Dragon Con Links
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- This topic has 15 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 7 months ago by
4th July 2003 at 4:02 am #39299
ParticipantGeneral information Lexx goes to Dragon Con http://www.thefrey.com/UsCon.htm
Dragon Con tickets are going fast – go here for info on how to order yours, before they exceed their attendance limits. http://www.dragoncon.com/member/index.html
Information on Hotels are here. http://www.dragoncon.com/atlanta/hotels.html
Sign up for the party links – Friday and Sunday are fan parties at the bars, No Stars (unless they want to drop in of course) Saturday is the ‘Lexx Party’ (more like a forum or get together.) will have several cast members present. http://www.imtoolexxy.com/dcparty/dcparty.htm if you have problems, you can email webmaster@briandowney.biz
If you want to volunteer to man the Lexx Fan Club Booth http://www.imtoolexxy.com/dcparty/volunteer.htm if you have problems, you can email webmaster@briandowney.biz
If you want to see the t-shirts being considered in the Lexx T-Shirt contest go here http://www.thefrey.com/LexxTshirtContest.htm
If you want to vote for your favorite t-shirt go here. http://makeashorterlink.com/?S33262325 You must sign in to Sadgeezer’s before you can access this poll.
Lexx forums at Dragon Con, will not be announced until the end of the month. the Track co-coordinator for the American Sci-fi track is Aaron Dunne, he was given a list of about ten or so track ideas that people came up with last winter, and he liked several. You may want to contact him to suggest what you want to see, or encourage him to do many Lexx tracks. aarondunne@hotmail.com
If you can think of any link I left off, please let me know. If you want to help the cause please check out the Raffle Ticket site.
4th July 2003 at 7:40 pm #67116mandara k
ParticipantNot be rude or anything because we have guests and all and LEXXians are helping to foot this bill to some degree with the raffle and all…. but I think it should be clear that these “parties may not be like I would consider a “party”.
Personally, I’m not really going for the “star struck effect” been there, did that, sold the rights, made a fortune and lost it all…. I’m going to see others like Frey and Trini and the assorted ragtag crew we had last year…..and meet others that I have talked to here on Sad’s…. like Elmey or Aleck and James a whole slew of other peeps.
Can’t go wrong hanging with the homies; they usually don’t have to worry about stuff like security… unless it’s HDS in costume as Kai…. and what shall we do with the robot head this year….. may be we should get him a copy of Playgirl to peruse….. last year it was coffee and a drink with a straw…..Again, traveling to a different drum….. I want to have a good time with others that are a little like me…. That’s it…. I hope to see you there! 😆
5th July 2003 at 12:23 am #67117ilyekkakai
Participant😀 Well said mandara k , I look forward to my first ever convention, meeting those who love Lexx as much as I , seeing cast of show I really like , and overall, enjoying the whole expierience….. 😀
14th July 2003 at 3:19 pm #67324lizard
ParticipantWell! Thanks for all the info! I am planning to drive over. I got tickets for me and the spouse and signed up for the parties. It will be fun to meet all the folks and of course I am prepared to be starstruck– never having attended anything. Sounds like a fun weekend.
14th July 2003 at 4:54 pm #67328Anonymous
GuestHey Lizard! Welcome aboard.
Saw your post at Lex.com…a Valdron fan, eh? Me too! And Frey!
She’s trying to get him on a forum, but if it doesn’t work out that way we’ll think of something! He’s ready, willing, and eager to talk LEXX!!! He also has a film entered in the Independent Short Film Festival!I also noted that it is because of M.M. that you decided to go.
I am really tempted to run a poll a little closer to the con to see how many other people decided to come specifically because Michael McManus decided to appear. I just don’t get what it is about that guy…I am extremely curious to see these “dynamics” in action.
I will say his timing is impeccable! 😉 He couldn’t have selected a more prestigious event to attend in the U.S.—very high profile for a guy that has disappeared off the face of the Earth for a couple of years. I find it…interesting. I’m certain he’ll find it worth it. They all will! 😉14th July 2003 at 7:21 pm #67331theFrey
ParticipantCoolness. Let me know when you are arriving and where you are staying. Then I can add you to the list. 😀
Is this going to be fun or what?
Oh…. yes…. Raffle Tickets… 53 left. Get yours soon!
http://www.thefrey.com/raffle.htm14th July 2003 at 7:47 pm #67332Anonymous
GuestIt sounds like it’s gonna be fantastic!
I so soooooooooo want to go 🙁
I used to get to the conventions a LOT (see writups in the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Sections&file=index&req=viewarticle&artid=23&page=1]convention pages[/url], hell, I even organised a couple 🙂 ) in the old days, and lemme tell you guys that haven’t been before, [b][color=orange]they are a total, total blast![/color][/b]
If you still have a chance to get a tiocket and be there you REALLY should.
