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- This topic has 35 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 16 years, 7 months ago by
18th December 2002 at 3:55 am #35978
Keymasterhad an e-mail from my friend. apparently the new Star Trek film has had disappointing returns in its opening weekend, which could mean that Nemesis will be the last film (just like the rumours heard weeks ago said).
”” [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img] ”” (sniff, blub) for me, that would rank on the upset scale with B5 blowing up!! come on guys, drag your granny kicking and screaming to the cinema, promise your annoying neighbour’s even more annoying child a year’s supply of chocolate..get them in there!! (please, just for me…it is Xmas..)
personally, i’m really looking forward to when it opens here… [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]18th December 2002 at 4:54 am #44102Anonymous
I’m not a Star Trek fan but for you snookie, I’ll do it [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]
18th December 2002 at 6:43 am #44103ADM
ParticipantI’m going to see it, but I have too say it’s a stupid time too realise this movie, it’s going up against Lord of the Rings, so it’s no surprise it won’t do so well.
I get the feeling they wanted this too happen, as the general vibe is that this will be the last Generation movie.
This could well be the end for trek movies, I can’t see the Voyager crew getting a run and Enterprise doesn’t inspire much hope either.
And to be honest the premise does seem to be another rip from the series, the same seemed to happen with Insurrection, where a similar story appeared in the TNG series, for me Insurrection was not good, First Contact was excellent and had they done the same principle then Nemesis could’ve been good.
I think most aren’t interested in a Romulan storyline, the Romulans don’t offer a big enough threat for a movie, and yes I know it’s the Remans who play a pivotal role, but the fact is that they don’t carry anywhere near the threat of the Borg.
That’s not too say make another Borg movie as they’ve done the Borg thing to death, but they really needed a foe equally as menacing… and the Romulans/Remans just don’t cut the mustard.
ADM18th December 2002 at 2:48 pm #44104Rag
ParticipantI’d heard that this will be the last Star Trek film with the whole Next Gen Crew, but not the last Trek film. But I hear a lot of things, many of which are not true.
21st December 2002 at 12:21 am #44105Anonymous
Guesti’ve seen the trailers, and it looks like a damn good film. perhaps in a connection to my thread (ahem) in the Angst forum, probably the problem has as much to do with the fact that Trek isn’t seen as being as trendy as the likes of LotR or Bond, as it does with the actual scheduling of the release. this isn’t helped by the Trekkie bashing in the media- many people will only see Star Trek as being for fans of Star Trek, and not for those who like Sci-Fi and action films- and fear the ridicule that they are likely to get if they admit to going to see the film, so they don’t go. very sad. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]
(please guys, let’s keep this one civilised!!!)
BTW thanks, Sad!!! [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]23rd December 2002 at 6:16 am #44106Rag
Originally posted by snooklepie:
and fear the ridicule that they are likely to get if they admit to going to see the film, so they don’t go. very sad. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]
(please guys, let’s keep this one civilised!!!)
Then those people are f… (oh, hang on. Civilised… Soz)… jolly silly. Why avoid doing something you are going to enjoy because someone may mock you? This all comes back to the social stereotyping in Snook’s aforementioned thread. What happened to individuality and freedom of though and action? I firmly believe that the stigma will remain until the fans stop acting like it is something sordid, and start… but this is the subject of the other thread.
I think the poor box office figures are due to waining interest due to the previous films being a bit hit and miss, and probably more so to LOTR. Jackson is responsible. He made a couple of films that are so well put together and polished that it makes most of the others look a bit tacky (IMHO anyway).
Based upon the previous films, if you had enough cash to go and see one movie this Christmas, which would it be?
Cinema goes in fads. At the moment it seems to be heading into adaptations of books and comics (LOTR, Harry Potter and Spider-man have all made big cash. Dare Devil and the Narnia movie are hot on their heals. I reckon that this is the way it’s gonna go next).
Also, I dunno about everywhere else, but the first thing I saw on it was a trailer before LOTR last night. Other than that I have seen two posters and nothing else And one of those was at the cinema). If Joe Public isn’t excited by numerous flash trailers they aren’t going to see it. They can’t just rely upon the fan base to fill all the showings.
I don’t think Nemesis will do as well because of these factors, not because of any stigma attached to the series.
25th December 2002 at 5:33 am #44107Grim
ParticipantI don’t know about the rest of you but I get the impression that this is the next gens last stand. The voice over on the trailer calls it the beginning of the last voyage, or something like that. I think this is a last push to try a breath some life in to it and god knows it needs it.
