Does anyone know this show?

Forums General Sci Fi General Sci Fi Stuff Does anyone know this show?

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  • #39681

    Can anyone help with this?

    [quote]I remember a show or film when I was a kid, only thing i recall was one guy had a weapon shaped like a “Y”. he sort of held the bottom bit and pointed the prongs at the target and “BOOM”. any ideas? my mates all think I dreamt it but I think not. Oh, and the prongs glowed pink….very sci-fi![/quote]


    Am I having deja vu? Weren’t we asked this before?
    Yes, in October and I meant to reply but forgot.

    I have a feeling it’s from The Fantastic Journey. The character Varian from the 23rd century had a sort of tuning fork which he used to focus his mental powers.

    I’ll have to do some more research though since I’m not sure and may be muddling it with something else.

    Edit – Nope, I’ve found a web page which backs me up


    and here’s a page with a pretty picture


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