Buffy and Angel – what do y’all think? I love them!
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- This topic has 27 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 23 years, 12 months ago by
26th January 2001 at 10:59 pm #35648
Aeryn Crichton
ParticipantWell, I’ve been hooked on Buffy since early in its second season. I was flipping through one night, and I landed on it. I just love it! And, it just keeps getting better. I really love the idea of a pairing up of Buffy and Spike (ooh, he’s so sexy). And, Angel is so good too. I can’t believe how not Angel like that Angel has been lately. I think that it’s gotten better since Wesley joined the show. He’s so funny! Well, what do you all think? Do you like the shows? Do you like the way the storylines are going?
“I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
“First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
“Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
“Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer27th January 2001 at 3:38 am #41626crusader
ParticipantYeah!!! I wotsh it to!!! The second episode of season 2 was today!!! I relly like that show!!!
I wonder if Il get a chanse to se the Angel serie!!!
I am the crusader31st January 2001 at 5:24 am #41628crusader
ParticipantWell, I like Buffy!!!
But I aspecialy like the not super strong charakters like Xander!!!
Fighting monsters with unnatruly powers to save the inecent doe he has a big chanse that he wont survive!!! That are the big heros in the show!!! The ones that takes risk when trying to save the inesent and dosent have any great strengf or powers!!!
I am the crusader31st January 2001 at 5:38 am #41629Anonymous
GuestI like both Buffy and Angel, but many of the episodes seem like re worked ones from previous seasons. Angel is getting to be something of a drag. I was sorry they brought back Drusilla and Darla. Let’s face it, there are only so many demons etc that you can come up with. I watch Buffy more often, mostly because I really enjoy James Marsters as Spike. I sure wish he and Buffy would team up. At least they could boink to their hearts content and you’d never have to worry about Spike losing his soul-ala Angel- since he doesn’t have one. Bless his little ol’ vampire heart, under all the raging blood sucker, he has an entendre for the Buff. Besides, he’s got a fine little body, all wiry and defined! oops, sorry
31st January 2001 at 6:41 am #41627Anonymous
GuestI like Buffy, but I am not too sure about Angel. They took all the characters I found least interesting from Buffy and put them in a setting which I have never found that exciting. The writing is very good though. I still watch and enjoy it though!
I just wish the characters would move on a bit. Over here we are 5 episodes into series 2 and Angel is still a big girls blouse, Cordelia still an annoying airhead and Wesley still just a little too Hugh Grant English (although I can see why Americans would find him funny). And they don’t seem to have bought back Kate or Lindsey either, who I thought were the most interesting characters.
31st January 2001 at 9:07 am #41630Anonymous
Guest“Angel” can’t believe it just keeps getting better. When Drusilla wafted into the room, in the season finale, I almost fell off my bed! I love that crazy seer vamp! If I ever go completely bonkers, that’s the kind of bonkers I’d like to be. [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] And, this ‘new’ Angel-not-quite-Angelus has me all full of ???? I guess I like that I’m having a difficult time anticipating what he’s gonna do. I mean, you generally know how things will turn out, even in well-written shows. But, I never saw it coming when Angel closed and barred those lawyers and associates inside that room, for Darla and Dru to snack on. Nor, did I see the firing of Wes, Cordie, and Gunn. The vamp’s gotten cold, in a brrrr! sort of way and it’s kinda creepy, actually. He is not the warm and fuzzy vamp stud we’ve come to know and love. Since I love the unexpected(in TV), this is okay. I can’t wait to see what bizarre, un-Angellike things he’ll do next week.
“Buffy?” Another can’t believe the excellent writing in this show! And, it’s so good to see Xander growing up, but still being Xanderish. The whole Riley thing was getting sad and tedious but it was cool the way they solved it, by turning him into a vamp-addict! How utterly freakish! [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img] And, now she’s up against a god! Ooh, I’m all tingly with anticipation!
(“Ray, when someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES!”)
“Time begins then time ends, and then time begins once again.”31st January 2001 at 10:11 am #41631Aeryn Crichton
ParticipantYes, I must say that it is good to have Dru back on Angel. She’s so funny! My sis hadn’t really ever seen her before because she wasn’t watching Buffy when Dru was on, so she’s just amazed by how crazy Dru is. Dru’s supposed to make an appearance on Buffy soon. Ooh, I loved the way that they got rid of Riley too. That whole Vampire fetish thing was a great idea! I really hated his character, and I was so glad to see him go.