It seams that they don’t know what to do with the next gen in a films. As ADM points out the story of insurrection was very similar to one in the show and it really felt like it, which made it a very big disappointment as a film. I archly felt cheated after seeing it. I don’t know about this one and hope it is not another drawn out episode because then they really would have missed the point of the film cross over.
What made the original films great for me (and yes I am using great on purpose but I am only counting from the wrath of khan) is that the took the craw out of the show.
They played around with what everyone expected from star trek, they killed Spook, blow up the enterprise and the whole craw where wanted by the federation!
With the next gen they are playing it safe. You feel that when your watching you know it’s all back to the enterprise for a cup of earl grey after, which takes way the tension you need for a good film.I really hope this one changes things and the mix it up a bit as they did for kirk in the first three (remember I don’t count the motion picture).
So snooklepie I’m going to see it with as many people as I can get to go with me.
26th December 2002 at 1:15 am #44108Anonymous
GuestI have seen this film and have no problem admiting that this movie just plain sucked. It had the potential for greatness but it flopped big time.
A few things they could have done to make this movie better.
There are obvious spoiler information, but dont worry, the movie sucks so it shouldnt matter.
Spoiler Space.
.1) Showed the Remus army destroying a planet with their Theta radiation weapon.
2) Have Data trapped in a situation that forces him to saving the day, and ultimately dying in the process. Instead he decides to leap to his death. It resembled the scene in ST II Wrath of Khan, but it didnt even come close to the emotions felt when Spock made the life and death decision.
3) More Enterprise infiltration by the enemy, not just one small party. The only point of this scene was to lead into a one on one fight with Riker and the Viceroy.
4) A few more Romulans warbirds comming to the aid of the Enterprise.
5) Give the Remus leader the transfusion he desperately needed, then kill him off, and in a way that is climatic. The fight between him and Picard was ANTI climatic, boring and unrealistic.
6) The whole scene where Troi gets even with the viceroy was stupid and her telepathic abilities whould have no way allowed her to do what she did and what she did seemed kinda pointless since everyone else didnt seem to have a problem finding the Remus ship landing many many phasers and torpedos onto it.
7) The Remus’s were warriors right? They were supposed to be thorns in the side of Romulus? So how come they couldnt shoot worth a ****? It was like a turkey shoot in each fight.
8) B4 was a nice addition, but since he was bait for the crew of the enterprise, where the **** did the Remus army find B4? You dont just up and find a working prototype of the Data Android, re-fit and re-program him to do your bidding, and if your techically capable of doing so, why not make an army of them?
This movie was slightly better than the previous one, but it still sucked. I didnt feel Earth was in any danger, I wasnt impressed at all. I used a coupon voucher (which I got when the audio went out when I took my brother to see SW:EP2), so I didnt pay a dime to see this movie.
26th December 2002 at 1:18 am #44109Anonymous
GuestIn addition, none of the NextGen movies were any good. I really hope they kill this portion of the movie franchise because it just keeps getting worse.
I hope they do a DS9 movie soon, bring back The Sisco 10 years after he supposedly died, fight the dominion again.
27th December 2002 at 12:04 am #44110Anonymous
GuestI’m not much of a Star Trek fan (being one of the few people who found Jennifer Lien cuter than Jeri Ryan), but I’ll have to agree with Evil Lister. At first I thought I was one in a zillion, but after seeing the dismal performance at the box office and actually hearing my Star Trek rabid unc criticize it….
27th December 2002 at 7:13 am #44111ADM
Originally posted by Evil_Lister:
In addition, none of the NextGen movies were any good. I really hope they kill this portion of the movie franchise because it just keeps getting worse.I hope they do a DS9 movie soon, bring back The Sisco 10 years after he supposedly died, fight the dominion again.
Bring back DS9?, cripes no one will go too the cinema if they brought that back.
First Contact was excellent and well done, but the other two (haven’t seen Nemesis yet) have been crap beyond belief, but it would be a lot worse if they had the boring send you too sleep cast of DS9 running the show.
ADM27th December 2002 at 8:33 am #44112Anonymous
Bring back DS9?, cripes no one will go too the cinema if they brought that back.
First Contact was excellent and well done, but the other two (haven’t seen Nemesis yet) have been crap beyond belief, but it would be a lot worse if they had the boring send you too sleep cast of DS9 running the show.
Obviously you missed the final 2 seasons of this show, it kicked both Voyager and Enterprise square in the nuts as far as action goes. Plus I like shows and movies that end on a down note. Sicko apparently dies, which was sort of depressing in a way because he was this cool beans character.
