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  • #38429

    Gee, you figured me out. Yes, hi everyone I am Vyxen, the now famous and dispized troll of the scifi bb.
    Big deal
    I would go into a lengthy rant about why I dislike the PEOPLE (not organization) that i dislike, but frankly, i dont give a rats behind who knows why any more.
    the sad truth is this, at one time i thought i was friends with a bunch of people who posted on the scifi bb. as it would be, these people were not my friends, they said bad things about my friends, they bad mouthed me behind my back, and they sent me flaming emails from fake email addresses telling me that i’m going to “burn in hell” for my religious and lifestyle beliefs.
    again, that has nothing to do with lexx fandom.
    in truth, i never came out and said i didnt like fictions, i mean i dont like them, but i wasnt going to tell anyone what to do, after all, i myself even tried writing some, but i guess since i didnt love my clone and i made him into a badass that didnt go over well either.
    well words were put into not only my mouth, but into my boyfriends mouth( yes, x is my boyfriend and no we are not the same person, and no we are not slopmaster either) and thats when i got mad. as i soon realized there was no reasoning with certain people so i decided to throw them a taste of their own doings and yes, i did flood the scifi bb.
    it felt good, yes it was childish, yes it was trite and spiteful, but so what, all anyone really had to do was ignore me and i would have gone away.
    but instead what they did was something even more childish than even my immature mind could have come up with.
    you see, some of these responsible women who have important things to do and real lives made up some very derogatory names involving “X” and “vyX” and thought it would be funny to make up posts about me having a substance abuse problem and x beating me all the time.
    well substance abuse isnt very funny, i DID in fact deal with drug addictions at a young age and frankly i never want to go there again as long as i live. i had told certain individuals this information in confidence once a long time back, and though i will not name names, some people should not point fingers about addiction and abuse.
    not that any of that has to do with anything really, nor does any of the other comments that were made about me. i personally feel that my life is a pretty good sucess story all things considered and some women who dont know me very well arent going to crash my groove now are they?
    that said, i cant say i’ll never post here or that i’ll never flame the scifi bb again, all i can say is if you want the truth, ask me, however, the majority of the email addresses that were posted by flamegrape from the scifi bb are wrong and i no longer use them, if you want to write use the (oh yeah, I’m NOT seething bitch, but if you read this, whoever you are, i’m interested in knowing more about you, email me), its about the only one i can guarentee a response from.
    so am i so bad? you decide, and dont be surprised if i dont care what conclusion you come to.


    I applaud you for your excellent way of dealing with your hated. Very becoming. And also, the way you have alienated people that might have remained your *friends,* per se.

    Actaully, Christina, I liked you. Like you care, anyway. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    Gee, the mind boggles.


    your sarcasm is not lost brianna


    One of my many character flaws. Sorry to offend you, Christina.

    I did like you.

    Really, no sarcasm this time.


    Like this is supposed to excuse your behavior? Like this makes it OK for you to post filth-laden replies that sound like they came from a 13 year old? Sorry…a really disadvantaged 13 year old.

    I liked you Vyx…I really did. And if someone did something to hurt you, I’m sorry. But to take it out on an entire group of people is childish, and bigoted, and narrow minded. There was a time I would have expected better of you.

    Truly, I am sorry it’s come to this, but your behavior cannot be excused. If anyone needs an example of pathetic, childish, behavior, look no further.

    I will no longer reply to any of these threads, as it’s a pointless exercise in futility.

    The dead horse is dead, and stinky, and altogether foul.


    funny to see who is telling who about filth and stink….
    i would invite people to read MY floods vs YOUR floods but oops mine are gone, SOMEONE had me banned.


    That is absurd Doffy. The reason for all this blowing out of proportion is because of this, “To attack my sister is to attack me” mentality of most of APEC. It never is just one person. If one APEC member flames someone and that person responds, then another APEC member will attack that person for picking a fight with their friend, even if their friend is in the wrong. It happened to me, VisionAri even acknowledged she was doing this when she flamed me even though she admitted she didn’t know what it was about or even if her friends were in the wrong. It’s all about sisterhood, which is APEC.

    It is seems it is never childish for APEC to flame anyone or attack them first but if someone responds to it, then the person responding suddenly is? That is completely ignorant. I’ve even had people reply to me with “The excuse that ‘she hit me first’ is childish”. That is insane. You do that very thing. So by the same token.. how can any of you in good conscience respond to someone with even more hate filled venom spewing posts? Do you just not live by your own advice? Or are you indeed hypocrites?


    Maybe I’m being childish here, but a lot of the animosity between Lexxians could all have been caused by something silly, which got out of hand.