Mandara hit the nail on thehead when mentioning that lots of LEXXians go simply to meet the other LEXXians that they have come to know and love on the boards. I was at the 1999 LEXXcon and was interviewed by the local paper (having a nickname like SadGeezer has it’s drawbacks) and I remember mentioning to the reporter that seeing the cast was cool, but I had really travelled to Nova Scotia to be with the other LEXXians that I’d met online. Afterwards I thought that it sounded a bit smug, but it was most certainly true and it was definately worth forking out the hard-earned cash to get there.
[b][i]I really am envious of you guys. I hope you have a wonderful time![/i][/b]
Remember though, those of us poor buggers that can’t make it will [b]REALLY[/b] be looking forward to the convention write-ups ok….
15th July 2003 at 6:59 am #67338ilyekkakai
Participant[color=red] 😀 I will bring a journal to Atlanta and record my time at DC….I will post my expierience as a first ever con goer and what I thought as I meet the cast for first time and the lexxians too 😯 Gee, a lot of firsts to write about …but I look forward to expressing how the expierience was for me 😉 [/color]
15th July 2003 at 1:02 pm #67343lizard
I also noted that it is because of M.M. that you decided to go.
I am really tempted to run a poll a little closer to the con to see how many other people decided to come specifically because Michael McManus decided to appear. [/quote]Well, to be honest now that I am going I am very excited to see the whole cast, and see folks from online. Also, when I brought the idea up with my husband I said: Do you want to go to atlanta for the weekend and meet the Lexx cast? All those cute women will be there”, and even though “Kai” is his favorite character, I doubt that he would be interested in going if these beautiful actresses were not going to be there too! We might only stay one night, so I hope we don’t miss seeing McManus, since it is a 4 day event, but really it sounds like a lot of fun. So I guess McManus acted as a sort of “catalyst” to get me to go, but now that I am going the whole package sounds like fun.
15th July 2003 at 5:54 pm #67346mandara k
ParticipantExcellent! I do hope peeps crawl out of the wood work to be there!
Lizard , just one day? I think not….. once ya hang with some peeps and get a feel for the place….. you’ll want to stay.
Jostling around in a large crowd can be nerve-wracking yes but there’s also an energy that is almost tangible that can be found only in crowds that large.
So there still is a chance to get Valdron his own forum? Hmmm 💡 let me work on that one a bit…..
15th July 2003 at 5:59 pm #67347mandara k
ParticipantTrini; I’m with you on that…… I suggest we catch him in a big butterfly net and put him a in a glass jar to study him…..
Me too; i want to see what all the hub-bub is…… from a safe distance mind you; preferably with a cancer stick and a cool tropical beverage dripping in my hand
16th July 2003 at 6:41 pm #67362Jhevz
ParticipantHi Fellow Lexxians,
Since, I’ll be making both my flight & hotel (either Super 8, Days Inn, Downtown or Marriott Fairfield Inn) next week, I’ll definitely be there the night before & probably leave Labour Day evening; I’ll let you know those things next week.
I can’t wait to see you nice people & meet new ones. ilyekkakai, I’ll show you around the 2 hotels if you like & we can get our badges together Friday morning of the convention. 🙂 This yr, I’ll be entering the Masquerade as Stephalee, wearing a blouse that my Grandmamma Vaughn wore, red pair of pants, red little Leggs slippers, & an orange hat, with 4.5 on it; I’ll be doing a routine to show it off.
I can’t wait till next month when all the fun happens; take care, have a great Summer & see you all next month.Lexxians Unite,
Jhevz 😉18th July 2003 at 3:16 pm #67379Anonymous
GuestHello Everyone,
I’m definitely looking forward to Dragon Con. Even though I’ve met most of the cast at Uncon 2001 it will be great to see them again. I’m also looking forward to hooking back up with some of wonderful folks I met in Halifax and get a chance to put a face to some of the names I’ve seen in IRC chat.
18th July 2003 at 6:42 pm #67382Jhevz
ParticipantWelcome to the Lexx Convention Board, mike-l,
I hope you read lots of posts & stay awhile; you’ll meet a lot of nice people here; I can’t wait to meet lots of new people next month. You’ll definitely have fun while you’re there & if you want me too, I’ll show you around both hotels.
If you really like Lexx, you might want to visit: [url]http://www.lexx.com[/url] & click on BIllBored; you’ll also find a lot of people interested in the show as well.
Welcome again to the Lexx Convention Board, take care & I’ll see you next month.Lexxians, especially Love Slaves, Unite,
Jhevz 😉21st July 2003 at 5:43 am #67402Anonymous
GuestWhile I am looking forward to seeing the folks I met when in Orlando and seeing my friends in the cast, I am nervous about the glut of people going to Atlanta. I am hoping many of them will be going to the gaming end of Dragon Con. As far as the deciding factor to chose Dragon Con, there are several other actors from other shows I am looking forward to seeing.
12th August 2003 at 7:49 pm #67659Lexxathon
ParticipantGreetings from (almost) sunny Florida…
All the party pages from Patty’s and Brian’s sites have been moved over to the LexxUSA convention site.
17 days and counting!!!
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