Birds of Prey

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    …caught it on CNX the other night. has anyone else seen it? i thought it looked quite interesting. i’ll see how it goes over the next couple of episodes. was wondering if anyone else had any opinions? it was one of those shows that you stumble on quite by accident- during a channel hop…
    for those of you who aren’t familiar with it, it’s sort of a Batman follow-on (if i’ve got this right!!) joker & Batman have this almighty battle. joker loses, so goes about taking revenge on the people batman loved (at some point, he’s gone missing). at some point, batman has had it off with catwoman, and they have a daughter. joker kills catwoman. he also shoots batgirl, crippling her. in the meantime, a young girl in another part of the country awakes screaming- having seen everything that has happened in her dreams. we end up with the 3 women- the daughter, the young girl, and batgirl taking up batman’s mantle, so to speak, several years later. i hope that made sense!!! 🙂
    as i said, i saw it in CNX at 12am. friday. apparently it was on earlier in the evening but i didn’t see it then. keep an eye out for it- let me know what you think!!!


    Not seen it! Ill check it out and get back.

    CNX is GREAT! That’s how I managed to find Cowboy Bebop, and Outlaw Star (now I have them on DVD!). I’ve also been a secret admirer of Samurai Jack 😳

    Some of the Live Action sci fi is pretty cool too! 🙂


    Saddy : On a side note, have to seen the or the “New Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex” and “Animatrix” series?

    Also, look into Invader Zim if you like Samurai Jack. Invader Zim is the best thing Ive seen on Cartoon Network since Freak-a-zoid.

    Ahhh, Freakazoid. *sigh*

    Snookiepie : Ive seen some of birds of prey and just can’t stomach it purley because I am a die-hard DC fan. I have a huge DC comic collection and am a bit of a fantatic, and when you start messing with “Batman” it becomes serious. Still, a lot of my friends love it. I just don’t because I can’t.

    fluffy bunny

    didn’t like BOP- preferred the comic though


    i must admit, i’ve caught a few shows of ‘Samurai Jack’. saw one the other week wher he was up against this huge red-headed Scottish guy on a rope bridge. i was howling virtually all the way through the episode!! 😆
    i’ve started watching CNX more for my Sci-Fi fix. i’ve more or less boycotted Sci-Fi channel for a long time, mainly because i found it so disappointing-and i was sick of all the repeats!!! and they’re showing the original ‘Kung Fu’ series on CNX as well. haven’t seen that in years!!
    as far as BOP is concerned, i never really got into the DC comics, or even the Batman movies. i could watch them, but for some reason, they never really grabbed me. used to love the old ’60’s series, though…. 🙄 i suppose BOP piqued my interest because of the idea of fellow females kicking butt…i’ll give it a chance. so many of my favourite shows seem to have fallen by the wayside recently, and there seems to be all too few reasonable alternatives these days. i eventually became disappointed with the likes of ‘Jeremiah’, farscape’s gone, O5’s gone, how much longer will stargate go on for? and i must admit, at least the idea of ‘Tremors-the series’ does not over excite me. i need an escape route from the boredom of everyday life. i love my Trek-but it ain’t quite enough! i need something sci-fi to watch…..maybe this will provide the fix i need. i’ll only find that out by watching.


    [quote=”lexxrobotech”]Saddy : On a side note, have to seen the or the “New Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex” and “Animatrix” series? [/quote]

    I’ve seen Ghost in the Shell and Animatrix, but not Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (in fact, I’ve never even heard of that!). I’ll look out for it.

    [quote=”lexxrobotech”]Also, look into Invader Zim if you like Samurai Jack. Invader Zim is the best thing Ive seen on Cartoon Network since Freak-a-zoid.

    Ahhh, Freakazoid. *sigh*[/quote]

    Ok, I’ll look out for Invader Zim too 🙂


    [quote=”snooklepie”]i must admit, i’ve caught a few shows of ‘Samurai Jack’. saw one the other week wher he was up against this huge red-headed Scottish guy on a rope bridge. i was howling virtually all the way through the episode!! 😆


    And better yet, that ain’t the last you’ll see of The Scotsman…. 😈


    [quote=”SadGeezer”]I’ve seen Ghost in the Shell and Animatrix, but not Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex (in fact, I’ve never even heard of that!). I’ll look out for it.[/quote]

    I hadn’t heard of the GitS-SAC television show either, but [url=]here’s a good site on it.[/url]

    [url=][i]Ghost in the Shell[/i][/url] is a favourite anime film of mine (along with [i]Akira[/i], [i]Grave of the Fireflies[/i] and a few more)

    BTW, this is not anime (the film has a live action anime look — intense CGI), but is by the director (Mamoru Oshii)
    of [i]Ghost in the Shell[/i]: and I think it looks VERY cool!

    [i]Avalon[/i] is a sort of a VR war game type movie, which wouldn’t usually particularly interest me, but the trailer, and pics, (at the site) looks intriguing and really quite beautiful, and the reviews have been good. Has anyone here seen [i]Avalon[/i]? It’s one of those must-see films on my list.

    Since anime shows have been mentioned, here are some animated movies movies that I like (not Japanese, i.e not anime, and therefore not really relevent but…):
    [i]When the Wind Blows[/i] — It’s very depressing, but it blew me away!
    [i]The Plague Dogs[/i]: these some sick dawgs!
    [i]Watership Down[/i]: a hare raising story!
    Ralph Bakshi’s fairly excellent [i]Lord of the Rings[/i] and to a lesser extent his take on the horny misadventures of [i]Fritz the Cat[/i].

    Back on topic:

    [url=][i]Birds of Prey[/i][/url] looks quite interesting, haven’t seen it yet, will check it out. Thanks for the heads-up. Hmm, it seems there’s a campaign to bring it back. I am really out of the loop, I only just heard about the show recently. 😳


    Grave of the Fireflies is probably the only Ghibli movie I’ll never watch more than once.

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