“I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
“First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
“Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
“Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer1st February 2001 at 8:49 am #41632Anonymous
GuestI have to agree with the Spike comments. He is a riot and a cutie! I am sooo enjoying his infatuation with Buffy. How awful to be enthralled by the person you once detested. I liked his history, too. Here I was thinking he started out as a horror and he was just a poor rejected dweeb when he was alive. I almost feel sorry for both him and Drusilla.
“Time begins then time ends, and then time begins once again.”9th February 2001 at 8:31 pm #41633crusader
ParticipantEpisode 2.4 is on tonight here in sweden!!!
Last week was the one when Spike and Drusilla first com in to the picture!!!——————
I am the crusader28th February 2001 at 3:00 am #41634crusader
ParticipantWow!!!! They sended the “Haloween” episode last Friday (You know, the one where everyone turns in to what theyr dresed as) and I must say that I never expected or even thought that Giles was somthing eles then he claimed!!!
Well, most of you probobly know more then I doe but please dont tell me! Id like to find out fore my self when the series comes there in sweden!!!
Just wonted to chat!!!——————
I am the crusader28th February 2001 at 3:44 am #41635Anonymous
GuestMe too, Spiike is a Geezer and a half!
I was [b]REALLY[/b] shocked to learn that he was an American – with and American accent to boot! That is by FAR the best limey accent I’ve ever heard!
[i](speaking as a ripe and juicy limey o’course [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/biggrin.gif[/img] )[/i]
[img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/sad-images/sad-sig.gif[/img]5th March 2001 at 5:23 pm #41636Anonymous
GuestOh my god, I am the biggest fan ever.
Ive watched Buffy from series 1, ive got several box sets, the second series was the best but its deteriorating recently.
I prefer Angel, its so much better, and Wesly is a definate improvement over Doyle. If you have been watching it on Sky you will know that Darla is back (Julie Benz) who, I might add, is an absolute babe, she was returned as human but shes dying and in the last episode i watched Drucilla came back and bit her and turned her back into a vampire. The only improvement you could make to that show is getting Spike in to it cos he is definately the best character in Buffy. And i dont like Riley, he has this superior attitude but tries to cover it up around Buffy. Anyway, who else thinks Buffy and Angel should be added to Sadgeezer?
[i]’If you cant feel the music, it aint loud enough[/i]
Daniel Murray6th March 2001 at 2:40 am #41637Anonymous
Originally posted by TupacDre:
[b]Anyway, who else thinks Buffy and Angel should be added to Sadgeezer?
I do for one, however it would probably involve a lot of work.
I’ve also been a Buffy Fan since the beginning, I remember watching the first episode because I was bored, I thought it was going to be lame…well you would having seen the movie a few weeks before.
I disagree that its deteriorating, It’s definatly stronger than at this point last season and thats just has far as we’ve seen in the UK, judging by the spoilers i’ve read for episodes aired recently in america it gets way better……
6th March 2001 at 5:23 pm #41638Anonymous
GuestLets hope so, the second to last episode screened on Sky from series 5 where it told you how Spike killed the other slayers was fantastic. I realy think tis a good idea integrating the vampires past into the present day. This new think where Spike loves Buffy is gonna have hilarious conciquences, but Spike is the best character in the program and i think its his attitude that does it, so i dont want him to turn into another Riley.
The last epidode of Angel realy kicked off, you can tell its gonna put an ongoing thing between Angel and newly vamped Darla, plus if they keep Drucilla in the series it will be even better.
I was actually considering doing a website about Angel (I am a professional web designer) but I dont have the time to do it. Well done to the designers of Sadgeezer.
[i]’If you cant feel the music, it aint loud enough[/i]
Daniel Murray7th March 2001 at 2:23 am #41639Anonymous
Guest*****This post is spoiler free honest!!*****
Originally posted by TupacDre:
[b]Lets hope so, the second to last episode screened on Sky from series 5 where it told you how Spike killed the other slayers was fantastic. [/b]
I liked how it tied into the Angel episode that followed, how you saw the same events from Angel’s perspective was an excellent bit of film making, its a pity that terrestrial TV watchers in this country will probably see the Angel episode first and several weeks beforehand…..