Make a movie about him comming back, with The Founders teaming up with a new enemy to cripple the federation. I dont know about you, but I thought it was cool to see new species like the Breen, the Dominion, & the Cardasians as well as Romulans & Klingons fighting along side the Federation for their very existance.
The past movies dont even come close to doing any real damage to the federation, or anyone else for that matter. Lets see a show were they really do get hurt and it takes a decade to re-build what was lost. But it will never happen because each movie just ends up being a big TV Episode that the fans somehow end up having to pay money to see.
27th December 2002 at 2:14 pm #44113ADM
ParticipantI did catch the last two seasons of the show, and it’s obvious the producers realised how much time they’d been spending writing rubbish, because in the last two seasons they did make DS9 more interesting….but it was too little, too late, and too give them a movie for two seasons…well they ain’t worth it.
Although, it does need fresh blood and new ideas in the movies, because the fans are starting to sense that these films are not being made for the fans, but more to line Berman and Co’s pockets.
But Sisko is a forgotten character and should stay that way, bringing him back along with the Dominion will only serve to add fuel to the argument of the films lacking originality. The biggest problem is that no one deserves to take over from the TNG crew, Voyager’s crew didn’t stand out and Enterprise is more of a Turkey than the one you’re currently stuffing your face with.
First Contact worked as the Borg did carry the threat well, the Dominion wouldn’t carry the same threat and are no more frightening than the Ferengi.
All it really needs is an original story and some edge of the seat thrills, I agree with taking the Federation to the brink of extinction with lot’s of big battles and action, but then it won’t happen, because Berman obviously doesn’t care anymore.
ADM28th December 2002 at 6:05 am #44114Anonymous
GuestIm sorry, but theyve had 4 chances to crank out a decent film and First Contact doesnt count as being a good movie, it just happens to be the best one so far.
They need to kill the movie franchise right now. I didnt pay to see this one, and if they decide to make another one, I wont even bother. I’ll wait for them to air it on PBS at 3am.
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me 4 f**king times in a row, FIRE EVERYONE!
31st December 2002 at 6:33 am #44115Anonymous
Guesti personally don’t think a DS9 film would work, simply because the latter seasons were so arc-driven, that anyone who hasn’t actually seen the show wouldn’t understand who people are, and why things are the way they are. they wouldn’t go- so only DS9 fans would want to see it. if just any sci-fi fan would go, then the powers that be would go for it. however, there just aren’t enough fans of the show to justify the cost of a film- and if the bods at the top can’t smell money, they won’t bother. [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]
as far as the whole Trek film franchise is concerned so far, it’s down to the old chestnut ‘you can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time…’. i have heard so often that ST4 is THE fan favourite. ok, it was a good film- personally, i could watch ST2 until it came out of my ears- i adore that film. the point is, not every fan is going to like every film, and will have a different opinion on each one. if you think a film is crap ( i found Insurrection incredibaly disappointing, too!), then there will be someone who thinks it rocks! after all, would we be here if that were not the case? i’m just hoping the focus isn’t on people who didn’t like the film, and that the franchise, when it does come to an end, can end on a high note, and not appear to be going down the same drain that the Batman franchise went down. Trek deserves better
i hope you catch my drift…. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]1st January 2003 at 1:18 am #44116Anonymous
GuestArc driven movies is whats selling right now, just look at The Two Towers, 200 mill in two weeks!
If you think Arc driven story boards dont work, then I guess you didnt enjoy ST2 Wrath of Khan, ST3: Search for Spock, & STIV: The Voyage Home.
Aside from buying ST merchandise and going to trek conventions, im a avid fan, I enjoy the series and even bring myself to watch episodes that totally suck. But as far as the movies go, im never going to see another ST:TNG movie again. They lost all confidence, not even the rabid trek fans where I work could honestly say this was a great movie. The best they would say was that it was better than the last one.
First Contact was boring, true it was the better of the TNG films. But if your kidnapped and forced to eat 4 piles of dog sh*t, and one of them has vannilla flavor extract poured ontop of them, which one will YOU say tastes the best? Yes, the one with the vanilla on it, but it in no way excuses the fact that its a pile of dog sh*t.
Kill the TNG Film franchise now, its a dead horse were beating folks. Put it out of its misery, move on to something else.
