ten miles this weekend, and half of it in heels!! I slept in a little later this morning, after the party I was the tiredest I’ve been in a while. I finally made my way down to the fan table and cast booth. Everyone at the fan table was in high spirits, but I could tell that I wasn’t the only one starting to tire. The very lovely Tree had traded her wench costume for a Xev costume, and yes definetely very Xevilicious!
At the cast booth, Brian was downing the coffee and smiling his most lovely of smiles. I spent some more time talking to Lloyd and James (Mothbreeder) today. After having placed the 791 robothead prop on top of the PC, it proceeded to give James hell; to the point he began inquiring about my very own method of fixing things (BASEBALL BAT GOOD!). We talked, laughed, and and cursed the wicked machine together. One of the hardest working people I’ve ever seen, James was a total sweetheart and a wealth of knowledge about computers (I still prefer the cure that goes crunch!). Lloyd provided me with loads of wonderful information, not to mention a very yummy sandwhich. (It’s nice to return to solid food!)
At one point Lloyd and Brian took turns seeing how red they could make my face!! In the end, my face was almost purple and my ears could have signaled landing planes. (Which of course led to Lloyd telling Brian, “Look at her ears! They’re so red, it’s so cute!”. ) After that I had to go smoke a ciggy just to get the blood to run back to the rest of my body, leaving me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. My cheeks have begun to hurt from laughing and smiling so much, but it is a welcomed pain.
The next panel was as good as the first one, but had a mostly male audience (They were expecting Xenia, Ellen, and Patty). The four cast members cracked jokes, told more stories, and hammed it up for the crowd. I even got to find out who’s idea it was for the “wall decorations” in Boomtown while “Stan” was having his “fruit cocktail”. ( I know, very BAD pun, but I couldn’t help myself…)
After that it was back to the tables, little did I know I was in store for the hardest part of my Con experience…..
(To be continued….)
3rd September 2003 at 7:49 pm #67987Anonymous
GuestEXcellent post! Nicely written and fun!! Thanks BebopChic! 😀
Looks like you had a wonderful time!!
3rd September 2003 at 9:23 pm #67990Anonymous
GuestVery nicely detailed insight to your experience at DragonCon, thanks BebopChic!
From all the hubbub sounds like this DragonCon was one of the best ever.
4th September 2003 at 3:13 pm #67997BebopChic
The hardest part of my experience came Sunday afternoon. Since I was leaving early Monday morning, the time came to say goodbye to Brian. I didn’t want to, everything in me refused. When I told him that this would be it, he looked sad and I almost cried right there. I managed to give and recieve a big hug and tell him that I would talk to him soon.
As I turned, the first tear fell, but I walked away tall and proud. Walking to the hotel, I continued to weep; sad for having it all end and joyful for all that I had experienced. Time spun backward as I thought of all the little moments and how wonderful everyone had been. A truly remarkable man, Brian made an impact on me that will last an eternity.
(To be continued….)
4th September 2003 at 4:55 pm #67998Anonymous
GuestBrian is a fantastic guy. I arrived in Atlanta on Saturday afternoon, and when I found Brian I asked about the tickets for the Little Blue Planet party. He said he didn’t know about the tickets, but he would find out. He led me over to an information booth, found out where the Lexx Fan table was (I wasn’t aware that there were 2 separate booths until that point), and walked me over to that booth. He asked theFrey about the tickets, and made sure I was taken care of before he headed back to the other booth.
That’s the kind of guy he is. And that’s why the fans keep coming back to see him. And I’ll be back every chance I can get.
PS. Silly question: Anyone know what kind of cologne Brian was wearing? I wanted to ask, but I felt kind of goofy about it. 🙄
4th September 2003 at 6:08 pm #68006Anonymous
PS. Silly question: Anyone know what kind of cologne Brian was wearing? I wanted to ask, but I felt kind of goofy about it. :roll:[/quote]To quote Stanley Tweedle: “Stanley Tweedle goes in through the front door, or he doesent come to the party!”
I’m kidding. It’s always been awkward for a guy to ask a guy, oooh what is that lovely fragrence? I’ve been in that spot too 😈
4th September 2003 at 6:32 pm #68008Jhevz
That’s great work writing about your 1st con; I’m glad you had fun & am sorry you had to leave so early. It sounds like you enjoyed yourself tremendously & had a blast; I hope you go back next yr & have the same kind of fun. 🙂 It was very nice to see you & finally put a face to your name. 🙂Lexxian to Lexxian,
Jhevz 😉4th September 2003 at 6:54 pm #68010Anonymous
GuestBrians friendlyness and treatment of his fans is legendary (compare that to say MM!). I’ve only met him at one con and I was totally blown away by his eagerness to make the fans of the show welcome. It’s really refreshing to see that he’s still the same (possibly even more so!).
5th September 2003 at 2:55 pm #68045BebopChic
After some confusion as to where the Brigadoom sing along was being held, Goblin, Michele, and I navigated our way through the hallways, basements, and sub basements of the Hyatt. Finally having found the correct room, we waited for the SG1 Live action session to end, so that we could take over the room in the name of all that is Lexx. For a warm up, we sang “Dead Thing Pie”….to the tune of “Dull, Dull, Dull”. Though still thrilled, I have to admit that I am running out of steam.
