Christopher Eccleston to play Ninth Doctor!

Forums British Sci Fi Series Dr Who Christopher Eccleston to play Ninth Doctor!

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    Here’s the link to the story… this could be pretty good, I reckon- pity it couldn’t have been Tony Head, but you don’t get everything you ask for


    Wow, Nebagram,
    Thanks for the web site with the New Dr’s info; A New Dr, I wonder what he’ll be like. & I wonder if the new show will be shown here in the States; I guess, we’ll all have to wait & see. 8) isn’t it; I’ll show the web site to my parents as soon as I can & thanks again for the web site.

    Whovian to Whovian,
    Jhevz 😉


    Well, all that practice he got with the drill in [i]Shallow Grave[/i] should have prepared him for the sonic screwdriver…


    [quote]“I have played a lot of intense roles – if they want a miserable northern b*****d it’s always me they ring.

    “I’ve played a lot of characters who are very troubled and dark but I can’t wait to get into the Tardis – it’s going to be brilliant.[/quote]



    Hi! 😀 New member! I wonder will he be regarded as the 9th or 10th doctor? Is Richard E Grants Dr regarded as canon?


    [quote=”Plif”]Hi! 😀 New member! I wonder will he be regarded as the 9th or 10th doctor? Is Richard E Grants Dr regarded as canon?[/quote]

    Welcome, Plif! 🙂 If one includes Dr. Who and the Curse of Fatal Death ( ), then Richard Grant may be considered the 10th Doctor, and Rowan Atkinson was the 9th tv doctor… So Richard E. Grant will play the Doctor a second time in the animated feature due to air in November.

    When it comes to which Doctor is which number it all gets a bit confusing between the movies, the new animated series, Shada, the Cds, radio…

    Also, [url=]have a look at this older thread (click)[/url] for more of the low down on Doctor Who news including old speculation.

    I’d still love to see Pryce revive his role from The Curse of Fatal Death as The Master.


    Yeah, Pryce was brilliant…”They’re Dalek bumps…”
    I dont think they should show the Dr’s regeneration… And leave an air of mystery as to which life he’s actually on at the moment…

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