3rd January 2003 at 1:24 am #44117Anonymous
Guestok…you caught me on a bad day….
the likes of Star Treks 2-4 a a whole different ball game. people may not have seen ‘Space Seed’, the ST:TOS which was the inspiration for the Wrath of Khan. however, it was simply explained within the space of about 10 mins, after Khan captures Chekov and Captain Terrel. he was abandoned on Ceti Alpha V (as he see it), directly or indirectly his wife died because of it, and now he wants revenge on Kirk due to this. in a sense you really didn’t need to see the original episode, you just needed to know why Khan had such a serious beef with Kirk. done.
then, we have DS9….
how can you so easily explain at least 4 seasons of a show? the Dominion war might be easy enough, but then try explain the Prophets. the Pah-wraiths. the Emissary. you may then end up with a whole film trying to sort all that business out.i can’t see then raking over old coals on the chance it might make money. fine, make a film that just continues on from where we left off, or in the future- as you suggested. but the bigwigs aren’t going to make a film that’s purely for fans-because that’s all such a film would be. they want new blood, new money. to try and make a DS9 film that would remove the elements that made the show would end up making it a Star Trek film, and not a DS9 film. and seeing some of the opinions on that…
and you’re right about arc-driven films being the big thing at the moment. but the difference with these is that the fans are in on what they are all about right from the beginning- LotR, Matrix, etc. we’ve seen the stories from the start. which, i suppose brings me back to the original point as to why a DS9 film wouldn’t work. anyone new to the show would have at least 100 eps to wade through before they knew what it was all about! try getting all that into 10 mins…[ 02-01-2003: Message edited by: snooklepie ]
3rd January 2003 at 1:45 am #44118Anonymous
Guestthink about it this way- if you picked up a fantasy novel, any novel, or anything sci-fi- which was part of a series, and you’ve picked up, say, book 3 of 5. would it make sense? no. been there, done that. even with the bit at the beginning that recaps what has gone before. you still feel you’ve missed something, and that ruins the whole story.
5th January 2003 at 7:04 am #44119Anonymous
GuestThey had to do the same thing for the first few ST:TNG films, introducing characters and old enemies that people didnt know about because they simply didnt watch the show.
Doing it for DS9 would be no different than TNG.
The point that i think everyone doesnt seem to get, is that this is just the latest in bad TNG Trek films. Its the LOWEST grossing film to date, even ST:5 made more money than ST:10, and that movie was horrible!
So no more hoping that it “might” get better in ST:11, it wont, and after you get burned again after seeing ST:11, you’ll hold out for hope for ST:12, then 13, and so on until you’ve finnally had it.
Time for DS9 to step up to the plate, ditch Worth, and just go with The Sisko, The Prophets, & The Founders. Thats all you need. If they made a 2nd DS9 film, fine, it will be crap, but the 1st one might be great and all i want is a good Trek film at this point.
5th January 2003 at 8:12 am #44120ADM
ParticipantDS9 would fail miserably, Paramount would never entertain this idea because they know it would be doomed too failure, even the Voyager crew got touted as being given a shot…but no mention of DS9, why?, coz it sucked and was not liked.
And First Contact boring???, there’s many thing’s that can be said about First Contact, but boring isn’t one of them, in fact it’s why Berman thought Enterprise might work (following on from the Zefram Cochrane story arc), you’re the only Trek fan I’ve come across that think’s the total opposite of every other trek fan I’ve met.
First Contact did well at the box office, and to date it’s the only movie that hasn’t been a rehash of old ideas (aside from Generations), it gave the fans what they wanted, a good action packed movie and the Borg, and if it had done as badly as you’d thought, then the idea of introducing a continuation of the Borg theme in Voyager might have been given up, but it gave new life too the Borg and saw the introduction of the Borg queen and 7 of 9.
So sorry pal, your remarks just about contradict First Contact’s box office success and as for DS9 for a movie…more chance of Shatner and Co returning (and Deforest Kelly would be more interesting than Sisko…and he’s passed away(R.I.P)).
ADM5th January 2003 at 8:35 am #44121ADM
ParticipantThey had to do the same thing for the first few ST:TNG films, introducing characters and old enemies that people didnt know about because they simply didnt watch the show.
WTF are you talking about…they didn’t have to that at all, what old enemies???, Soran wasn’t an old enemy and neither were the Son’a, the Borg might have been, but what difference does that make, a five year would only take a few seconds too realise the Borg were mean cyborgs on the loose.
And they didn’t need too introduce characters anymore than any other film, besides TNG was watched more than DS9 simply because it was the first trek series since TOS.
Picard is probably the most recognisable captain since Kirk, the other’s get forgotten, most of all Sisko, and if DS9 was so damn successful home come we don’t see their cast in anything anymore??? Avery what’s his face…haven’t seen him in anything since DS9 (must have wrecked his career), the rest of them pop up in bit parts now and again, and how come you see Levar Burton and Jonathan Frakes directing both Voyager and Enterprise eps, haven’t seen any DS9 cast memebers doing that.
