Blairs "Ministry of Truth" remind anyone of B5?

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    First off I do love Blair, I think the guy is smooth and reminds me heavily of Bill Clinton and Vladimir Putin. But this article just reminded me so much of the “Ministry of Peace” I just had to post it.


    Nothing surprises me over there anymore…..Department Of Truth?

    The only thing that comes close to that is: “The Anti-social Behavior Bill now before Parliament is a rag-bag of measures designed to convince us that the problem of louts who have been allowed to run uncontrolled in our streets will be solved by passing an enormous and complex law dealing with every problem under sun and creating hundreds of new offences which the louts will be able to ignore but which will impinge on the law abiding.”

    This Tony Blair, was first elected with the sympathy of the massacre of school kids by a crazy gunman (and the resultant onerous gun control); is now responsible for the deaths of countless Iraqi children and the pain of those who are disfigured or who had their limbs “blown off” in operation “Iraqi Freedom” :roll:. Hilter operated the same way – perhaps someone like Gerbouls (sp) would be the best man for the job…..

    BTW: If any of you British folk think I am picking on you…..fear not…..just the flavor of the moment. Here in Canada were are arresting and holding people without charge(s). I ordered something from the States and foolishly had my name (Moslem) on it – sent “priority air” – and received it almost two months after it was shipped (and after a big round-up of so-called suspected terrorists) 😯 (plus…..they had the gaul to tax me and make me pay their “handling fee…..”) 😡 .

    Maurice (P.S. – Lexxlurker, thank you for having the guts to post during the Dragon Con weekend…..I did Friday night but immediately deleted it…..I is sad…..).


    I think that Blair made a multitude of mistakes in trying to court and second guess (and manipulate) the media. He’s now suffering the consequences in a multitude of different ways.

    The media now ‘has it in for’ Blair in my opinion and I can’t see a way out for the geezer. His open government policies and programmes of modernization are way-ahead of their time and usually reported badly by the press.

    For instance, when driving home I usually like to listen to Radio 4 news (it used to be quite good) and there was a report in which a guest was asked to comment on a negatively reported activity of the government. The ‘guest’ was opposing the governments activity (a conservative) and the 5 minute interview was of the embarrassed guest trying to get his points over while also correcting the exaggerated and biased comments of the interviewer.

    The whole thing was laughable, [i]”[b]No, Blair didn’t say ‘lets bomb the bastards’, he indicated – in parliament – that unless the Saddam conforms to the UN resolution, there would be serious consequences….. [/b]” [/i] etc.

    As a result I’m far less inclined to believe a press or TV news article. I can’t imagine Thatcher allowing the media to get away with it.


    Perhaps Blair’s been watching B5 for tips. I wouldn’t put it past Tommy Sheridan to try and break away from Westminster to set up an independent state either. (My apologies to non-Scots, who probably have no idea what I’m talking about). The problem is, i’m pretty sure Tommy dosen’t have a Vorlon inside of him, despite some of the cryptic things he says (more likely to be overexposure to UV in my opinion!) Pity.


    Lets face it, Blair is a Muppet of the first order (IMHO). He always has been and always will be.

    Yes the media has it in for him, but show me a prime minister that hasn’t had a pasting from all concerned… and rightly so, I think. I just think that Blair and his PR people are doing handling it badly, trying to be too nice. Saddy as right about Maggie. She may have been evil incarnate, but she wouldn’t have taken half the crap that ‘plastic grin man’ has.

    If people don’t question what the government is doing then how will we ever know what is going on? I believe that they should justify every decision at every step. And I don’t just mean the smarmy goit and his chums. The same applies for any democratic government. And this ‘ministry of truth’ thing raises a whole lot of questions, and then quite a few more.

    I must admit, I have been out of the loop for a while (quite a while – an in case anyone is interested, I’m still kicking), so I’m not sure exactly what has been discussed about the ministry thing. In other words this is a completely uninformed point of view, so if it’s rubbish… ignore me. Many do.

    Oh, and Fatguy, he didn’t get in cos of a sympathy vote. He got in cos of the abhorrent lack of anyone even vaguely competent or trustworthy (well it is politics after all). If I had my way there would be a ‘none of the above’ box at the bottom of the ballot paper, and I’m pretty sure that it would have the overwhelming majority in most elections. Cors you people stateside could never have that… it would just confuse those poor Florida people even more. 😉


    Hey! welcome back rag! 😀

    Completely dissagree with you though 😉

    Actually, not that completely, I guess I’m begrudgingly becoming dissilusioned with Blairism and feeling a bit sad about it. I(‘m one of the little cogs trying to help him and his dudes modernise the government and it’s a HUGE task 🙁

    [i][b]Haha[/b] ShadowedVenus!! Yer a total SadGeezer![/i] If he has got a Vorlon inside him I’ll bet it’s not Naranek! more like one of those other facists!

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