As the DVD version of “Brigadoom” was projected onto a screen, the silliness insued. What a great group!! Almost everyone showed up and we belted our fav tunes so that anyone within hearing distance would know our love for Lexx. Instead of a Kai, we had a Jack Sparrow….. which was almost better! (It seems that we could not afford an appearance fee for Kai! Go Figure.) Without much planning or direction, we were free to be creative with one another. After singing a Xev part to HDS’s Kai part, I was swept off my feet and run around the room! So surprised by this, I hope someone got a picture of my face….I am curious as to the look that I displayed.
All being said and done, I wished everyone a very fond farewell and made my way with Goblin back to the hotel. Upon arriving I was choked up with tears at having to say goodbye to my partner in crime. We hugged and exchanged info, so as not to lose track of each other in the furture.
As I lay my head on the pillow that night, I thought back across my weekend and decided that I had found a new home amonst the smiling faces that are this Lexx family. Leaving the next morning was a solemn affair. I whispered a wish into the wind, got into the car, and headed back home with the strange feeling that I was taking everyone with me. At least in my heart, if no where else.
An experience of a lifetime, my first Con was rich in laughter, smiles, hugs, and friendship. Thank you to everyone who was a part of it. And hopefully I will see you all again very soon.5th September 2003 at 5:33 pm #68050Anonymous
Guest[quote=”SadGeezer”]Brians friendlyness and treatment of his fans is legendary (compare that to say MM!). I’ve only met him at one con and I was totally blown away by his eagerness to make the fans of the show welcome. It’s really refreshing to see that he’s still the same (possibly even more so!).[/quote]
After meeting him for the first time ever this past week-end, I favor the latter part of your quote! His willingness to make his fans feel welcome seems to know no bounds- in fact, that may even be an understatment! Nothing I could hear about him would surprise me.
I was not prepared to like him as much as I did…he has quite won me over. A very unique composition, that one has! 😈5th September 2003 at 5:49 pm #68051Anonymous
PS. Silly question: Anyone know what kind of cologne Brian was wearing? I wanted to ask, but I felt kind of goofy about it. :roll:[/quote]Tweedle No.4, by Channel
He did smell nice…especially after spending any amount of time next to HDS-oops…Capt’n Jack Sparrow, me means! The costume was fabulous, and we all know HDS’s attention to detail…even in the olfactory department. ([i]down luv! just kidding![/i])Hey jkd…you could always go to Brian’s message board and ask! 😉
5th September 2003 at 7:08 pm #68053mandara k
ParticipantI’m sorry sweetie; I am out of sorts after this CoN; I wanted to hear about writing which is my interest and it was about acting. No biggie, I’ll get my answers from other sources; other writers and use some of my intuition; it works well for me. And Valdron helped me a little; thanks to him.
Yeah, it’s good to close a door while others are just opening theirs. Peeps like you Bebop say Hello while I say good-bye; it is heartening to see. “Larger voices are calling me” to work here in my own backyard. I mean if U can’t be victorious in my own backyard; I’m wasting my time on something bigger. My faith says that faith equals daily life and the close at hand reveals the mysteries of the stars; you just have to be open and look. Here, I will be accepted for me; and not for what i look like or what i do or where I came from; I will be loved because i love … the size of my heart not my ego. I will find this. I am sorry that I failed to convey this to all of you; I am sorry I messed up. I hope some day someone will come along better equipped that you will listen to. 😥
Peace ALL; see you next time around the little Blue Planet
6th September 2003 at 1:02 am #68058GothamMuse
Participant[quote=”jkd112″]He led me over to an information booth, found out where the Lexx Fan table was (I wasn’t aware that there were 2 separate booths until that point), and walked me over to that booth. He asked theFrey about the tickets, and made sure I was taken care of before he headed back to the other booth.
[/quote]Geez, nobody can correctly remember me…I’m the one who gave you your tickets, JKD. I remember thinking you must be some hotshot if you got a personal escort from Brian. And the Frey has some innocent woman misidentified as GothamMuse at her photos of Saturday night’s bash: 😮No worries, though, I’m just teasing. No joke here: I loved meeting all of you, and hope to post something soon, now that I’ve got voice recognition software to transpose my words into bytes.
(with the wild, red curls ) 😉6th September 2003 at 3:47 am #68047Anonymous
Guest[quote=”GothamMuse”]And the Frey has some innocent woman misidentified as GothamMuse at her photos of Saturday night’s bash:’s no innocent woman! That’s ILyekkaKai! 😀
Thank you, thank you. I’ll be here all week. Try the fish.
6th September 2003 at 4:29 am #68049ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] 😀 Hehehehe…….er…….mwuhahahaha 😈
Thank you for clearing that up Aleck 😉
*Applause from the peanut gallery* 😛 [/color]10th September 2003 at 5:43 pm #68146Anonymous
GuestJust testing to see if my “Avatar” works. Kinda scary…
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