If anything the rot started during and after DS9, it’s been downhill ever since, Paramount tried too revive the flagging franchise by radically introducing a female captain and the return of the Borg in Voyager, but Berman and DS9 had already done enough damage.
You could tell that DS9 had done badly as it wasn’t until the last 2 seasons they tried to move it away from being stuck in that glum station when the Defiant was introduced, and the founders plotline was added through desperation…but by then it was a little too late.
So DS9 adds up too being the biggest cock-up in Star Trek history, no actually the biggest cock-up in Sci-fi history, so thanks Berman for wrecking Star Trek.
ADM5th January 2003 at 10:09 pm #44122Rag
Originally posted by ADM:
So DS9 adds up too being the biggest cock-up in Star Trek history, no actually the biggest cock-up in Sci-fi history…
Sorry mate, but I think Andromeda and when Battlestar Gallactica reached Earth rate way above DS9 in Sci-Fi embarrasments, along with [i]many[/i] others. Granted, it was a bland, boring attempt at trying to steal B5’s crown. But I don’t think it rated quite as bad as that.I was concerned they were ‘pushing the boudaries’ with a black and a female captain in DS9 and Voyager.
Star Trek is the essence of formulaic Sci-Fi. It always has been. They found a formula that worked and have been, broadly, sticking to it since then. And the reason it has worked so well it there is a hardcore fan base that love what they have been doing.
I think the movie going public is in general a different kind of animal. They have seen Star Trek movies already and, as it’s already been mentioned here, they weren’t all great. There are so many other films coming out that are different and groundbreaking. People aren’t going to see everything, and they already have an idea of what to expect with Star Trek movies. If you had a choice of 2 movies, one you thought would be a bit naff, one that looks pretty good, which would you choose?
The Star Trek producers need to come up with something inovative and new. They have been trotting out the films of the series for so long now, it’s getting boring. And the films are good enough to carry it.
Maybe a saga of films, lifting elements from all the series, but not centering upon those characters. But on a bigger scale than they tend to think at the moment. I think they have done so many episodes that they are trapped into one way of story telling. It’s all too… I don’t know… encapsulated.
Or may be just lay off for a bit. Go more underground. Head back towards regaining it cult status a bit more. Regain credibility. That wouldn’t make the shareholders happy.
6th January 2003 at 1:09 am #44123ADM
ParticipantSo DS9 adds up too being the biggest cock-up in Star Trek history, no actually the biggest cock-up in Sci-fi history, so thanks Berman for wrecking Star Trek.
Rag, what I actually meant was that the franchise might not have suffered if it wasn’t for DS9, I see it as being a cock-up in financial terms and the loss of some it’s fanbase. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that thing’s have gone downhill since DS9.
But in terms of being the worst sci-fi programme then I’d agree with you, progs like Andromeda hold that distinction.
ADM6th January 2003 at 7:02 pm #44124Rag
ParticipantThat’s a fair cop Guv. Guilty as charged.
7th January 2003 at 4:44 am #44125Anonymous
GuestHi Guys. I know I hav’nt been here in ages, I actually cant remember when I was last here. I meant stop by earlier but I’ve had loads of school work. Anyway I didnt think my return was big enough to make a new topic over so I thought I would just say hi here and then get on with the reply. (The Hi bit went on longer than intended).
I can’t see why they will stop making Star Trek films, remember most films that are made don’t make a profit. Star Trek films tend to bring in a reliable, if slighly lower, profit, and why would they sabotage their own profits by releasing it at a time they didnt think would make money?
I really hope they do make a film about a different group of characters, DS9 is kinda finnished with what happened at the end of season 7, although it could be interesting to see them try and tell us what happens in a film… maybe. Voyager doesnt look set to become a film what with Janeway becoming an Admiral. So I think Enterprise is the best candidate for the next film, that could have lots of different plots to it eg. The Temporal Cold War, Klingons (might explain the thing with the head ridges?). Anyway I’ve been typing for far to long no-one will read this far down [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img].
Nice to be back.
7th January 2003 at 1:11 pm #44126ADM
Originally posted by Jabba The Hunt:
Hi Guys. I know I hav’nt been here in ages, I actually cant remember when I was last here. I meant stop by earlier but I’ve had loads of school work. Anyway I didnt think my return was big enough to make a new topic over so I thought I would just say hi here and then get on with the reply. (The Hi bit went on longer than intended).I can’t see why they will stop making Star Trek films, remember most films that are made don’t make a profit. Star Trek films tend to bring in a reliable, if slighly lower, profit, and why would they sabotage their own profits by releasing it at a time they didnt think would make money?