    It may have been a smiley that was missed off the end of a sentence and peeps read something that wasn’t intended.

    When you can’t see someone’s face, or intent in their eyes it’s easy to misread a post (I do it all the time). If someone then answers and makes some negative comments in defence then we soon have a war on our hands.

    Gelfing, it’s a shame that so many people liked you (or at least they say they did) and now you guys all seem irreconcilable.



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    Maybe I’m being childish here, but a lot of the animosity between Lexxians could all have been caused by something silly, which got out of hand.

    It may have been a smiley that was missed off the end of a sentence and peeps read something that wasn’t intended.

    When you can’t see someone’s face, or intent in their eyes it’s easy to misread a post (I do it all the time). If someone then answers and makes some negative comments in defence then we soon have a war on our hands.

    hear, hear Saddy.


    END!! END!! END!! END!!

    So you’re Xev of R2D2, Gelfling and X? Wow, and I’m only Hypatia(occasionaly my real name, Zoe)

    X, I think that the behavior you described is atrocious and unbecoming to an officer and a Lexxian. But people are like that. I think you should ignore them, ’cause it’s not as if you’ll ever meet.

    I’m really tired of this issue invading Saddy’s site. Y’all are the people I came to after 9/11 (11/9) to escape. This is where I go to get away from the real world, not to see High-Schoolish cliques take over.

    Verti, Doffy, I believe that the banner says ‘no flames’. Please comply. X, just give it a rest….ignore them.


    I just wanted to say that I have nothing to say about this subject. Except that it’s not my conflict and it’s my hope that it ends soon. It probably won’t be resolved in a manner that satisfies everyone. My advice to boths sides is to give it up. Cease and desist.



    Originally posted by Xev of R2D2:
    That is absurd Doffy. The reason for all this blowing out of proportion is because of this, “To attack my sister is to attack me” mentality of most of APEC. It never is just one person. If one APEC member flames someone and that person responds, then another APEC member will attack that person for picking a fight with their friend, even if their friend is in the wrong. It happened to me, VisionAri even acknowledged she was doing this when she flamed me even though she admitted she didn’t know what it was about or even if her friends were in the wrong. It’s all about sisterhood, which is APEC.

    It is seems it is never childish for APEC to flame anyone or attack them first but if someone responds to it, then the person responding suddenly is? That is completely ignorant. I’ve even had people reply to me with “The excuse that ‘she hit me first’ is childish”. That is insane. You do that very thing. So by the same token.. how can any of you in good conscience respond to someone with even more hate filled venom spewing posts? Do you just not live by your own advice? Or are you indeed hypocrites?

    For what it’s worth, X, I agree with you on this. Both “sides” are guilty of this behavior.

    For the record, I was unaware for a long time that someone was trolling Slop and Vyx, whether she was doing it on my behalf or not. Most of us do not forward private e-mails or chat transcripts to each other (and notice I said MOST not ALL) and I’m not in the habit of saying “So, what happened in chat while I wasn’t there? Ya got a copy of it?” I have no idea what goes on when I’m not there. In the only incident I did witness, I did beg her to stop, as it was only going to make the whole thing worse for EVERYONE.

    remember the words of Buffalo Springfield:
    “NObody’s right, if EVERYbody’s wrong”


    I had absolutely no intention of adding to any of this, but enough is enough.

    X, I would appreciate it if you didn’t put words into [b]my[/b] mouth. . . I don’t appreciate it any more than you do.

    I can’t speak for anyone else, but for me the problem has ALWAYS been your abusive behavior. Not your opinions. Not who your friends are. Not who you choose to champion. Not who/what you do/don’t like. It is, and has always been, the foul-mouthed attacks, attention-seeking flames (if you just wanted to be left alone, why did you continue to “call me out” long after I decided to ignore you?) and general histrionics.

    Yes, I [b]did[/b] say that I didn’t know what the argument was about. I did [b]not[/b] say that it didn’t matter whether the person you were attacking was in the right or not. You were showing your *ss yet again and I called you on it. Period. And I have told [b]no[/b] lies about you, unlike your public assertions that I a) told Brian Downey to avoid you (I have [b]nothing[/b] better to discuss with Mr. Downey than you?), b) referred to you as a “redneck” (even if I had, what’s wrong with that? My best friend of 15 years is a self-described redneck and one of the finest people I have ever known) and c) ran around telling people not to associate with you (like you’re really that important to me? Not even [b]you[/b] can believe that)

    Oh, and people attacking you first? Well, I suppose it’s there if you want to see it; such as when I suggested a television show to another poster and you automatically assumed it was a jab at you; as though I actually forced a television network to create a show with a title that was sure to annoy you. Your response when that was pointed out? Anger that I didn’t apologize to [b]you[/b] for [b]your[/b] misinterpretation of the post. Good heavens.

