Cease-fire, maybe?

Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Lexx Cease-fire, maybe?

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  • #36565

    I know, beat me for bringing this up [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] , but could I call upon all warring parties (yes, you know who you are [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] ) to, if not make amends, at least to treat each other civilly?

    Please, the name-calling and grudges are getting old. A lot of words have passed, bitter, resentful words, and I know pride has been hurt. All *that* has taken place elsewhere, no further need to drag it over here.

    *whinny* XX


    Well, see..

    When certain [i]parties[/i] start dragging certain celebreties from certain TV shows into this giving said star their one-sided account and tell them to avoid [i]said[/i] person or persons… um.. it’s reasonably understandable that said persons would be irrate over the false accusations and not want to peacefully co-habbitate with them here.

    They drove said persons off one board with countless accusations and pestering. Now they want to come here because they so dominantly overrun the the other board that they run off people, the very people that come here to escape that. No wonder there is no interesting discussion over there.

    I am not the one who cannot make amends or has a problem treating people civilly. Since I was the one who brought this up, I can only presume that you threaten me.. and with what? More people who blindly attack me with baseless accusations cause their friends tell them too? And Since the FYI topic was closed no one else has brought it up.

    But go ahead. No one will speak out against them because those who don’t agree with what they are doing fear what happened to me and other said person, will undoubtedly happen to them, which it will.

    Yes, the [i]name-calling[/i] and [i]grudges[/i] are getting old. So tell your friends to stop please. They have already ruined my good name with Brian Downey with their accusations and paranoia. If anyone is ruining anyone’s fun.. they are ruining mine.

    [ 16-10-2001: Message edited by: X ]



    Originally posted by :
    I know, beat me for bringing this up [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] , but could I call upon all warring parties (yes, you know who you are [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] ) to, if not make amends, at least to treat each other civilly?

    *whinny* XX

    x has a point; everything was done with the lockdown of that thread, so yes we are beating you for bringing it up [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] or are you perhaps suffering from lack of closure as you did not participate in the thread before i shut it down? at any rate, you have your closure now so let’s drop it; i need all my energies for the next dt blow up [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    the people who chat with brian downey do so BECAUSE *he* gave them his email address… they MET him IN PERSON, at the uncon, and he liked some of them enough to even invite them over for dinner. they have stated repeatedly that they do not even DISCUSS you all with him, you are not that important to them that they would bother mentioning you to brian downey, SERIOUSLY. if you don’t believe that why don’t you write brian and ask him yourself. don’t have his email? well maybe that’s because HE didn’t give it to you. nobody can HOG brian downey -LMAO- he can like whoever he wants to. and if you actually think he’s the kind of person would wouldn’t like you because of so- called gossip… then why the heck would you want to talk to him anyway? i mean really now, i’ve never met or talked to brian downey but i don’t think they told him bad things about me just because i wasn’t there or invited or whatever… that level of paranoia is very disturbing, next the APEC ppl will not only be hitler but osama, too!!! LMAO!!! maybe even doctor doom if you want to get reeeeally silly. ::chuckle::

    i’m not a member of APEC, i have argued and disagreed with people on the BB, no one told me to leave but maybe that was because even while i was arguing with them… i didn’t say retarded crap like “you smell!” or “you’re fat!” or whatever lame put downs some people have added onto, their replies. that kind of thing just turns ppl off, sometimes forever and that’s THEIR RIGHT to NOT accept apologies from people they don’t trust to let in if they think they will hurt them again.

    there’s been lots of misunderstandings, but before you take ANYONE’S word on what was said on the scifi BB, go read it for yourself… it’s all there, in all it’s unique glory. not interested in reading the scifi bb? good, then you don’t know what happened and never will and you’re probably the lucky one, LoL :o}


    Okay, all points taken. I’ll drop it.



    Originally posted by :
    Okay, all points taken. I’ll drop it.

    Thanks for bringing it up again in the first place.

    Hmm…where was I the last time a dead horse was brought out in regards to this argument?…I don’t remember, but I seem to remember some familiar faces at the beating.

    But I wouldn’t accuse anyone from there of trying to *start* anything. I mean, no one’s *that* stupid, right? [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]



    Damn eflie.. this one really amuses me, for several reasons.

    A) I am taking my word for it, cause APEC attacked me. So, those things I said they did, they did them to me. And hey [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] technically I read some of those posts 3 or 4 times cause I did my best to proof read them before hitting the “submit” button. I was there, retard, when it happened. It happened to me as well. I saw what they did to Slop. I saw what they did to me. I oppose them for my own reasons not because Slop “told me to”. I never said anyone was “smelley” or “stinky”, besides it’s kind of redundant when there’s someone who calls themself “StinkyFeet”.

    B) Brian seems to avoid me on those occasions we’ve been in chat together. I’ve often wondered why he suddenly goes silent and bails when I’m in chat with him.