I really hope they do make a film about a different group of characters, DS9 is kinda finnished with what happened at the end of season 7, although it could be interesting to see them try and tell us what happens in a film… maybe. Voyager doesnt look set to become a film what with Janeway becoming an Admiral. So I think Enterprise is the best candidate for the next film, that could have lots of different plots to it eg. The Temporal Cold War, Klingons (might explain the thing with the head ridges?). Anyway I’ve been typing for far to long no-one will read this far down [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img].
Nice to be back.
If it was to be Enterprise then we’d be waiting quite a long time for it, as it’s unlikely they would do one while the series was still going, and that Enterprise has still yet too establish itself.
It might be a good thing in a way as I get the impression that Star Trek’s interest has dipped somewhat, so maybe the fans will be crying out for one in six years time.
ADM7th January 2003 at 9:28 pm #44127Anonymous
GuestThats a good point, nice long brake between the Star Trek films could build some interest.
8th January 2003 at 7:01 am #44128Anonymous
Guestquote[quote] DS9 would fail miserably, Paramount would never entertain this idea because they know it would be doomed too failure, [/quote]
No it wouldnt, it would be refreshing to see a big screen serial. Just look at the box office recipts, the current Trek franchise it failing BIG TIME!! They are LOSING money.
quote[quote] And First Contact boring???, [/quote]
Yes, Best of Both Worlds, as TV episode, and even the series finale, was MUCH better than First Contact. First Contact just happened to smell less like a steaming pile of sh*t. At the end of the day, its still a pile of sh*t.
quote[quote] First Contact did well at the box office, and to date it’s the only movie that hasn’t been a rehash of old ideas [/quote]
Hello? Didnt they bring the borg back in that movie? Wasnt that an old idea? The latest film has a new and original storyline, it just sucked. It could have been soo much better.
quote[quote] it gave the fans what they wanted, a good action packed movie and the Borg, [/quote]
Then give the fans what they want, in a DS9 film, because alot of people thought DS9 was better than TNG.
[url=][/url]Read for yourself. Majority of folks loved it for the indept storyline, true you had to watch a few seasons to get it, but it still made for a great show.
quote[quote] if DS9 was so damn successful home come we don’t see their cast in anything anymore?? [/quote]
Avery Brooks: 15 Minutes w/ Robert De Niro [url=,%20Avery],%20Avery[/url]
Curious, has any of the TNG folks starred in a movie with De Niro? Nope? Thought so.
Rene Auberjonois: Mostly voice talent since he is ugly as sin. [url=,%20Rene],%20Rene[/url]
Terry Farrell: TV Series Becker [url=,%20Terry],%20Terry[/url]
Armin Shimerman: Did a few seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. [url=,%20Armin],%20Armin[/url]
Nana Visitor: Dark Angel [url=,%20Nana],%20Nana[/url]
I think Berman didnt have any direct intervention in DS9 until after TNG ended, and thats when it started to get really good.
Let me guess, you prefer Farscape over LEXX?8th January 2003 at 8:02 am #44129ADM
ParticipantDS9 would fail miserably, Paramount would never entertain this idea because they know it would be doomed too failure,
——————————————————————————–No it wouldnt, it would be refreshing to see a big screen serial. Just look at the box office recipts, the current Trek franchise it failing BIG TIME!! They are LOSING money.
**Yes it would fail, DS9 is old hat, if anyone at Paramount thought it would be useful as a movie vehicle why is it that none of the cast even been introduced into a Star Trek movie?
DS9 would not save Star Trek, they need fresh ideas, dragging DS9 out woould not be a fresh idea, it might make a good t.v movie but nothing more and the film would only be of interest too DS9 fans and that would not be worthwhile venture.
The whole idea behind the latest films was too get non-star trek fans interested, they tried for a broader appeal and failed, DS9 certainly would not capatilise on this situation, if anything it would make it worse.quote:
And First Contact boring???,
——————————————————————————–Yes, Best of Both Worlds, as TV episode, and even the series finale, was MUCH better than First Contact. First Contact just happened to smell less like a steaming pile of sh*t. At the end of the day, its still a pile of sh*t.
**Best of both worlds I & II are unbeatable
episodes, the introduction of the borg paved the way for TNG too become successful and they will always be better in that respect.
