Buffy Questions!
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- This topic has 18 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 23 years, 3 months ago by
4th November 2001 at 7:33 am #35819
ParticipantWell, I got some!
In the Buffy comic I got (Made by a whriter from the show) it says that it takes place in series 2!
But we are at episode 2.20 and things that have happend in the comic havent happend yet!
And the 2 last episodes are part 1 and part 2 episodes!Well, in the comic they talk about a fire Demon that Buffy have fought! (I think! If you remember anything about a fire demon please tell me what series its in and if you can, episode name or number!)
Angel have bekome Dark Angel!
Willow have bekome a Witch and uses magic!
It cant be long after Jenny died bekos Giles is still hurting from it and tries to revive her! He even changes his name to Ripper for a wile!
Cordelia wasnt in it but it can be as shes just not there for the time being!
Spikes still in the Wheelchair and he, Angel and Dru lives in that garden castle kinda place they get in that Goust episode in series 2!
Kendras back but I dont know if she already where there or not!I hope that can help you to tell me what Series that was in and around what episodes! (And please with out posting any spoilers)
Oh, and how are the Angel show like? I sounds realy strange and beizzar!
Oh, and have anyone heard about the Buffy game? Are they still going to make it or did they scrap it totaly?
Please anser,
Thanks!6th November 2001 at 1:42 am #43004crusader
ParticipantI forgot! Willows got long hair in it!
So, can anybody help me?
6th November 2001 at 2:42 am #43005Flamegrape
ParticipantI wish I knew more about Buffy. I turned my nose up at that show at the start of the series. I thought it was a cheesey idea. But then recently I hear that it is actually a well-written show. I’ll be watching it on WB right before Enterprise.
6th November 2001 at 2:59 am #43006Anonymous
GuestWow, Crusader, you’re up to season 2 Buffy, huh? Sounds like the comic has jumped ahead of the series at that point. I can’t remember the fire demon, but Buffy’s early seasons are re-running on cable here, so I’ll keep an eye out. Yes, Willow becomes a witch (which is a very cool story thread). Sorry I can’t answer your question right now, but I’ll let you know if I come across it. Angel is not as good as Buffy, in my humble opinion.
I watched Buffy at first, then quit, but now I like it again. I like the dark humor and silliness. It ain’t Lexx, but it will have to do when Lexx is gone.
6th November 2001 at 11:31 am #43007Aeryn Crichton
ParticipantI could be wrong, but I don’t think that Willow becomes a witch until the 3rd season or so. She tells Buffy about dabbling in it in the 3rd season opener. Spike is in his wheelchair about halfway into the 2nd season. Angel becomes Angelus about 2/3 into the 2nd, and Jenny dies a few episodes after the Angelus transformation. I can’t remember when Kendra comes back. She was first on the episode where Spike is trying to use Angel to revive Dru.
7th November 2001 at 1:55 am #43008crusader
ParticipantEpisode 2.21 are starting the day after tomarrow here but Spikes still in the wheelchair!
Angel bekomes Angelus in 2.13 and 2.14!
Jenny dies in 2.16, I think!
I know this already!This is strange!
I mean Doug Petrie whrote the comic and he should know! Hes a episode whriter!
And Joss Whedon supervised the work! He loves comics and usealy helps with Marvel comics!
It says “This Story takes place during Buffy the Vampire Slayer´s second season” at the begining!But it doesnt fit! Its strange! The fire demon can be as I have missunderstanded! But the rest is as its in the comic!
Its a realy great comic, made from an episode the didnt have the money to make!
“Ring of Fire”! Read it if you find it!
The characters are just as in buffy! I guess thats bekos one of the episodes whriters made it!So if someone please can help me Id be gratefull! (Maybe it takes place after the last episode of the season)
7th November 2001 at 3:52 am #43009Anonymous
GuestIt must take place sometime during the second season and not after if Kenda is in it and Spike is in the wheelchair. Not to give too much away but Kendra doesn’t appear after the season 2 finale and Spike doesn’t stay in the wheelchair too long.
I don’t remember ever seeing a fire demon in season 2, but I saw it a while ago so I could be mistaken.
14th November 2001 at 9:26 pm #43010Anonymous
GuestThey’re running re-runs of Buffy monday-friday at 5 and 6 pm on FX. It’s super-cool! They have little mini-interviews from the cast and writers during the commercials. A really cute one was when they asked the actress who plays Willow if she believes in vampires. She said “I’m just going to say yes. Because if I say no, and there are real vampires they’ll be like ‘pfft'”- it was sooo funny. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
Getting back to the point- there was no fire demon in the tv buffy. Kendra was only in two episodes at the end of season 2.
