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  • #38771
    fluffy bunny

    So who here plays computer games online?

    I’ll take some people on in the new yr at:

    Mechwarrior 4
    Q3 (normal or jailbreak)
    Starlancer (after a reinstall- I’m sure it’s gone wonky)


    Ill kik ya in UT or Q3 [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]


    WTF happened to my last post??!!! God I hate computers.

    Ah well. I’ll just have to retype summink similar.

    I used to do a fair amount of online gaming. Mainly Halflife CS, cos my bro loved it, so we used to meet up on line and go and whup some serious ass. Also UT and JK.

    Don’t so much now tho cos I got seriously hacked off with lag on a 56k. Still, in the new year I think I’ll be going for ADSL. When that’s in… your on.

    These days we generally play on LAN. The current games of choice?…

    UT2k3 – ****’s all over UT. Totally great. Bloody wants to be with an install that big!!

    MW4 – ROCKS!!! Summink very satisfying stomping around in a huge robot, blowing your mates limbs off.

    Star Lancer and Freespace 2 – I love space flight sims (I used to be virtually unstoppable in a tie fighter in XvT). But my game port isn’t working, so the joystick is out at the moment. One day I’ll get round to fixing it.

    AvP2 – Ahhhhhhhh. Dropping from the ceiling and ripping the face off a marine is even more satisfying than blowing yer mates limbs off.

    Operation Flashpoint and Ghost Recon – I’m gagging to get a group of people together for some co-op bashes at this. If you guys are up for it let me know, we can sort summink out (after ADSL that is)

    And saving the best til last…

    Battlefield 1942 – If you haven’t got it yet, stop reading this and go… NOW!!!!! The best FPS frag fest fun I have had in many a moon. I cannot recommend this game enough. you can leap into tanks, jeeps, planes (they even have a b52 that you can fly), boats (that’s aircraft carriers and destroyers!!! Big boys toys). It is so diverse… GET IT!!! GET IT NOW!!!!

    Oh, and as a final note. If you haven’t got it already, grab a copy of ‘the All-seeing eye’. You can download it easily from many places (Google will point you to where). It beats Game Spy on almost every point.

    mandara k

    My bro is more into gaming than I am; he was doing that Final Fantasy one recently/ i like the idear of a Summoner; the chick that summons these creatures to attack.

    Me, all I remember well is Chutes and Ladders
    (Nieces and nephews you see)I’m still trying to get my neph weaned off of John Denver and now Mariah Carey’s X-mas Album; admit it the cover is why guys bought ths album; yeesh, guys are kind of easy to market to’ show some cleavage of some 15-30 yo chick and it sells. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mandara k:
    …and now Mariah Carey’s X-mas Album; admit it the cover is why guys bought ths album; yeesh, guys are kind of easy to market to’ show some cleavage of some 15-30 yo chick and it sells. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    That’s exactly the sort of comment that really ****s me off!!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_mad.gif[/img]

    How DARE you intimate that I would stoop so low as to buy mediocre, middle of the road, warbling ****e!!!! Mariah ****ing Carey can go ****** herself with a foot long ******** right after she’s drowned in ********, been revived and had her **** set on fire!!!… a bit!

    You were right about the flesh sells bit though… [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    But I s’pose this should really go in the ‘What drivel are you being forced to listen to your uneducated and taste free friends and relatives’ thread… or the ‘marketing methods aimed at prepubescents in the 21 century’ one.

    BTW… No offence was taken during the preperation of this post. Just pulling yer *******. How could I take offence after you kind words in the ensuing blood bath which, once upon a time, was about trekkie bashing.

    mandara k

    I’ll apologize anyway; not all men want to see that;I was playing the odds.i have nothing against a fantasy life; but do all of us have to be subjected to the same? As long as openess and acceptance is not part of the collective; I will be an outsider pecking at status quo. It’s a cr– job but I suppose someone should do it.

    now can we all play nicey-nice; or will it be time -out for all of us; me for being inflamatory? well, peeps are posting, is that not a step in the rt. direction? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]



    Originally posted by mandara k:
    I’ll apologize anyway; not all men want to see that;I was playing the odds.i have nothing against a fantasy life; but do all of us have to be subjected to the same? As long as openess and acceptance is not part of the collective; I will be an outsider pecking at status quo. It’s a cr– job but I suppose someone should do it.

    now can we all play nicey-nice; or will it be time -out for all of us; me for being inflamatory? well, peeps are posting, is that not a step in the rt. direction? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    Not wanting to pick a fight Mandara, but come off it, the same ‘flesh selling aspect’ applies to women as well, i.e all the boy bands who for some reason find it neccessary to show their six packs off at any opportunity.
    And I for one wouldn’t buy an album based on the front cover art, in fact I think only male Mariah fans would take note of that.
    BTW, Mariah is 32, so doesn’t belong in the 15-30 (I haven’t seen many 15 year olds baring cleavage recently!!!) age group.
    It never used to be this way, but women’s interests are marketed just as much nowadays.

    mandara k

    Are you done now? May be you want to pick at something else. May be I see your point; may be i don’t really care what you think; I’ll come off it if you stop picking apart what i say and may be this is the time to go back to topic.