But too date First COntact is the highest grossing TNG film taking $92 million at the box office, so your opinion counts for little when faced with this fact.quote:
First Contact did well at the box office, and to date it’s the only movie that hasn’t been a rehash of old ideas
——————————————————————————–Hello? Didnt they bring the borg back in that movie? Wasnt that an old idea? The latest film has a new and original storyline, it just sucked. It could have been soo much better.
**When I said a rehash of an old idea I was referring to using a similar storyline to that of the series, which First Contact did not do, the fans were crying out for a Borg movie and they delivered, hence the highest gross, and oddly enough I haven’t seen any mention of anyone displaying the same interest for a movie involving either the Jem’Hadar or the founders.
From what I’ve read about this movie it seems to be a multiple crossover of a few TNG eps, including those that involved Data and Lore (Data and B-9) and also has tinges of Unification, but I can’t say for definite just how much they touch upon the series, but given that Insurrection was a blantant rip from a TNG episode, it wouldn’t surprise me too find the same was true of Nemesis.
it gave the fans what they wanted, a good action packed movie and the Borg,
——————————————————————————–Then give the fans what they want, in a DS9 film, because alot of people thought DS9 was better than TNG. [url=][/url]
I have noticed that alot of DS9 fans are also B5 fans, so it kinda cheats the polls as I wouldn’t consider them to be the true Star Trek fans, and that reflects in the way Paramount has had no interest in resurrecting DS9 in any shape or form, they know that the interest is not as entirely as it seems.
Read for yourself. Majority of folks loved it for the indept storyline, true you had to watch a few seasons to get it, but it still made for a great show.
**I won’t argue that the last seasons pulled it around somewhat, but it still does not warrant a movie, like I said it’s doubtful that a movie based on DS9 would be of interest too casual film-goers or those ST fans that do not regard DS9 as a good series, they would lose more money on this venture.
if DS9 was so damn successful home come we don’t see their cast in anything anymore??
——————————————————————————–Avery Brooks: 15 Minutes w/ Robert De Niro [url=,%20Avery],%20Avery[/url]
I’ve seen 15 minutes and Avery Brooks didn’t have a major starring role in it.
Curious, has any of the TNG folks starred in a movie with De Niro? Nope? Thought so.
**Try Patrick Stewart, I think it’s safe too say he has starred alongside some of the biggest names in Hollywood in his career, and without a doubt is a more accomplished actor than Avery Brooks.
It’s an odd comment to make, so what if Mr Brooks starred alongside De Niro, so have many other actors/actresses, doesn’t make him any different from anyone else.
And I’m sure with enough investigation I could a long list of famous people that the cast of TNG have starred alongside in bit part roles like Mr Brooks did with De Niro.Rene Auberjonois: Mostly voice talent since he is ugly as sin. [url=,%20Rene],%20Rene[/url]
**I’ve seen Rene Auberjonois in a lot of things and he was well known before DS9.
Terry Farrell: TV Series Becker [url=,%20Terry],%20Terry[/url]
**I wouldn’t know about Becker, I’ve never seen it, so I can’t comment.
Armin Shimerman: Did a few seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. [url=,%20Armin],%20Armin[/url]
**Bit part role, has never been in a long term series like DS9 since.
Nana Visitor: Dark Angel [url=,%20Nana],%20Nana[/url]
**Same as Armin Shimmerman, no long term features in any t.v series, in fact none of them have had what I would regard as starring roles in a series, they have all been bit parts.
The same could be said for many of the TNG crew to be fair, but they have been more successful, Jonathan Frakes for Roswell, Levar Burton and Denise Crosby in many directorial Trek episodes and Marina Sirtis has had a few major roles in films, but most of all Patrick Stewart for films like X-Men, Conspiracy Theory, Dad Savage, Dune and Excalibur.I think Berman didnt have any direct intervention in DS9 until after TNG ended, and thats when it started to get really good.
**Berman has had the reins for Star Trek since Roddenberry’s passing in 91, he actually created DS9 and wrote the first episode
‘Emissary’, TNG finished a year after DS9, and as this was his first project since Roddenberry’s TNG, it’s doubtful he had no intervention during it’s first season.PS
Let me guess, you prefer Farscape over LEXX?Nope, completely wrong, I can’t stand Farscape and prefer Lexx anyday of the week.
ADM9th January 2003 at 9:21 am #44130Anonymous
GuestLet me re-state this again ok.
Star Trek: TNG Film Franchise is LOSING money. Why? Cause all the movies SUCK! Why keep letting Paramount make more sh*tty movies when there is clearly an alternative.
You want another TNG movie, you’ll probably get it, but its just gonna be another flying ham in space. And when you weep for an equally crap Voyager film (because your all spoon fed drones), they will probably just kill the idea of more Trek movies alltogether.
