
Forums Cult Sci Fi Series Andromeda Chameleon?

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  • #36168

    Welcome to the world of the already existing andromeda fans, i just read your other interestingly titled post “Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers” and I gotta tell you there wasnt a spoiler anywhere within sight. I saw that episode months ago as have a great majority of the board. In fact only those whohave beenliving under a rock, are possibly the only ones. And in hindsight, the fact James Marsters was in andromeda wasnt really much of a spoiler either considering that his cameo had been andvertised for months. And even though i loathe buffy and angel with the very core of my being I have to admit his character was quite good. Even though could actually be attributed to the script writers more than his actual ability. But anyway, gotta run. Bye!


    Andromeda just premiered over here. Please remember that Australia is a million years behind everyone else when it comes to sci-fi. (The wait for Series 4 of Lexx was positively agonizing!)
    And for the record, I hate Buffy too.


    Andromeda just premiered over here. Please remember that Australia is a million years behind everyone else when it comes to sci-fi. (The wait for Series 4 of Lexx was positively agonizing!)
    And for the record, I hate Buffy too.

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