18th November 2001 at 12:09 am #43011crusader
ParticipantYeah, I know! I just saw Buffy 2.21 and 2.22!
Kendra comes back in 2.21 and she dies in 2.21 to! Willow tells them for the first time that shes reading up on the blackarts and in the comic shes using magic and Kendra calls her a witch!
That would mean that comic would have taken place just in the middle of 2.21! That dont ad up! The only thing I can think of is this!
The script for the comic was supose to be an episode but the cut it away!
So maybe the moved some of the parts from it to the episodes the planed to ceap! Like Kendras return, Willows witch stuff aso.!
That or Kendra comes back, goes away and the comes back again!Anyway, the last 2 episodes of series 2 was great! And sad! It wasnt a funny Buffy episode!
Willow getting Angels soul back just as Buffy plans to kill him!
Angel bekoming himself again and not remembering anything, asking whats going on!
Crying and fealing happy to se Buffy since it feals like mounths since he last saw her!
Buffy telling him that she loves him and kissing him!
The gate to hell oppening!
Buffy telling him tp clouse his eyes!
Then the look of disbeliafe in Angels eyes as the woman he loves and trust drives a sword through his heart!
Reatching out his hand, saying “Buffy?” just before hell takes his body to torment it!I know she had to doe it to save the world but just think about it! Having to kill the one you love to save the world!
Then just leaving with out telling her friends! Id like to se how theyd react if theyd found out what she had to give up!
Cant wait untill i get to se series 3! (Ill have to wait untill April or May!) Maybe I should just get the episodes on postorder! What doe you guys think?
21st November 2001 at 4:47 am #43012crusader
ParticipantBy the way, urusaibob!
What does “Pfft” mean anyway?
21st November 2001 at 6:23 am #43013Anonymous
Originally posted by crusader:
Well, I got some!In the Buffy comic I got (Made by a whriter from the show) it says that it takes place in series 2!
But we are at episode 2.20 and things that have happend in the comic havent happend yet!
And the 2 last episodes are part 1 and part 2 episodes!Well, in the comic they talk about a fire Demon that Buffy have fought! (I think! If you remember anything about a fire demon please tell me what series its in and if you can, episode name or number!)
Angel have bekome Dark Angel!
Willow have bekome a Witch and uses magic!
It cant be long after Jenny died bekos Giles is still hurting from it and tries to revive her! He even changes his name to Ripper for a wile!
Cordelia wasnt in it but it can be as shes just not there for the time being!
Spikes still in the Wheelchair and he, Angel and Dru lives in that garden castle kinda place they get in that Goust episode in series 2!
Kendras back but I dont know if she already where there or not!I hope that can help you to tell me what Series that was in and around what episodes! (And please with out posting any spoilers)
Oh, and how are the Angel show like? I sounds realy strange and beizzar!
Oh, and have anyone heard about the Buffy game? Are they still going to make it or did they scrap it totaly?
Please anser,
Hi Crusader, don’t want to give too much away, but I can’t remember a fire demon, and that Angel does turn to his evil ways after a night Luuuve with the buffster.
And Giles is referred to as Ripper by an old friend who turns out to be a nasty piece of work, I always wondered whether Giles harboured some dark secret, but throughout the series there have been signs that Giles might be more than he seems, like a god or a very powerful being that only a few know of, but they have never really elaborated on it. On a side note, Giles is rumored to be leaving Buffy for a six part series by the UK’s BBC, based on that character, and it will be written by Joss Whedon.
Spike does stay in the wheelchair for a long time, but he is not being entirely truthful about his disability.
Kendra makes a very fleeting visit in the new season and has a run in with Dru and her long nails.
As for the game, I think it must have been shelved, I saw lots of pics for it and a release date, but since then nothing has materialized, check out gamespot to see if it’s still being made, although I think they have not been doing anything with it, which may mean they are not continuing with it.
And Angel has turned out to be a very good series, but it’s a lot darker than Buffy, but has some very good humour in it.
Anyway, it’s difficult to answer your questions without it involving spoilers, but I hope I haven’t given too much away with the little info above (apologies if I have).