    Why do I even try to post; all peeps do is pick, pick, pick; take generalized topics and make them nasty. get off it; yeah, it is true that there is more boy bands but the push is for teenage girls.

    Look, ADM, I don’t know you’ you don’t know me; so the hostile words breed hostility. I did not go into your home and kick your dog around, right?



    Originally posted by mandara k:
    Are you done now? May be you want to pick at something else. May be I see your point; may be i don’t really care what you think; I’ll come off it if you stop picking apart what i say and may be this is the time to go back to topic.

    Why do I even try to post; all peeps do is pick, pick, pick; take generalized topics and make them nasty. get off it; yeah, it is true that there is more boy bands but the push is for teenage girls.

    Look, ADM, I don’t know you’ you don’t know me; so the hostile words breed hostility. I did not go into your home and kick your dog around, right?

    Whoa there Mandara, that was not a hostile post at all (if it had been then Sad would’ve edited it), it was merely to point out that the exploitation of the human body isn’t solely restricted to women.
    It sounds like you need a break Mandara, as I can’t understand your reaction to what is a fair point, and I could easily take offence to you tarring us fellas with the same brush…but I didn’t, instead I pointed out that we’re not all drooling perverts.
    So to reiterate, I’m not out too pick apart your posts and it was definitely not to show any hostility.

    mandara k

    Yup, need a vacation; stress is tearing me into little chewable pieces. I want to pay someone to apartment hunt, for me holiday shop and everything else. Sorry ladies and gents!

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming while Mandara does one of those screams that purge.

    Well, ADM I guess that pectoral implant is out for you. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] Why peeps would risk anesthesia and infection for that kind of stuff I don’t understand.Ah, what a world, what a world. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]


    yes i do believe that everyone should take a step back, and take a time-out!

    this is the time of year when, basically, everyone tries to be nice to each other. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] i realize that everyone is stressed because of the holiday season, but in light of past events we need to try and be especially nice! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    i say we should try to call a truce till after the first of the year! then we can discuss these problems in more detail then! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    Yeah, but look on the bright side… We got in three good posts before we got off topic.

    And it’s not Christmas without a good arguement.

    So every body hug, mumble platitudes about not wanting to hurt each other and get over it. That came over slightly harsher than I intended, but what the hell. It’s typed now.


    [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img] sorry! i didn’t mean to shout. [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img]

    i do hope that we can find some peace and good cheer this holiday season! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]



    back to gaming!

    The Conflict Freespace games are the only flight sims that I can play, all the others sux big time!

    But my all time favourite is………(drums)…….FALLOUT 2!!!!

    have anyone played it?

    IT ROCKS! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    fluffy bunny

    Ah fallout 2. I remember a long time ago my bro was playing that getting killed by radioactive stuff (well green stuff anyway) underground. It’s not multiplayer though is it?

    Starlancer and the up and coming freelancer games are made by the people who did the wing commander games.

    Anyways – Master of Orion 3 is about to come out and it seems to be pretty good, if a tad annoying to those of you with expensive graphics cards. Unreal 2 seems pretty sweet as well. Was going to get medevil total war and IL-2 sturmwich, but with sequels planned (just around the corner for IL-2, and a yr or so for Rome:total war, I think I’ll start saving- you never know pc games get more and more expensive despite using smaller DVD style boxes and relegating the tome thick instuction manuals to pdf format on the cd for you to print out)

    I still challenge you all to yahoo bridge though

    The Doctor Alt 8

    Has anyone out there played Evolva ?
    I tried and I can`t get the game started. I land on the planet and end up wandering around in a bloody big circle getting nowhere… Very frustrating !

    fluffy bunny

    Srry gave that one a miss after it got fairly rubbishy reviews


    Yeah, a long time ago tho. I seem to recall the first level was really more of a tutorial. I thought they held your hand through it. Can’t remember whether it was text prompts or a voiceover, but I’m pretty sure you have to sample the DNA of some obscure looking blob shaped beasties to get better jumping ability or summink. Then you can get to a ledge or something you couldn’t reach before. Hang on…

    God I hate being right all the time…

    [url=]This should help[/url]

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