So sad, so long, goodbye.
9th January 2003 at 1:19 pm #44131ADM
Originally posted by Evil_Lister:
Let me re-state this again ok.Star Trek: TNG Film Franchise is LOSING money. Why? Cause all the movies SUCK! Why keep letting Paramount make more sh*tty movies when there is clearly an alternative.
There was never any argument over whether they sucked or not (aside from First Contact), but the alternative is even ****t*ier, so forget your DS9 movie…it’s never going too happen…thankfully.
And the franchise is losing money because the public are obviously bored of it as a whole, and targeting a section of the Star Trek fandom is not going too change that and will result in even more financial loss.You want another TNG movie, you’ll probably get it, but its just gonna be another flying ham in space. And when you weep for an equally crap Voyager film (because your all spoon fed drones), they will probably just kill the idea of more Trek movies alltogether.
No, I don’t really want another TNG movie if they can’t produce better than they have, and I won’t be weeping for a Voyager movie, because that won’t happen. They won’t kill the movies off altogether, but give it a very long time too see if interest in the franchise picks up.
So sad, so long, goodbye.
Only sad from your point of view, might be a good thing for it’s long term prospects.
ADM10th January 2003 at 1:50 am #44132Anonymous
GuestWhys everyone complaining about Star Trek, if you think the movies suck then don’t go and see them.
Why would paramount make Star Trek Movies if they didnt make money, remember its not only the movie that makes ticket sales but all the merchandise that gets bought while the film is out, then there are DVD sales and possibly a few VHS sales [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]. If Star Trek was losing paramount money then they would cancel it simple as that.
7th February 2003 at 8:14 pm #64903Anonymous
Guest[quote]Whys everyone complaining about Star Trek, if you think the movies suck then don’t go and see them. [/quote]
I wont, this last one I didnt pay a dime to see, free pass from when they projector screwed up a SW:EP2 showing. I will ignore future ST:TNG movies, because they arnt impresing *this* Trek Fan, and yes I am a fan of the shows.
[quote] Why would paramount make Star Trek Movies if they didnt make money, remember its not only the movie that makes ticket sales but all the merchandise that gets bought while the film is out, then there are DVD sales and possibly a few VHS sales . If Star Trek was losing paramount money then they would cancel it simple as that. [/quote]
A single picture grossing money doesnt matter, its how much money several movies for a specific hollywood company can generate. So a movie can cost 100 mill to make, just as long as it takes in 20-30 mill the first week, everythings cool. Not many movies actually break even and profit, so thats where the video rental/sales come in.
I dont know about you, but im not buying any of the TNG DVDs, I go from Used DVD store to store, and the only ones available for sale are the TNG ones. You rarely see Search for Spock or even Final Frontier for sale used. Its all TNG DVDs, no one wants to buy them (or are quick to sell them) because the franchise sucks.
They may do another TNG movie in the near future, and its going to bomb again, because everyone has been burned by the previous ones.
The franchise *IS* steadily losing money, there is no doubt about it.
Total US Gross $42,816,189
Production Budget $60,000,000The budget does not include the marketing/advertising spent to promote this POS.
[/quote]7th February 2003 at 8:14 pm #64904Anonymous
GuestI wont, this last one I didnt pay a dime to see, free pass from when they projector screwed up a SW:EP2 showing. I will ignore future ST:TNG movies, because they arnt impresing *this* Trek Fan, and yes I am a fan of the shows.
A single picture grossing money doesnt matter, its how much money several movies for a specific hollywood company can generate. So a movie can cost 100 mill to make, just as long as it takes in 20-30 mill the first week, everythings cool. Not many movies actually break even and profit, so thats where the video rental/sales come in.
I dont know about you, but im not buying any of the TNG DVDs, I go from Used DVD store to store, and the only ones available for sale are the TNG ones. You rarely see Search for Spock or even Final Frontier for sale used. Its all TNG DVDs, no one wants to buy them (or are quick to sell them) because the franchise sucks.
They may do another TNG movie in the near future, and its going to bomb again, because everyone has been burned by the previous ones.
The franchise *IS* steadily losing money, there is no doubt about it.
Total US Gross $42,816,189
Production Budget $60,000,000The budget does not include the marketing/advertising spent to promote this POS.
8th February 2003 at 9:54 pm #64921Anonymous
Guesti take it the boards being screwy 🙄
even a stupid person like me wouldnt post that many times on perpose 😆
30th June 2008 at 12:15 am #77797 -
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