[img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]21st November 2001 at 10:14 am #43014Anonymous
Guest“pfft” hmmm… a rough approximation of the noise one makes when one completely disregards some idea, comment, or action, usually accompanied by a hand gesture. [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_cool.gif[/img]
22nd November 2001 at 3:26 am #43015crusader
ParticipantThanks, urusaibob! Now I can doe this:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
I already know that witch you would have known if you had looked at one of my posts in this thread! The one where I talk about the end of Series 2! But thanks anyway!
The Ripper thing in the comic was when Giles was trying to bring back Jenny and started to dress like a biker and fought some FBI agents (Who realy where Demons) when they cald him “Mr.Giles” the responded: “Please! Cal me Ripper!”
Well, the comic WAS great! You should try and get it! As I said It was made my one of the Episode whriters!So, what did you guys think of the series 2 ending? (If you dont remember read what I posted about it further up)
22nd November 2001 at 1:53 pm #43016Anonymous
Guestcrusader maybe this will help. i too am watching the reruns on the cable channel FX and i recently (sometime in the last two maybe three weeks) saw an ep where one of the characters ( i am not going to say who it would be a major spoiler for you-it takes place in season 3) mentions something about when they defeated the fire demon or something like that. that maybe a reference to your fire demon in the comic. but i agree with with the above replies, i have not seen a fire demon in the reruns i have seen so far and we are into season 3 at least maybe 4 i am not sure. you posted that the comic says it takes place at the beginning of season 2 so maybe i missed it. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
23rd November 2001 at 1:03 am #43017crusader
ParticipantNo, I said that it took place at the END of series 2!
Read the second post I made in this forum! Should be post number 5 or so from the top!
Peapol have asked me to post the hole story from the comic in the forum in script version!
Maybe I will so that you can se what Im talking about!But what did you think about the end of series 2?
24th November 2001 at 4:15 am #43018Anonymous
Guestcrusader, i have registered on a Buffy BB and posed the question you asked about the fire demon. as soon as i get some replies i will let you know. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
3rd December 2001 at 2:04 pm #43019Anonymous
Guestok crusader this is what i have found out from the buffy bb i have visited. everyone who posted doesn’t remember a fire demon, but some of them have said that maybe this is just a comic book ep so to speak. the comic books would have to place their story in the buffy timeline according to where the show is at that time. for instance you mentioned kendra, and she is on the show for a very short while and if this comic book takes place around the time that kendra is there it would have to be at the end of sesason 2 right? but it is true that perhaps some of these plots in the comics could be eps that never made it to television. i hope this helps explain why there is no fire demon in the tv eps. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
4th December 2001 at 2:00 am #43020Fantasma
ParticipantAs Buffy fanatic, I can say that I remember no fire demon, in which case, it is probably exclusive to the comic (much like what Mary Beth said), but the mentions of a wheel-chaired Spike, a Jenny-mourning Giles, an alive and kicking Kendra, and an evil Angelous are to give you an idea as to when it takes place. So it *could* have happened in the time betwen episode A and episode B.
Hope that helps = )
4th December 2001 at 2:36 am #43021crusader
ParticipantYeah, I thoughtb that myself!
I posted what I concluded in this topic, futher up!
This is what I said:Yeah, I know! I just saw Buffy 2.21 and 2.22!
Kendra comes back in 2.21 and she dies in 2.21 to! Willow tells them for the first time that shes reading up on the blackarts and in the comic shes using magic and Kendra calls her a witch!
That would mean that comic would have taken place just in the middle of 2.21! That dont ad up! The only thing I can think of is this!
The script for the comic was supose to be an episode but the cut it away!
So maybe the moved some of the parts from it to the episodes the planed to ceap! Like Kendras return, Willows witch stuff aso.!
That or Kendra comes back, goes away and the comes back again!
Anyway, the last 2 episodes of series 2 was great! And sad! It wasnt a funny Buffy episode!
Willow getting Angels soul back just as Buffy plans to kill him!
Angel bekoming himself again and not remembering anything, asking whats going on!
Crying and fealing happy to se Buffy since it feals like mounths since he last saw her!
Buffy telling him that she loves him and kissing him!
The gate to hell oppening!
Buffy telling him tp clouse his eyes!
Then the look of disbeliafe in Angels eyes as the woman he loves and trust drives a sword through his heart!
Reatching out his hand, saying “Buffy?” just before hell takes his body to torment it!I know she had to doe it to save the world but just think about it! Having to kill the one you love to save the world!
Then just leaving with out telling her friends! Id like to se how theyd react if theyd found out what she had to give up!
Thanks for trying to find an explinasion!
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