Season 5 is shaping up to a big conclusion, however with the spoilers I’ve already read and rumours of whats to come I wonder how much of the current story will spill over into the 6th series.
7th March 2001 at 8:35 pm #41640Anonymous
GuestIf they make a 6th series, the idea of bringing Buffy’s little sister into the program and making Soike love Buffy are all desperation moves by the makers. I heard that the last series of Angel had more viewers than the corresponding series of Buffy, im not sure if they will be able to hold together the story line for much longer, the origional idea was that Buffy was ateenege girl at school tring to balance out her life whilst fighting vamps, now she is at Uni and she hardly spends any time on campus. Also she is turning into a bit of a bitch too, she has this superior attitude and an anoying sacastic touch to whatever she says.
As for Angel, the series started off good from a super climax from the previous series but the storyline has dragged on a bit with the whole save Darla thing but now shes turned into a vamp it might het going a bit. Like you said the past of the vamps is a great idea and it works realy well. My favourite episode from Angel series 1 was ‘The Ring’ where Angel was made to fight other demons in a sort of Cock Fight. Anyway, who thinks i should be official critic for Buffy and Angel on Sadgeezer????LOL
[i]’If you cant feel the music, it aint loud enough[/i]
Daniel Murray10th March 2001 at 8:33 pm #41641Anonymous
Guest*** This post may contain spoilers ***
So TupacDre what did you think of last nights episodes on Sky One?
The biggest shock of last nights Buffy wasn’t Riley leaving (I didn’t like him much anyway so I think the shows better off without him) but Xander’s speechs first to Buffy and then to Anya. They’ve finally started to give his character more depth.
As for Angel I thought the Darla and Dru partnership was great, and the ending was just superb.
12th March 2001 at 8:13 am #41642Christine Carroll
Participantsorry … this is a bogus post… I’m testing my computer and trying to understand the time difference betwen Eastern USA and GMT time….. Its a 6 hour difference right?? [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
“to err is human” or is it “the air is human” ?? matt Gideon “Crusade”“Look for me by the moonlight-
Watch for me by moonlight-I’ll come to thee by the moonlight,
though Hell should bar the way”
——-The Highwayman
Excerpt from “Exquisite Corpse” by Poppy Brite
“Late in the year,New Orleans still has its hot days. In the slave quaters, Jay and Tran blossomed like the giant stinking carrion-flowers that grow in humid jungles. Their ravaged abdomens swelled and burst like red-petals, a jubliee of rot. Their putrescent fluids pooled on the concrete floor and in the hollows of their disintegrating bodies. …Their faces, c**** and B**** grew into shapeless masses of blackened flesh. Swollen tongues like ball gags forced their jaws wide. Organs tumbled out of their bodies like distended winebags. From their decomposition rose wisps of steam and soft wet sounds of gaseous intimacy….Tran fell out of his binding straps and melted slowly into Jay’s ribcage. A large, faintly iridescent stain ate up the concrete floor around them. Their eyes were black caverns.They gave birth to worms, generation after generation, until their bodies were covered as if in a living blanket. Soon they were picked clean, their bones an ivory sculpture-puzzle shining in the dark, waiting to tell their mute love story.
12th March 2001 at 9:32 am #41643Anonymous
Guesti love angel but i still miss doyle…i really think it was a bad idea to kill him so early…with the chemistry between cordelia and doyle we were finally seeing some depth to cordelia that i think isn’t there without him… [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/frown.gif[/img]
i’m glad riley left buffy though…his entire purpose was to get buffy out of her angel depression…and now she’s in a riley depression [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/rolleyes.gif[/img]…i think she should get with spike…at least give him a try…
i hope angel will get his humanity back eventually and get back together with buffy, but not until the angel series has had a good run
Gideon: I thought you said you don’t hold grudge.