    Oh, and that quote “she hit me first” is inaccurate. It was “she hit me [b]back[/b] first”.

    To reiterate what I’ve already told you too many times for me to remember: nothing would make me happier than to never have anything to do with you ever again. You can make that happen very easily: you just have to leave me out of your “issues” so that I don’t need to come to other websites to counter your lies.

    Thank you, and have an [b]excellent[/b] life.

    [i](SadGeezer, my apologies. I am not in the habit of going places to cause trouble, and I assure you that I have no intentions of troubling you again.)[/i]

    quote[quote]Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. — Zen aphorism [/quote]



    Originally posted by VisionAri:
    [i](SadGeezer, my apologies. I am not in the habit of going places to cause trouble, and I assure you that I have no intentions of troubling you again.)[/i]

    Hey, don’t appologize [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    People (not just you) are feeling that they need to say stuff! It’s ok as long as no nasty personal comments are made.

    I’m amazed at how peeps such as Doffy and dgrequeen (who is hugely respected by this sadgeezer) is feeling such angst about stuff.

    I get a bit worried about what is being said, but since I have not been a part of the argument, I find it hard to comment (and sometimes, I really wish I could). As far as I can see, we have LEXXians how are miffed about stuff and want to get their miffedness ( [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img] ) off their chest.

    I can’t really object, since I (and most of us) hate being misquoted or having things taken out of context.

    What I do know is that everyone who I’ve seen post, has seemed genuinely keen to sort things out and make everything ok again. Most of the angry posts have also seemed apologetic.



    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    Gelfing, it’s a shame that so many people liked you (or at least they say they did) and now you guys all seem irreconcilable.

    That should have read, “[b]Gelfing, it’s a shame that while so many people liked you (or at least they say they did), now you guys all seem irreconcilable.[/b]



    Originally posted by Hypatia:
    END!! END!! END!! END!!

    So you’re Xev of R2D2, Gelfling and X? Wow, and I’m only Hypatia(occasionaly my real name, Zoe)

    *Sigh.. no, Hypatia. I don’t try to fool anyone. I am only X. I am NOT Gelfling. Actually on here I only changed my display name to Xev of R2D2 because of the remark made by Craig Charles on P4X and on this robot test I took it said I was R2D2. [url=][/url]

    That’s where I got the little pic from. If you click on my profile it will say “X”. Also all my old posts will say “XevofR2D2” now.

    Actually, Hypatia, the problem like I said stems from the fact that people go around assuming I am these other people flaming them in disguise.

    So no, Doffy, there was never this “apologize, Meltdown..” thing from me. You guys were assuming I was someone else using another nick name to flame you, at least that’s what I am guessing cause you people seem to think I blew up again. I will admit I always get ****ed when someone blows up on you and you blame for being that person, naturally I will be angry about it. That’s what I’m most tired of out of all this.

    and Micro. What good would it do to keep an eye me while I was online. We are all usually on at the same time of night. So if I was on MSN and you got flooded out of chat or saw flaming posts, that would be proof enough for you that it was me? Hogwash. I am usually on everynite, Micro, that’s proof of nothing. I could just as easily accuse you of making those posts because I know you are on late at night as well.

    Too bad SciFi doesn’t list the IP address of the people posting. A lot of this crap would not have gotten so out of hand and accusations made. Sad however does have the option to turn that feature on, on this board.

    [ 21-11-2001: Message edited by: Xev of R2D2 ]


    The feature is on. Erm I’m not actually sure if peeps can see the logged IP address unless they are a moderator or administrator. For me, it appears at the bottom of the post under “IP Logged”. This is how a moderator can see who posts stuff (it’s not just the handle that is banned, it’s the ip address too).

    (A quick note here. Banning a poster is the harderst thing that a moderator has to do. It’s very rare and very very bad. I’ve only ever banned one person! in three years)


    My involvement ends here. I’m tired of it.

    I’m gone.


    for the last freakin time i’m a girl and x is a boy, you want proof? i got it, some one made a comment about sticking your @ss out in public, well i aint afraid to stick that or anything else out.
    and sad, no, no one who says that they liked me ever really did, they liked an idea of me that they created in their own heads, not the person that i am, not that i really care, cuz i dont like self rightous judgmental people who have problems accepting that some people think differently than they do.
    and uh, doffy? i repeatedly told you why i am mad at you and others, indigo told you as well, however you chose not to listen and put words in my mouth, thats what you do, its not nice, shame shame shame.
    dont worry about me sad, i have plenty of REAL friends and people who love me.

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