    C) I’ve seen chat transcripts cause I have friends in those groups. Btw, eflie.. funny you say you aren’t apart of that group, cause you do run with them on SciFi and I saw your reply about me in your little Yahoo group. Micromary even acknowledged this in her last post about the chats with Brian. And you accuse me of not knowing what’s going on? APEC said the same thing when they thought I was taking sides with Slop on SciFi. Ironic cause it’s obvious they weren’t reading what he was saying. They just heard “Slop is attacking us” and jumped on in. Which leads into the neXt point:

    D)If APEC members had actually read what me and Slop posted and not just listened to their “friends” who said we were attacking them and telling them not to post CFs, none of this would have happened. VisionAri even admitted that when she flamed me she didn’t really know what was going on, only that she had heard that I was flaming people. If APEC actually read what people were saying instead of jumping the gun and flaming people, they would avoid a lot of this.

    Now… this bit is just damn funny:

    “there’s been lots of misunderstandings, but before you take ANYONE’S word on what was said on the scifi BB, go read it for yourself… it’s all there, in all it’s unique glory. not interested in reading the scifi bb? good, then you don’t know what happened and never will and you’re probably the lucky one, LoL [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img]} ”

    Um yes it is.. and if anyone with half a brain cube would read the back posts you’d see that I’m right. I even offered to dig up these posts and Micro and Dgre didn’t want me to do that. They asked me what purpose would it serve. So sounds like to me, [i]YOU[/i] should go read some of those posts before taking sides, elfie. Btw, I feel like an ass now for giving you and maya the benefit of a doubt.

    FYI.. I was known as “Jack_Burton” and “TheSinisterMrX” on Scifi. Hope that clears some of the debris floating around in that tiny miniscule, insignificant, piece of brain matter of yours.

    Have a nice day [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]


    quote[quote] Thanks for bringing it up again in the first place.[/quote]

    You’re welcome.

    [QOUTE] Hmm…where was I the last time a dead horse was brought out in regards to this argument?…I don’t remember, but I seem to remember some familiar faces at the beating.

    But I wouldn’t accuse anyone from there of trying to *start* anything. I mean, no one’s *that* stupid, right? [/QUOTE]

    You’d be amazed. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    *having trouble deciding what side to take…* sigh.



    Originally posted by :

    You’d be amazed. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    *having trouble deciding what side to take…* sigh.

    Well.. I wouldn’t want to [i]tell[/i] anyone [i]what to do[/i] but it’s probably not a wise thing to take sides in other people’s battles. Seein’ as how seriously mis-informed elfie is and probably over half of APEC jumped in without knowing what was going in the first place which is why this snowballed into such a huge thing. Probably not a good idea. War is ugly. So are [i]some[/i] people.



    Originally posted by elfie:
    [QB]that level of paranoia is very disturbing, next the APEC ppl will not only be hitler but osama, too!!!

    Forgot to comment on that. Very inspired. Why didn’t I think of that one?

    Lesse.. They attack anonmously and use other people to do their dirty work.. deny having any involvement although their history would suggest otherwise.. terrorize people into submission by continued attacks.. I’m sure the comparrison doesn’t end there..

    I’m ashamed I didn’t think of it myself. But I thought it might be a sensative topic for human beings who have feelings and care about stuff like that.


    Yes…war is ugly…and the horse is dead…last time I checked.

    *kicks smelly, putrid, dead, maggot-ridden horse*

    Yep! It’s dead-dead alright!



    Okay, I admit. I posted as pony-spoo. I did this of my own perogative. Not to do anybody’s dirtywork, but to hopefully get y’all to finally just let it [i]die[/i]. A protective measure on my part. I did not mean any of it as an attack. I’m stupid for even bringing it up. Maybe my humor was lost…

    I apologize.


    Awww….verti….you were just trying to smooth things over. You are a sweetie! Things will just have to calm down on their own.

    And I am NOT on my cell phone calling Brian! [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    I don’t even HAVE a cell phone! [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by verti:
    Okay, I admit. I posted as pony-spoo. I did this of my own perogative. Not to do anybody’s dirtywork, but to hopefully get y’all to finally just let it [i]die[/i]. A protective measure on my part. I did not mean any of it as an attack. I’m stupid for even bringing it up. Maybe my humor was lost…

    I apologize.

    sorry verti for this to be our introduction, but the logic of creating a new thread to bring this **** up again is completely lost on me…perhaps i am not intelligent enough to grasp it? and i certainly do not see the humor in it…

    this goes to all the recurring participants in this nonsense; stop it now. I am closing this thread as well, and i will begin deleting posts and threads at the next provocation, or whenever i hear ‘apec’, ‘he started it’, ‘she started it’, or ****ing ‘pms’ for that damn matter! if you guys are going to act like children, why don’t you go run into traffic for chrissake’s?
    Have a nice day, [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] a very grumpy fx

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