Delayed Reviews

Forums Announcements/New Stuff Delayed Reviews

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  • #40590

    As some of you may already know, I am moving to Atlanta on Saturday to start work on my Ph.D. Unfortunately this means a lot of packing, preparing, shvitzing out, packing and basically settling everything going on here in my hometown of Philadelphia. As a result, I haven’t had the time to write the review for Tripping the Rift or Battlestar Galactica as quickly as I should these last few weeks. I haven’t even done any work this last week. I promise that I will take care of these as soon as I can, hopefully I should be “on schedule” within the next 2-3 weeks.

    I’ve been making the transcripts a priority, but I don’t expect to have this Friday’s Galactica done within a few hours of its airing. It should be up late Sunday night. My apologies to those foreign subtitlers who use the transcripts to help in their translations. Hopefully this won’t set you back too much. And for the thieves who regularly steal the transcripts, do your own damn work for a change.


    Good luck with your move, Dedicated Saddy!!!!

    may it all go smoothly as possible!


    Anytime is fine dude. Have a good and eventless trip!

    mandara k

    Hey don’t worry too much of it at all. RL has a tendency to take priority.

    I’ll just wait until you’ve settled in, and since I’m cutting my cable watching off, I’ll be tuning in less. I’ve got a lot of time!

    I hope the move goes really smooth!

    check in to tell us how it’s going and um remind me, what was your PhD in?


    Good luck with your studies, man. I know it will be tough.

    I’ve always enjoyed the reviews and I’m sure plagarists everywhere will be disappointed to hear that you will be out of comish in the coming weeks 🙁


    Delayed?! Delayed? You are going to let Real Life take priority?!? And you call yourself a ‘geezer!

    No, seriously, I hope the move goes smoothly. 😉


    Headge reports that he arrived without incident in Atlanta, but he is still setting everything up in his apartment. He expects to be fully unpacked soon.

    mandara k

    That’s great news! Congrats HH on a successful venture. 😀


    Thanks Frey.

    Yes I made it down here safely and without any problems. Of course, once I got here the problems started. Nothing horrible, just the typical move-in and set up hassles. And of course there all the red tape that comes with starting off at a new school.

    Mandara K: I’m studying nuclear engineering (space power and propulsion).

    I’ve got a tremendous backlog of reviews, pics and transcripts to upload. I expect to have them all done by tomorrow, as I’ve largely taken care of all the bureaucracy down here, for now…

    Also I’m having some trouble with all of my previous email accounts, especially the sadgeezer account. If you sent mail to me at that account in the last few days, I haven’t be able to read it yet. Sorry.

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