Galen: I don’t. I have no living enemies. At all.13th March 2001 at 3:50 am #41644Anonymous
Originally posted by Catalina:
[b]i love angel but i still miss doyle…i really think it was a bad idea to kill him so early…[/b]
From what i’ve read on another posting board the actor who played Doyle had a drugs problem and Joss Wheedon had no choice but to get rid of him…..dunno if its true though.
I do miss Doyle too, however there is a definate chemistry between Cordy and Gunn….what do you think?
14th March 2001 at 5:35 am #41645Anonymous
Originally posted by MUDLOCK:
[b] From what i’ve read on another posting board the actor who played Doyle had a drugs problem and Joss Wheedon had no choice but to get rid of him…..dunno if its true though.[/b]
…drug problems? eesh.
hmm cordy and gunn might have something, but personally i’ve been holding out for a cordy/wesely hookup ever since that time they kissed on buffy…(yep, i’m a hopeless romantic [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]——————
Gideon: I thought you said you don’t hold grudge.
Galen: I don’t. I have no living enemies. At all.15th March 2001 at 12:49 am #41646Anonymous
Originally posted by Catalina:
[b] …drug problems? eesh.
hmm cordy and gunn might have something, but personally i’ve been holding out for a cordy/wesely hookup ever since that time they kissed on buffy…(yep, i’m a hopeless romantic [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img][/b]
Nah that was a comedy moment, I couldn’t imagine them together.
16th March 2001 at 6:44 am #41647Anonymous
GuestThey certainly make a weird triangle. Wesley being a nerd, Gunn the street tough and Cords the rather shallow minded something. But somehow they mesh and compliment each other well.
I would’ve made a comparison Buffy & Angel’s flagging ratings to Hercules and Xena but it’d just upset me all over again.
ps: they really should have kept Doyle. If given the chance I’d stake Wesley in several choice locations and resurect Doyle in some demonic ritual.
Studies show that alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug-burns to the forehead.16th March 2001 at 7:49 am #41648Anonymous
Guest*** Spoilers…..I warn you because I care***
In all honesty the episode after he died I would have given anything to see Doyle brought back in any form whatsoever , however now i’m glad he’s gone and Wesley, the new (and none irritating) Cordy and Gunn have totally replaced him, I couldn’t care less.
I don’t miss him, its been more than a year, if in a years time Buffy fans are still upset over Joyces death (this is a spoiler by the way) i’ll be very surprised……
Any truth in the rumour that Tara will be the next character to go (hope not)??? also I hear Buffy will get Cancer or some other illness (again I hope not), hasn’t she suffered enough (Riley leaving, her mother dying etc.)
19th March 2001 at 11:15 pm #41649Aeryn Crichton
Originally posted by Catalina:
[b] …drug problems? eesh.
hmm cordy and gunn might have something, but personally i’ve been holding out for a cordy/wesely hookup ever since that time they kissed on buffy…(yep, i’m a hopeless romantic [img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/ubb/smile.gif[/img]
Oh, I’ve always wanted to see a Wesley and Cordy pairing too! I loved them on Buffy. Their kiss then was awkward and funny, but now, Cordy’s matured (as has Wesley). So, maybe now they can have a more mature relationship. I do like the Wesley and Gunn friendship right now too.
Oh, here’s some possible spoilers –
I’ve heard that Alyson Hannigan might be leaving Buffy. She’s had to give up several big movie roles because of being on the show, and now, she’s ready to take those roles. I guess the success of American Pie has brought this on, but I don’t know.
“I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
“First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
“Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
“Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer20th March 2001 at 10:18 pm #41651Anonymous
21st March 2001 at 6:42 am #41650Anonymous
GuestI must say that Darla and Dru together is great, its about time we had some real vamp action in Angel. I reckon hes getting to be a bit more Angelus like since they came to LA.
Wow, im so glad Riley has gone, lets hope he never comes back. Even more suprising was Xanders maturity in the last episodes, he speach to Anya was quite moving.
Unfortunately I missed the last episode of Buffy and Angel on friday in sacrifice to night out, did i miss anything interesting?
[i]’If you cant feel the music, it aint loud enough[/i]
Daniel Murray22nd March 2001 at 11:00 am #41652Anonymous
Studies show that alcohol is the leading cause of inexplicable rug-burns to the forehead. -
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